"Grandpa, what kind of demon art is this, it is actually able to control the corpse."

"Baiyue's corpse control curse."

"Are they Baiyue people?"

"It's hard to say, it is said that Yan Long, who discovered the Immortal Dan Fang, is a Baiyue person, and the Danfang was also found in Baiyue."

"What a terrifying strength."

"She is not skilled in using it, these corpses will only resist with their bodies, I have seen a corpse control spell used to the extreme, which can allow these corpses to fight with weapons."


Gao Ke was stunned.

Let the corpse fight with a weapon.

If it were on the battlefield, wouldn't it be invincible.

"You look at those corpses, after they are out of range, they lose control."

"This distance is about five zhang, which is already very amazing."

Gao Ke originally wanted to go down and help.

As a result, people....

"No, Grandpa, isn't she a Taoist and the same dust as light? How can there be a hundred witchcraft?

"Grandpa just looked away, this is not the same dust as light, this is the witchcraft of Baiyue."

"Uh..." Half

an hour later, Duanmu Rong's internal strength was exhausted.

Fusu made her sit on the ground to recover.

"They are the end of the crossbow, everyone goes together."

Watch the crowd rushing madly.

Fusu asked, "Yanyan, do you want to become a woman?"


kill them all!"


Xin Yanyan's legs shook.

Standing with two murderous unblinking demons, she was already numb.

But suddenly let her kill....

"I can't beat them."

"It's okay, you just have to go up, everything has me!"

"Oh, brother, you have to protect me."

Xin Yanyan dropped a sentence, and then rushed directly with his sword.

In her opinion, her brother must be tired and wants to rest.

"Give me all to die!"

When she was about to contact those people, Xin Yanyan found that the scenery around her suddenly became dim.

The people seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move.

And she is free to move.

What kind of spell is this?

Not only did Xin Yanyan not understand, but Gao Ke was the same.

She felt a breeze blowing, and the surrounding scenery suddenly lost its luster.

My body, my mind, and my thoughts have slowed down a lot.

"The heaven and earth of the Taoist Heavenly Sect have lost their color."

Ma Liang looked shocked.

The range turned out to be about a mile.

He found that his actions were also affected.

What a terrible internal force.

This man is definitely not a general.

It definitely has a name for itself in the rivers and lakes.

Could it be the Taoist red pine nut? But he's not the right age.

"There are many Taoist talents, and the second son will definitely be extraordinary in the future."

Xin Yanyan was stunned for a while, and then understood.

It turned out that my brother was launching a more powerful move.

"Look at my gossip sword technique!"

Xin Yanyan was in the crowd, flashing left and right, performing a flower fist embroidered leg.

A group of opponents who will not resist, she can fight as she wants.

The thugs watching from afar did not dare to get any closer.

This skill is too perverted, if they are fixed inside, I am afraid that a mosquito can bite themselves to death.

Ma Liang praised: "Dare to take the white fish jade pei everywhere, really not an ordinary person." "

Gu Buyan, who was worried about Xin Yanyan's safety, and Gu Lan and Xin Qujie, when they rushed here.

When I saw the corpse on the ground, I was immediately horrified.

This is simply a devil.

However, when he saw their little baby again, Gu Lanqi rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

Xin Yanyan's whole person was dyed red.

But she still had no intention of stopping.

The joy of killing made her lose her mind.

Fell into madness.

"What a terrible internal force."

For a quarter of an hour, the effect of the discoloration of heaven and earth has not yet dissipated.

"Come back, geese."

Fusu's voice sounded in Xin Yanyan's ears.

Xin Yanyan's body shook and immediately regained his senses.

Looking at the blood stains on her body, she rolled her eyes and passed out directly.

At this moment, above the treetops in the distance, seven slender figures suddenly appeared.

The salamander came here with the Six Sword Slaves.

The appearance of Luo Net made those people who were about to move stop.

They don't dare to go against Luo Net directly.

That is the murder weapon of the empire, once they start, the name of the anti-thief will definitely be indispensable.

In the face of the liquidation of the imperial army, their ten lives are not enough.

"Death to the trespassers!"

Tian Yan shouted angrily.

Frightened, the people around them suddenly froze in place.

The seven rushed to Fusu's side and looked around warily.

Fu Su was speechless for a while, and said in a heavenly voice: "Who let you out." "

They came to their own killing plan, but they were ruined.

Tian Yan said with concern: "Your internal strength has bottomed out. Just

now she was in the distance, observing with her words.

It was found that Fusu's internal force was intermittent, obviously the internal force was bottoming out, and the recovery could not keep up with the speed of consumption.

If they don't come again, damage may follow.

"A few of you immediately attacked me, we are not all the way now."

Tian Yan was embarrassed.

However, they did not dare to disobey Fusu's order.

Seven swords attacked Fusu at the same time.

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