"Set them on fire!"

"What if Yupei is destroyed?"

"First go to the incense, and give me this building as a fairyland."

The incense on the first floor is thrown like incense burned in a temple.

However, these things are of no use to Fusu at all.

"Husband, when can we leave here, we are still comfortable in the Medical Immortal Pavilion, no one disturbs."

"The big fish hasn't taken the bait yet."

These people are cannon fodder.

If you want to catch the big fish behind them, you have to wait.

Tian Yan had already gone to investigate the origin of these people.

I believe it won't be long before it becomes clear.

"Master, Baiyu Yupei, suddenly appeared in Lujiang County."

"How can Baiyu Yupei be in Lujiang County, Duanmu Rong is still here."

Xu Rang was surprised.

He sent people to stare at Duanmu Rong every day, just to see if the white fish jade pei would be handed over to Fusu.

"Master, what should we do? Do you want to send someone to scramble? Now Lujiang County is going crazy, and nearly three thousand people have been assembled for a white fish Yupei. "

Who is Yupei?"

"The other party claims to be black and white impermanence."

"Where did the people come out? Luo Net did not have these two people. "

If only black and white Xuanxuan was about the same.

But according to their understanding, the black and white Xuanxuan, one of the eight swords of the Yue King, is now in the hands of the Moyu Qilin.

"Investigate their names for me."

Xu Rang also decided to rush to Lujiang County in person.

Two people suddenly appeared.

It makes him uneasy.

According to his plan, this thing should be sent to Fusu.

Then Fusu took the box of the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges and sent it to the Ghost Valley.

But things turned out beyond his expectations.

Fusu's army stopped at Shanggu County.

And the south suddenly has more black and white impermanence.

After a few days of cultivation, Flame Lingji finally absorbed all the murderous aura provided by Fusu.

In the previous battle with Donghuang Taiyi, the injuries he suffered were not only completely healed, but his strength was also greatly improved.

Anti-scale did not deceive himself, becoming a sword spirit can really improve his strength.

Even if he faced either Wei Zhuang or Gai Nie now, she was confident that she would be slightly better.

But as soon as she came out of the sword, she was greeted by smoke.


Flame Lingji coughed a few times, and then felt a whirlwind...

Mi Xiang....

The last thought flashed, and Flame Lingji passed out directly to the ground.

"Husband, was there someone just now?"

Fu Su smiled and said, "It should be Flame Lingji." "

The whole room has been sealed by his internal force.

Outsiders can't get in at all.

Fu Su walked to Yan Lingji's side and saw that she was unconscious, so he picked her up and put her next to Duanmu Rong.

"Husband, shouldn't this become a sword spirit without fear of these things?"

"There is no fear without a physical body, and she still has a physical body."

"This half-human, half-spirit, what's special, I want to take this opportunity to study and study well."

Duanmu Rong touched Flame Lingji's smooth and pretty face.

Then there was a break in the mouth and looked at it.

"It's no different from people, huh? Is the internal structure the same as that of people?

"What for? Do you want to dissect?

"My medical skills are not up to it."

The next morning.

Fusu who was holding Duanmu Rong and Flame Lingji fake sleep.

Suddenly, I felt the flame spirit Ji in his arms move.

"Are you awake?"

"You smelly rascal, I'm going to burn you, what about my clothes?"

She clearly remembered that she fell to the ground.

How did it come to bed.

The hateful Fusu actually took advantage of the danger.

Although she has a little interest in Fusu.

But you can't come secretly.

Fu Su smiled and said, "You burned out last night."

"No way, my clothes are idiosyncratic, the flames can't burn at all."

"I sacrificed something to be able to bring you to your senses quickly."

"I am your sword spirit!!!"

Flame Lingji glared at Fusu with an angry expression.

"The sword spirit can not be wanted."

Flame Ling Ji rolled her eyes angrily.

"Did you think about this day when I became a sword spirit."

"No, you can hide in the sword body for the rest of your life."

"No, can you suppress the fire in my body?"

Flame Lingji suddenly realized a problem.

What kind of things can she do with Fusu?

"What do you think? I just put my arms around you and slept for a while, and I didn't do anything. "

Without Flame Lingji's permission, he won't mess around.

What's more, this is still a fire spirit.

"My clothes..."

"Why am I not afraid of this smoke now."

"I gave you something poisonous."

Flame Lingji glared at Fusu with a look of horror.

"What did you give me to drink?"

She tasted it in her mouth, and now there is a salty taste.


"Where is the blood? I look at the wound.


Fusu raised his hand, changed it in front of her, and then placed it on her.

"If you don't want to be burned to ashes, you'd better not mess around."

As soon as Fu Su stretched out his right hand, the Vulcan Sword came to his hand.

"When you have enough to eat and drink, you need to exercise."

Fusu patted Flame Lingji's buttocks with his left hand.

The sword body was directly split into countless pieces.

Then rushed outside the house.

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