"What are you doing here?"

"Our Ghost Valley has defected to the empire, and someone threatens the people I want to protect, of course, I have to come out and take a look."

"Wolf ambition guy."

Donghuangtai looked at Xu Rang with a shameful smile.

Xu Rang smiled and said, "You are not bad, you actually used poison pills for Your Majesty." "

You're lucky today."

When Donghuang Taichi was about to leave.

Fusu rushed out of the room.

"Lucky? But I think you're doomed today.

"You ruined our Yin-Yang family, and I haven't asked you to settle the score."

Ma Liang, who was watching from afar, was shocked.

Xu Rang actually came.

This man is not much different from his father's skills.

At this time, he would come out to help the young man.

"Grandpa, what are they saying, why can't I hear them?"

"Don't use internal forces, be careful of being discovered by them, their voices are cut off by internal forces."

Gao Ke nodded.

Internal force isolates sound, and she can do it too.

It's just that these people seem to be very difficult to deal with.

Her grandfather was a little nervous.

"Grandpa, do you know them?"

"That old man's name is Xu Rang, and he is your grandfather's senior brother."

"Is he Xu Rang?"

Gao Ke was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Xu Rang was still alive.

So is her grandfather also alive?

"Just watch carefully, wait for them to fight, maybe you can learn a lot."


Fusu looked at the middle-aged man and looked up and down.

This is the previous Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who was ousted by the Yin-Yang family....

The strength is indeed much stronger than that of the little obedient.

"How about we calculate the old accounts together today?"

"Young man, don't speak too arrogantly, although you have a good talent, it is impossible to defeat me with just these two years of cultivation."

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Xu Rang on the side said: "Your Highness, let me come."

"No need!"

Fu Su took the Fire God Sword in Flame Lingji's hand, and then injected a trace of internal power.

The trembling body of the Vulcan Sword suddenly calmed down.

"I thought you wouldn't show up."

"Even if a million-strong army is surrounded and suppressed, there is no fear."

The magic seal in the hands of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi condensed again.

He is going to teach Fusu a lesson today.

"Hide like a rat every day, tens of thousands of troops are useless, if you appear next to me, I am enough alone."

Fusu gathered half of his internal power and injected it into the sword body.

"Blood weeping remnant yang!"

An extremely powerful sword qi directly rushed towards Donghuang Taiyi.

The magic array in Donghuangtai's hand blocked in front of him, and he wanted to hard take over Su's move.


There was a loud bang and a ripple.

The surrounding houses were instantly razed to the ground.

Those who watched the excitement and did not care about the big thing, were stunned by this powerful shock wave, more than a thousand people, and countless deaths and injuries.

None of the civilians within a mile of the surrounding area survived.

Fortunately, most of the residents, seeing these quacks gathered, have already taken refuge in other places.

Greeting Fusu, Donghuang Taiyi did not feel good.

The sleeve on his right arm had been shattered.

Several cracks also appeared on the arm.

The palm of his right hand kept shaking, and two fingers disappeared.

Donghuang Taiyi spat out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Fusu incredulously.

He didn't expect that Fusu's strength would be so strong.

He was only in his twenties.

You can already hurt yourself.

Today he was careless.

With all his strength, he will definitely not let Fusu please him.

"Today is just a lesson for you, next time I see you, it will definitely take your life."

Fusu received the Vulcan Sword behind him.

Donghuangtai snorted coldly and left.

Just when he was competing with the Donghuang for internal strength.

Xu Rang actually disappeared.

This is also the reason why Fusu let the Donghuang leave.

Whether Xu Rang is friend or foe is not clear.

He can't fight Donghuangtai to the death here.

It's easy to kill Donghuang Taiyi.

But after facing Xu Rang, there are two enemies hidden in the shadows, but it is difficult to say.

The power of Fusu's sword is enough to deter those who are ready to move.

Some people who are afraid of death have quietly left.

Although the secret treasure is important, you have to have a small life to take it.

Flame Lingji hurriedly held Fu Su's hand hidden behind him and whispered, "Are you injured? "


"How is that possible?"

Back in the house, Yan Lingji held Fusu's hand and looked at it for a while.

So strong internal force collision, if Fusu is not injured, it should leave the Donghuang Tai right.

He actually let the other party leave.

Flame Lingji looked at it for a while and found that his hand really had no wound.

However, Fusu's hand was so cold.

Flame Lingji took advantage of Fusu's lack of attention and pinched hard.

She found no reaction from Fusu.

"Your hand..."

Flame Lingji looked shocked.

This is a symptom of loss of consciousness.

Duanmu Rong hurriedly came to Fusu's side.

"Husband, what's wrong with your hands, why are they so cold?"

Fu Su shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's numb..."

Duanmu Rong entered a trace of internal force to check it, fortunately, the meridians were not seriously damaged.

"I'll give you acupuncture and rest for a while."

Before Duanmu Rong could prick the needle, Fusu's hand had already regained consciousness.

"It's okay."

"I have to get a needle if I'm okay, so I'm more at ease."

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