Allowing these people to surround themselves, Fusu was not nervous at all.

He took a closer look at the characteristics of these people.

Both men and women look five big and three thick, and they have a fight with Gongsun Linglong.

There is a turtle pattern on the forehead, which should be their totem.

What he couldn't understand was that the pattern on his forehead would even shine.

It seems that there is really something incredible living in this big ze.

"Who are you and why are you good at forbidden lands?"

"I said I was passing by, do you believe me?"

"Less nonsense, tie him up for me!"

Fusu's face sank.

Still dare to tie him?

It seems that the other party is not allowed to understand the strength gap.

They don't know how powerful they are.

The black qi on Fusu's body suddenly flourished, forming countless black dragons that surrounded his body.

A middle-aged strong man wearing black armor and the only one in black armor at the head said, "You are from the Qinglong Clan?

Fusu was surprised.

Could it be that there are still Suzaku clans and white tiger clans?


"We have always kept the water from the well and the river, so why did you come to us to make trouble?"

"I said passing by."

"The warriors of my clan who hurt you, you actually said they were passing by?"

"It seems that you know a lot."

Fusu smiled at him, kicked hard under his feet, and came to him.

"Quickly protect the young patriarch."

It's a pity that their speed is far worse than Fusu's.

Fusu grabbed the black-armored young man's shoulder and disappeared.

Leaving behind a confused Xuanwu people.

"Quick, go and report to the patriarch and the holy girl, the people of the Qinglong clan, and capture the young patriarch."

Fusu used the Dream Butterfly Escape to teleport ten miles away.

This is the limit of his teleportation.

"You, what kind of person are you, this means is not like the Blue Dragon Clan."

The black-armored middle-aged man looked at Fusu with a shocked expression.

"What's your name?"

Fusu sneered.

Earlier, his people had betrayed him.

They say that they are invincible around Osawa.

He knew that after leaving there, the defensive armor on their bodies would disappear.

This person now is just a little more powerful than those ordinary martial artists.

In front of him, there was simply no room for resistance.


"Just call me Fusu!"



Fusu was speechless for a while.

This man's brain is a bit of a bad one.

"You are not from the Green Dragon Clan, and the Green Dragon Clan will not use this name."

"I'm really not, I'm the prince of Daqin."

Zamu looked confused and asked, "What is Daqin?"

Fusu rolled his eyes.

Haven't they ever been out of their tribe?

It's so close to the Xianbei clan, I shouldn't have heard of it.

Fusu slapped Zamu unconscious.

He is now going to arrest Shan Yu of the Xianbei clan.

I don't want to ask too many secrets about the Xuanwu clan for the time being.

"Yu Ji, let Xiao Hei carry him, let's go to Qiaoshan."

It was already evening at the foot of Mount Qiao.

The fire in the great village of the Xianbei tribe is full of fire.

It seems that some sacrifice is being held.

"Nuo Min come in with me to take a look."

The figure of the two would not attract the attention of these ordinary people at all.

After a moment's effort, the two came to the vicinity of the big tent located in the middle of the village.

"You're outside to help me watch!"

Without waiting for Nuo Min to agree, Fusu disappeared.

The big tent was empty.

This made Fusu a little depressed.

After rummaging in the big tent for a long time, Fusu found a box under the bed.

Inside was a letter.

"Rice paper!"

Fusu opened the box and was shocked.

This is something that is difficult to buy in Daqin, and it will be found here.

Could it be that among the ministers of the DPRK, there are still people who secretly communicate with Donghu?

He took the letter and looked at it.

The above content surprised him even more.

This letter should have been delivered not long ago.

The letter said that Fusu had built a city outside the Great Wall and asked these Xianbei tribes to contact other Hu tribes and destroy the city.

Fu Su laughed shamefully, and wanted to destroy his own city?

Then send troops over, he just happened to solve all the troubles in the first battle.

Fusu put the letter away, then put in a blank piece of rice paper and put it under the bed.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the tent.

"Shan Yu, the sacrificial things are ready."

"Okay, Zu Gu, you immediately go and select the warriors among the fifty thousand races, and tomorrow morning, we will go to Liaoshui with the Wuhuan tribe and join the wolf heads of the other races."

"Shan Yu, we want to send 50,000 troops?"

"Zu Gu, you are still too young to understand the mystery of this, and the army of Daqin is not easy to repel, think about how Touman died, in this battle we not only want to destroy the town, but also capture the prince of Daqin, and we are bound to lose many soldiers and horses."

"At that time, we will take the opportunity to annex other races, and our Xianbei tribe will be the overlord of the grassland."

Zu Gu said in horror, "Shan Yu wants to rule the grassland?

"Back then, Touman beat us to nowhere to hide, now that he is dead, his son is also dead, and his people were almost wiped out by Meng Tian, how can we confront Daqin if we don't take the opportunity to dominate the grassland."

"It's really far-sighted."

"Go get ready, don't tell anyone about this."

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