Wang Ben was puzzled: "Your Highness, there are enough farmers here, what else do you want farmers to do?"

"I want to build a city west of the Daxianbei Mountain, so that this steppe will be all our Daqin city."

Wang Ben was shocked.

This amount of work is much larger than that of the Great Wall.

"Your Highness, although Donghu has been hit hard, it has not yet touched their foundation, isn't it a little too early."

"We will seize their territory while the other party is recuperating."

"Okay, I'll go back and gather a million farmers for you."

After Wang Ban left, Fusu asked Cao Shen to urge the farmers to build a new city.

As long as he builds a city and gains a foothold here, he will have a way to slowly devour this steppe.

Back in the tent, Fusu took the lead in getting Shang Shan Sihao's body.

"Rong'er, you try to read their memories and see if you can find useful information."

Fusu sat down next to her and sat up.

Today's harvest is too big, he has to digest it well.

Entering the Half-Saint Body, his strength growth is one aspect.

What's more, he can now go where he wants to go without resorting to tools.

When you enter the realm of saints, it is estimated that you can jump thousands of miles.

His range of perception has reached ten miles.

He could feel the wind and grass within ten miles.

"Save me!"

Just as Fusu was patrolling the surroundings with his senses, Flame Lingji's voice sounded in his ears.

Fusu frowned.

Hiding in the sword body, can you still encounter danger?

When he opened his eyes, Flame Lingji suddenly ran out of the sword body.

Flames were released intermittently on Flame Lingji's body.

His eyes also became flustered.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Absorb four powerful undead at once, I can't control it."


was speechless for a while.

"It's okay to absorb that thing.

"Isn't it still to improve your strength and catch up with you as soon as possible?"

"Cut, idiot!"

Da Si Ming looked at Flame Lingji with a look of disdain.

With your own cultivation, can you catch up with my husband?

Xiaomeng smiled and said, "You can choose a gentler way. "

Quickly save me, their souls are devouring the power of the Fire God Sword."

Fusu grabbed her hand and sat down, releasing murderous aura, and countless small black dragons directly invaded her body.

"You, why are you also devouring my power."

"Rest assured, as long as the foundation is still there, you will be able to recover soon."

He used this trick at the beginning, the little obedient in uniform.

However, to Fusu's surprise, his murderous aura had devoured for nearly two hours, and it was not over.

It seems that the soul of that Shang Shan Sihao is not ordinarily powerful.

Immediately, he gave up devouring and switched to repression.

Maybe he could let Flame Lingji slowly absorb these powers, and then become the first among the women to reach the half-saint.

"You absorb my murderous aura, wait for your strength to rise to a certain level, and then absorb them."

But Fusu never expected it.

He sat for a month.

In this month, he helped Flame Lingji absorb all the power left by Shang Shan Sihao.

Flame Lingji's strength not only entered the Half-Saint, but she also fused with the Fire God Sword.

Fu Su opened his eyes and scanned the circle, and found that Xiaomeng was sitting in front of him meditating.

The moment he opened his eyes, Xiaomeng opened his eyes.

"Husband, are you sanctified?"

"You think too much."

"I found an important problem."

"What problem?"

"My cultivation of meditating and improving beside you is far faster than those Spirit Mountains and Fuze."

"And then?"

"I already knew this, why should I go to find a suitable place for cultivation every day."

"Actually, I have a faster way."

"Twelve hours a day to practice quickly, I can eat well, can you eat well?"

Xiaomeng raised an eyebrow at Fusu.

Fusu was embarrassed.

He couldn't bear it, after all, they didn't have to give anything.

"Let's first experience the long-lost life as a couple."

"Take a shower first!"

Xiaomeng helped Su take off her dusty clothes, and then ordered someone to prepare a large tub.

The sound of the two frolicking spread throughout the camp.

"Xiaomeng, are you different today than usual?"

"What's different?"

"In the past, you used to use internal force to isolate the space around you, but today it is so open."

"In the camp, there is only one family left."


Fusu was surprised: "Where are all the people?"

"You'll know later, now we're not going to discuss this."

"Hey, have you eaten? Why not call us? The

two of Dasimei and Shaoshimei walked in.

He glared at Fusu and Xiaomeng with a displeased expression.

At noon on the third day.

Fusu got up from the bed.

Standing outside the big tent, basking in the sun for a while.

After three days and three nights without seeing sunrise and sunset, he didn't even feel the slightest bit tired.

"Your Highness, General Meng said, when you wake up and go to the new city, the name of the new city still needs to be named by you."

Nuo Min's voice sounded behind Fusu.

Fusu turned to look at her.

I found her little face delicate, and her expression was very unnatural.

"I'll go tomorrow morning."

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