"I'll let you cut it later, now we'll spread things out."

Fusu looked at the three old men and asked, "Does that hill in the lake really belong to something from your clan?"

"Can you release our saint first."

One of the old men looked at Xia Shuang, who was being grabbed by the order of the young master, and said.

"It's okay to let it go, but I have to know if that hill belongs to your clan."

"Not belonging!"

Receiving the old man's affirmative reply, Fusu directly released Xia Shuang.

Xia Shuang walked to Fusu and snorted coldly.

Dasimei raised his eyebrows and wanted to arrest her again, but was pulled by Fusu.

"I want to know the origin of that hill."

"Might as well find a place to talk about it."

"Then here it is."


The old man frowned.

There is not a place to sit here, how can you talk about things.

Dasimei said coldly: "What's wrong? Our Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Daqin can stay here, are you all more expensive than our Highness?" "


At Fusu's 'strong' request, they sat down on the grass by the lake and talked about the origin of this hill.

"In Xia Xiafu, this is Xia Yong, and this is Xia Li."

"I am a first-generation elder of the Xuanwu clan, and they are a second-generation elder."

Fusu was surprised.

The strength of a generation of elders has already solved the realm of saints.

Is there a higher existence?

"How many generations of elders do you have?"

"We are the descendants of Xia Yu, and we have gone through six generations, the last of which the last of the first three generations was sanctified decades ago."

"Then why do you call it a generation?"

Xia Fu said: "We are the strongest in the Four Saints Tribe, but since Xia Yao left as a saint, we have ushered in a great disaster. "

The Green Dragon Clan and the White Tiger Clan joined forces to attack our Xuanwu Clan's holy land and capture our Holy Daughter."

"Then they set a rule for us not to leave the Xuanwu Immortal Pond, otherwise, they will not only kill the Holy Daughter, but also attack us again."

"Since then, we have reorganized the Xuanwu Clan, and the elders who survived at that time are called first-generation elders, and after that, all of them are half-saint level, they are called second-generation elders."

Dasimei pouted and said, "How silly! "

One holy girl can blackmail an entire clan.

If they had gone even further, and let these people die, would they also have to obey?

"You have no idea what our holy daughter thinks of us."

"Don't you still have a saint?"

Fusu looked at Xia Shuang, who was hiding behind Xia Fu.

Since they can cultivate another one, then what else are they worried about.


Xia Fu turned to look at Xia Shuang and kept shaking his head.

"If she can't reach the Half-Saint before the sacrifice, the entire Xuanwu Clan will face problems."

Fusu asked, "How often do you make sacrifices?" Once a year?

"How is it possible, we are once in eighteen years."

"Then your holy daughters were all captured decades ago, didn't they also survive?"

"If our holy daughter can't marry Emperor Xuanwu, she will be attacked by the subordinates of Emperor Xuanwu in the lake, at that time, more than a dozen of our generation of elders survived, all of them were half-saint level, facing the attack of the demons in the lake, so far only I am the only one left."

The crowd was amazed.

"There are still demons in the lake?"

"Isn't this something you guard?"

"Is that the living pit beast in that hill?"


Fusu asked, "Why did you marry a holy girl in your sacrifices?"

"Because Emperor Wuxuanwu will awaken once every eighteen years, if we can't provide a woman with a cultivation strength above the half-saint, we will be attacked by his subordinates."

"Why use women?"

Xiaomeng asked with a puzzled look.

"This is a rule handed down, Emperor Xuanwu should be a man."

Xiaomeng asked again, "Are you cultivating fast here?" Why can I be sanctified in eighteen years? That's too fast. "

I think her master, Bei Hazi, it took hundreds of years to enter the Half-Saint.

The Xuanwu clan, in eighteen years, can cultivate one.

And the number of their half-saints is terrifying.

Decades ago, a change occurred, and more than a dozen people survived.

If it hadn't been for that change, wouldn't it have broken a hundred...

Xia Fu looked embarrassed.

Why they became holy so quickly was a secret in their clan.

The four tribes handed down by their four saints all cultivated very quickly.

"This is a secret of our clan, and I cannot reveal it to you."

Daishi said; "You said, maybe we can tie you up, can your saint's current strength break through to the half-saint in a short period of time?"


The progress of Xia Shuang's cultivation has always been a problem.

The sacrifice was about to take place.

Summer frost is still 108,000 miles away from the Half-Saint.


Schaf sighed.

"Our Holy Daughter's cultivation needs to be cultivated at the bottom of the Xuanwu Immortal Pool with the help of Water Spirit Beads, but decades ago, after the Water Spirit Bead and the Holy Girl were snatched away by the Blue Dragon Clan, the speed of cultivation of the people behind them became much slower."

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