"Husband, let the world believe in Taoism, it is better to let them believe in you."

"Why haven't you understood the mystery yet, they believe in Taoism, you just believe in me."

"Without actual action, it is strange to believe it just by saying it."

"That's when you need to... No, it's a believer.

Xiaomeng said angrily: "You actually want me to strip and seduce people in public..."

Fusu explained to Xiaomeng for a few more days before he explained the essence of this trust.

"Husband, if you can't get rid of it, let's talk about it later, how far are you from being sanctified now?"

Fu Su said depressedly: "There is no reference to this, who knows how many more?"

"But I've already cultivated to the Half-Saint."


Fusu was surprised.


"Just now."


Right at this moment.

Xiaomeng's room was directly pushed away.

The little boy said angrily, "You have become a half-saint body?

"You hurry out, this is my room."

"What's wrong with your room, you can't enter my room casually."

Ten days later.

The little boy said with a look of excitement: "I, I have even become a half-saint."

"I feel like I'm not as good as ordinary people."

Fusu looked depressed.

"It's okay, I'll kill a turtle for you to make up for it."

"Since both of you have entered the Half-Saint realm, then do something practical for me."

"Despite the husband's orders, the concubine is absolutely obliged!"

The two looked at Fusu obediently.

Entering the Half-Saint Realm, they would not need to cultivate.

Because further up, it is not possible to improve through hard work, it must rely on the accumulation of time, or rely on Fusu...

Fusu glanced at the two with disdain and asked, "When the Yin Yang family was carrying the Fuso Divine Wood, did they find any Crouching Dragons underground. "

Crouching Dragon? What is it? Isn't that lying down a sleepy dragon?

Yu Ji said: "Fusang Shenmu lives on the golden crow and the lower plate golden dragon, didn't you find anything when you dug it?" "

Golden Dragon? Where are there any golden dragons, there are golden dragons that are more than 100,000 years old, and the one we dug up is only at the level of 10,000 years. "

Yu Ji!"

Fusu roared.

Yu Ji, who was practicing with Nuo Min with the Sun Covering Sword in the courtyard, quickly ran to Fusu's bed.

"Husband, what's going on? Do you want me to help you change your clothes? "

How many Fusang Divine Trees do you have in Shushan?"

"The whole mountain is ah, what's wrong?"

Fu Suqi gritted his teeth.

The entire mountain is Fuso Divine Wood, and it is not far away to run to Songhai to die...

"Why didn't you tell me such important information."

"Didn't the two sisters of the Great Commander and the Young Commander tell you?"


Su looked depressed.

When they first dug the tree, they were also...

"Do you have any longer time there than the one on the mirage?"

"There is one, all the Fuso sacred trees sprout from its roots, the time should be a long time ago, but I don't know very well."

The little boy asked with an excited look: "Husband, do you want us to dig it up?"

"What to dig, I know to dig every day, what I want is the golden dragon under the tree."

Xiaomeng asked suspiciously, "Golden Dragon soup?"

Yu Ji said in shock: "Two sisters, even if there is a golden dragon, then I am afraid that the strength has already become a saint, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle." The

little boy praised his face.

"Husband, figure it out yourself, we are probably sent to death when we go."

"I didn't say I'm going to catch it now, I just asked."

Xu Rang and Zhang Wei came to the gate of Fusu's mansion.

Xu Rang said: "General Zhang Handan, along the way, I have already told everything about the incident, or you should go directly to the report." "

Boss Xu won't go in?"

"I'm not going, I had some unpleasant trouble with His Highness before, so..."

Zhang Han frowned.

If Xu Rang doesn't go in, then what is he doing here.

Just send a shadow guard to pass on the news.

"Then Boss Xu is waiting outside the door, I'll go in and ask His Highness."

"I'm tired of General Zhang."

Zhang Wei walked into Fusu's courtyard.

The guards in the palace had already sent the news to Fusu.

"Zhang Wei has seen His Highness."

"Is there something about General Zhang coming here?"

Then Zhang Wei recounted to Fusu the news of the Qianyou sword and Xuanyuan sword that Xu Rang said.

"Your Highness, Xu Rang is waiting outside the mansion."

"Outside the house?"

Fusu flashed and came to the gate.

But Xu Rang's figure was not found.

"Nuo Min, you go and send a letter to the mirage, let them pay attention to safety, and definitely not let people mix into the mirage."

Although the mirage was protected by the Xuanwu Clan's Law Array, they had to be reminded.

So as not to let Xu Rang exploit the loophole.

Zhang Wei asked, "Your Highness, what's wrong with Xu Rang?"


Fusu did not explain to Zhang Handan.

He wants to arrest Xu Rang about this, or the less people know about it, the better.

Otherwise, there may be danger there.

"Your Highness, do those two Excaliburs really exist?"

"Since Xu Rang said it, it should exist."

However, he still hadn't figured out why Xu Rang would tell His Majesty the news.

Shouldn't he just find it and then go against himself?

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