The next morning.

Fusu took the plan he had come up with and came to the top of the early dynasty.

After the DPRK ministers read it, most of them agreed with Fusu's proposal.

Li Si said: "Luo Net and Shadow Secret Guard can come out of the secret, this is the empire's recognition of their merits, I believe they can also accept this result."

Huan Zheng said: "The supreme commander of Jinyiwei, there is a commander, temporarily Zhang Wei is the leader, and there are two commanders with Tongzhi, Tian Yan and Mengfu." Meng

Fu was appointed as one of the commanders of Jinyiwei.

Among them, the happiest is Li Si.

Yangzhou Assassin Shi was originally Mengfu, but in order to allow Mengfu to take Zhang Handan's position in the future, Huan Zheng transferred him to Jinyiwei.

After Meng Fu left, the position of the Yangzhou assassin was his son Li You.

As long as you can perform well in the future, it is easy to be reused by Fusu.

Fusu handed the sample of the embroidered spring knife to the minister of the DPRK and examined it.

"In the future, the ordinary personnel of Jinyiwei will all be equipped with embroidered spring knives and flying fish suits, so as to highlight the momentum of Jinyiwei."

Huan Zheng said: "Li Si, you summoned skilled craftsmen and took the lead in making a thousand sets according to the samples provided by Fusu. "


In the net, Tian Yan had the right to transition and remained outside Jinyiwei.

The Six Sword Slaves, Lin'er, and Yu Ji all got out of the net.

In the future, Jinyiwei will no longer have the eight swords of the Yue King, and they will all become Fusu's guards.

After the matter of Jinyiwei was resolved.

Fusu submitted Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu's current situation.

After seeing it, Ying Zheng was also surprised in his heart.

With so many soldiers under them, the generals would definitely go to war with Daqin.

"Wang Ben has returned to Youzhou, does he know about this?"

"I don't know yet."

Huan Zheng looked at Wei Yi and said, "Wei Yi, you sent someone to inform Wang Ban and let him be careful to guard against Buyeo.

Wei Yi asked, "Do we need to take the initiative?"

Ying Zheng looked at Fusu with inquiring eyes.

"The temperature in the north is gradually getting cooler, we still don't want to send troops, and when the next spring, I will personally lead the army and fight for Buyeo with General Wang."

With Fusu's assurance, Ying Zheng's heart is also a lot more secure.

As long as Fusu is still in Daqin, no one will be able to break through his Daqin.

After the dispersal of the dynasty.

Li Si came to Fusu's side and said in a low voice: "Your Royal Highness, how about a trip to my house?" "


Li Si is also his father-in-law.

At this time, call yourself over, there must be something to explain.

Following Li Si to Li Mansion, Li Mansion had already prepared a banquet.

"Your Highness, after Meng Fu left Yangzhou, the position of this Yangzhou thorn history, do you think you can consider Li You?"

Fusu raised an eyebrow.

This guy actually wanted to go through the back door.

Whether Yangzhou Assassination Shi should give Li You or not, he is still hesitating.

If Li You is allowed to do Yangzhou assassination, then Xiao He is definitely not suitable to stay in Yangzhou.

His ability is above Li You, and Xiao He gives Li You a hand, which is a bit condescending.

"Father-in-law, I have a condition."

When Li Si heard Fusu call his father-in-law, he immediately became excited.

"The prince has any requirements, just say."

"I want Lord Li to help me bring someone and familiarize him with the affairs of the court."


Li Si looked puzzled.

As far as he understood, after Fusu's side was given a fu, it seemed that there were no scribes.

Is this an intention to cultivate his own cronies in the DPRK?

Once His Majesty abdicates the throne, Fusu wants to stabilize the situation in the court, and he is bound to have some of his own cronies.

"Xiao He, this is the talent I found in Surabaya County, and this person's ability is very good."

"It seems that His Highness values him very much."

"This person's ability is not under you and Feng Qujian."


Lees was surprised.

If Fusu can find such a person.

Then they will be able to make a smooth transition in the future.

"His Highness let him come to my mansion, after Li You leaves, the position of Changshi in my mansion is still vacant."

"Thank you, Father-in-law."

"Your Highness doesn't have to be polite, it is the duty of every courtier of Daqin to be able to cultivate talents for Daqin."

If it had been Fusu two years ago, he would never have agreed.

But now it's different, Fusu is his son-in-law.

In the future, he will be the abbot.

He certainly likes to train his son-in-law.

Moreover, Fu Su said that Xiao He's ability was not inferior to that of him and Feng Quyan.

He also wanted to see the strength of the other party.

After a few glasses of wine to each other.

Li Si said: "Your Highness, we will get married in three days, I wonder if the mansion is ready?"

"This doesn't bother the father-in-law, several crown princesses in the palace have prepared everything."

The Prince's Mansion has long been ready to marry the bride.

If it weren't for the delay by Wang Chui's affairs, they would already be from the Prince's Mansion.

Li Si said to a subordinate: "Call the young lady."

After a while, Li Si's eldest daughter, Li Yan, walked in.

"Li Yan has seen His Highness."

Fusu looked at it carefully.

Dressed in a green shirt, slender figure, a melon face, long eyelashes, big eyes, moth eyebrows, white skin.

Li Yan smiled slightly at Fusu, flattering.

Fusu was very puzzled, is Li Si's daughter really biological?

"Yan'er, quickly pour wine for His Highness!"

Li Yan did Fusu without the slightest shyness.

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