Three days later.

The government is in the early dynasty.

Zhang Wei hurriedly came to the imperial hall.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Prince has gone to the Western Regions, and the mirage has left Xianyang."

Ying Zheng's face darkened.

It's about to start winter.

What is Fusu doing in the Western Regions.

"Are Nuying and Duanmu Rong still in the Prince's Mansion?"

"The Prince's Mansion, except for a few subordinates, has already left."

Ying Zheng's face became even more ugly.

The female hero is about to give birth, and she is still running with something.

"When can the prince say when he will return?"

"More is half a year, less is two months."

Two months....

It seems that asking Fusu to help him deal with court affairs may be a few years later.

Zuo Cheng Prime Minister Li Si said: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gave the minister a map last night, which is about the regional division of the Huaxia prefectures. "

Isn't it directly divided by Kyushu?"

Lees explains; "The Kyushu divided by Xia Yu cannot include all regions, and His Highness has drawn a new one."

"What are they?"

"His Highness divided a total of fourteen prefectures, namely Youzhou, Hezhou, Jizhou, Liangzhou, Sizhi, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yizhou, Jiaozhou, and Pingzhou."

"At the same time, it redivided the sphere of influence of the Northern Region Protectorate."

Huan Zheng looked at the map drawn by Fusu and smiled on his face.

Fusu also did nothing.

There was finally a hint of comfort in his heart.

Wei Yi questioned: "Your Majesty, this Pingzhou and Liangzhou have not yet been captured, is it a little early to draw." "

The Pingju painted by Fusu includes Liaodong, Liaoxi, and later Han Si County, Joseon, Woju, and Goguryeo.

Only a small part of Liangzhou was under the control of the Qin army.

The area west of the Yellow River in later Lanzhou was also the territory of the Qiang people.

Huan Zheng said: "In a few months, it will be our Daqin's.

Xiao He, who was recommended by Li Si as an attendant, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the prince once told Weichen that there is another state in the south of Jiaozhou, and another state in the southwest of Jiaozhou. "


"There is an island in the south of Jiaozhou, which His Highness painted as Yizhou, and the southwest was painted by His Highness as Yuezhou."

Huan Zheng shook the hilt of the sword in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Can't you always let the prince attack the territory alone, aren't Yang Rui and the general's two sons in Jiaozhou?" Let them lead their troops to take Yizhou and Yuezhou to me. The

minister immediately understood the intention of winning the government.

Yang Xiong and Yang Xi have been with Fusu for more than a year.

Since Yang Ruihe's death, the Yang family has begun to decline.

Ying Zheng wants to reuse the Yang family.

General Li Xin said: "Your Majesty, the north is getting cold and it is not easy to fight, while the south is not affected by the weather, taking advantage of His Highness to go to the Western Regions, there is no time to lead the army to march, it is better to select a few young generals in the middle of the dynasty and go to the south to open up territory for Daqin." "

Li Xin's age is not too young.

His son has always been by his side, staying in Lishan Camp, and there is no chance to perform.

Their Li family must not lag behind the Wang family, the Meng family, and the Yang family.

Huan Zheng looked at Feng Quqian and asked, "Is there a suitable candidate for Feng Aiqing?"

"Li Hu, son of General Li Xin, and Wei Lin, son of the imperial lieutenant, are both all-rounders in literature and martial arts."

"Li Xin, among the disciples screened by the farmer, you recruited 50,000 people, and went to Jiaozhou with whomever the two, and within three months, you will take down Yizhou and Yuezhou for me."


Fusu really didn't expect it.

His credit was thus robbed by several young generals.

The mirage walked along Weishui until it reached the junction of Liangzhou and Sizhi before stopping.

"Husband, why didn't you leave?"

The women looked ahead without obstruction and without enemies, and Fusu actually made the mirage stop.

"We've been walking for two days, and a few turtles also need to rest."

The little boy was dissatisfied: "Eat so much every day, you only have no strength after walking for two days?" It's better to let Bing'er go down and pull a distance, she eats every day and doesn't work.

"We are not in a hurry, rest here for two days, and I will go to the big camp in Ji County."

The Weihe camp in Ji County was Jiang Teng, a general of the State of Qin.

When Jiang Teng was in Xianyang, he launched the War to Destroy the Six Kingdoms.

He led the army to destroy Korea and made great battle achievements.

If it weren't for the fact that the Qiang people suddenly attacked behind the Qin army and were sent to this Tianshui County by the Zheng government, Jiang Teng's credit is estimated to surpass Yang Ruihe.

Jiang Teng was able to give up the low-hanging fruit of the Central Plains and lead an army to guard the western frontier of the Qin State for more than ten years.

It can be seen that his loyalty to Daqin will definitely not be worse than Meng Yi, Meng Tian, Wang Yi, and Wang Bian.

Fusu visited him for the affairs of Liangzhou.

Now Liangzhou is the territory of the Qiang people.

"What are you doing in the barracks?"

The women were puzzled.

Do you want to lead an army to the Western Regions?

"Of course, I am asking the army to open the way, the territory of the Buqin Kingdom is ahead, will you definitely Qiang people take the initiative to give way to us?"

"Let Bing'er go up and teach them a lesson, and see if they have the audacity to harass our Daqin's prince."

"Yes, let Bing'er go, it can't just eat and not work."

Faced with the unanimous demands of all the women, Fusu had to compromise.

"Bing'er, you go to the activity first."

Fusu threw Bing'er down the mirage, and then took Lianyi and Xiaomeng to the Weihe camp.

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