Fusu took the dragon soul to Xiao Li's room.

Xiao Li was thrilled to see the dragon soul.

"Thank you Your Highness for helping me find the dragon soul."

"Although the dragon soul found it for you, I can't give it to you."


Xiao Li's face was full of doubts.

Fusu took it all.

Isn't it to give her the dragon soul?

"Because, I want the Demon God."

"Soldier Demon God?"

Xiao Li instantly became alert.

The Demon God of Soldiers is something that can destroy the heavens and the earth.

How can it be handed over to someone else.

The Loulan people have guarded the Demon God for generations, just to prevent someone from beating his idea.

"Your Highness, the Demon God of Soldiers is an ominous thing, I advise you not to hit his attention."

"Ominous? I like ominous things, and I don't want to start a war with the Demon God.

"What is that for?"

"You come with me."

Fusu took Xiao Li to the deck.

He pointed to a few Xuan turtles pulling the mirage in front of him and said: "Look at this mirage, although it is flying, but if you want to make it move, you need something else, I will use the Soldier Demon God to make a pair of wings for it." "


Xiao Li stared at Fusu with black lines on his head.

Is this how the Soldier Demon God is used?

"Don't hide from Your Highness, I came here to protect the Demon God."

"If I hadn't saved you, do you think you'd still have a chance to meet the dragon soul?"

"I won't forget His Highness's great grace, but the Soldier Demon God is a thing that can destroy the heavens and the earth, and he must not be revived."

"It is people, not tools, that destroy the world."

At this moment, Donghuang came over.

The dragon soul that took Fusu's hand fiddled with it.

"Husband, is this thing alive?"


"How can you wake it up?"

Fusu also didn't know how to wake it up.

He looked at Xiao Li and asked, "Can you wake it up?"

"No, unless it wakes up on its own, but every once in a while, it eats, and it eats a lot."

Fusu handed the dragon soul to Xiao Li and said, "You guys live here now."


Xiao Li couldn't help but feel a little displeased in his heart.

This is already considered captivity.

If they don't leave soon.

The key inside this dragon soul is dangerous.

"Does His Highness really want to go his own way?"

"The Demon God of Soldiers is in the hands of others and in my hands, you choose one."

"What do you mean?"

"The news of the Soldier Demon God was told to me by a master, and he is also very interested in this Soldier Demon God, and falling into his hands may cause the life of this world to be ruined."

"Wouldn't you?"

"I said, I'm going to use his huge body to make a pair of wings, to be precise, I need his upper body."

Xiao Li raised his eyebrows.

The Soldier Demon God who destroyed the heavens and the earth, he used it like this in his hands?

I won't be fooled.

In case it fell into his hands, he suddenly changed his mind and couldn't help him.

"Your Highness, I can't agree."

Xiao Li held the dragon soul and suddenly jumped off the mirage.

But what made her speechless was that as soon as her body left the edge of the mirage, she was shocked back by a powerful thrust.

Xiao Li looked at Fusu with a shocked expression.

"This ship has a legal formation?"

"This is my residence, there are more than a dozen crown princesses living on it, how can you say I can't take some precautions?"

Donghuang said meaningfully: "Do you still want to run after getting on the boat?"

"Your Highness Fusu, I treat you as a hero, how can you do this."

"The Soldier Demon God will only bring disaster to Daqin, I don't need to clear this hidden danger, what is the Loulan people guarding the Soldier Demon God for?" Let him plague the world again?

"The Soldier Demon God cannot be destroyed, otherwise it would have ceased to exist long ago."

Fusu shook his head and said, "As long as it can be created, it can be destroyed, but your methods are not right, such as the Qianyou sword and the Xuanyuan sword that can open the world."

"You actually know about the Chi You Sword?"

Xiao Li looked at Fusu with a look of horror.

This is an even more terrifying weapon than the Demon God.

"It is said that the Chi You Sword must be used by a good-hearted person, otherwise it will be eaten back by it, right?"


"We might as well make a bet, if I can use the Qianyou Sword without being eaten by it, you will give me the key to open the Demon God in the body of the dragon soul."

Xiao Li looked at Fusu with a shocked expression.

I didn't expect him to know this.

It seems that it is no longer possible to protect the Soldier Demon God.

"Will you really disassemble the Soldier Demon God?"

"Of course."

Xiao Li hesitated.

She didn't know whether to trust Fusu or not.

Right at this moment.

Xuenu and Yue'er suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Li.

"Xiao Li, let's go."

The snow girl took out the Ice Emperor Sword and directly froze the surrounding deck.

Fusu hurriedly retreated.

The snow girl took the opportunity to split the magic formation with a sword, and then left the mirage with Xiao Li.

The second daughter was pulled by the snow girl and ran in the direction of Dunhuang.

"Sister Snow Girl, where are we going now?"

"Find a safe place to hide, as long as you don't get caught, they can't do anything."

"Didn't you say that Fusu is good?"

"But he wants what you have in your hand, how can I let him get his wish."

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