"The four saints are mutually restrained, but can this mutant white tiger break the balance?"

"If you can fly, you can upset the balance."

"Our four saints compete once in a thousand years, and whoever can become the first can dominate the other three races."

"If it weren't for the fact that the Emperor of the Viper murdered my father, our Xuanwu clan would definitely be able to become the first in this competition."

"So confident?"

"Of course, whether the four saints can take shape, this is a dividing line, after the transformation, the strength will increase greatly, and our Xuanwu clan has two incarnatable forms."

Fu Su smiled shamefully, "Now there is no one."

"So you hurry up and get the Water Spirit Bead back for me, I don't want Xuanwu to become the end of the Four Saints."

"What is the strength of the four saints now?"

"The Water Spirit Bead is in the Green Dragon Clan, of course, the Green Dragon Clan is the first, they have two Saint Realm powerhouses, followed by Suzaku, because Suzaku is born to defeat the White Tiger."

"How do I feel that your Xuanwu clan is the weakest?"

Suzaku Ke White Tiger, Qinglong Ke Suzaku, White Tiger Ke Xuanwu, and although the green dragon can't break the defense of Xuanwu, it can't hurt the flying green dragon.

"Our Xuanwu is invincible underwater."

"Underwater? Aren't you competing on land?

"How is it possible, that is unfair to Xuanwu and the White Tiger, so there are three competitions, sky, land, and water."

"The king of the white tiger land, it's a pity..."

"So that aquatic kitten who is not yet an adult must die, and it inherited the water attribute of the green dragon."

The white tiger that can dive into the water is indeed a big threat to the Xuanwu clan.

"The green dragon should be the strongest, and it can do everything in the heavens into the groundwater."

"They don't have particularly outstanding abilities, unlike Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Suzaku, who are very proficient in a certain aspect."

"People are all-rounders, and you are shouting in the water."

"Hmph, I'm also strong on land."

"Does Suzaku have a water attribute?"

"No, the phoenix does."

"How many years are left in your thousand-year competition?"

"Ten years."

"If I have the chance, I will make you the first."

"First? I don't want to, just me, no bigger than a flying green dragon.

"In the face of absolute strength, any bells and whistles are useless."

"Will you really help me?"

"I'll take the spirit beads of the other three races for you to play with."

"You're cheating."

Fu Su said domineeringly: "Outside of Xuanwu, sanctification is not allowed.

"Haha, then I have to you not marry."

"I'm kidding."

Fusu took Duanmu Rong and left Bing'er's residence.

After Bing'er gets the Water Spirit Bead, then her strength will also return.

He got a terrible news from Bing'er's words.

Transfiguration, that is only possible after sanctification.

In other words, Bing'er's previous strength was close to the Holy Realm.

With such strength, how did she get persecuted by the Emperor of the Pit Viper?

The strength of the Pit Viper Emperor has not yet reached the Holy Realm.

From the memory of the Pit Viper Emperor, Fusu did not find useful information.

There must be a big problem with this Bing'er.

Came to the residence of the female heroine.

The female hero asked with concern, "Husband, why is your face so ugly?" Is it uncomfortable somewhere?

Duanmu Rong said with a smile: "I was teased by a turtle."

"From Bing'er's words, I got the news that the White Tiger Clan has a powerhouse who is at least a Saint Realm, and we still need to be careful."

"And a thousand-year-old turtle that can't help the wind is able to eat a half-saint plus a mutant white tiger close to half-saint, do you say there is a problem with her?"

Duanmu Rong was surprised: "Is the husband doubting Bing'er's loyalty?

"She has a fart loyalty, but she just wants me to help her get back the Water Spirit Bead."

"That old turtle is hiding strength?"

Nu Ying asked with an incredulous look.

"After we get the Soldier Demon God, I'll go to the Xuanwu tribe again to see if there is anything else in their Xuanwu Immortal Pool, I didn't find it."

Inside the French Formation outside Loulan City.

The snow girl looked at the salons that appeared around her with a wary look and asked, "Sister Xiao Li, do these salons want to be frozen?"

"No, at my sister's speed, it's no problem to enter the formation eye."

"Array eyes? Where is it?

"Right ahead."

Xiao Li pointed her in a direction.

The snow girl pulled Yue'er, Xiao Li, and quickly rushed to that position.

The surrounding salons didn't react.

"Is this eye directly broken?"

"Only my guidance can enter, but every time the passage is opened, it is a quarter of an hour, can my sister help me guard it outside for a quarter of an hour, and then come in when the entrance to the passage is about to close."


The snow girl readily agreed.

Isn't it just a quarter of an hour?

Xiao Li dripped a drop of blood on the magic array, and then that magic array actually opened a void door.

After Xiao Li walked in with Gao Yue.

The snow girl looked around warily.

The Ice Emperor Sword swung out several sword qi in a row, freezing the surroundings.

After a while, Xiaomeng came to the snow girl's side with a dream butterfly.

At the same time, they also brought the five people of Dasi Mei, Shao Si Mei, Lin Er who pretended to be Fusu, Xi Yan and Donghuang.

"The passage is about to close, after you go in, don't disturb the people inside."

The women nodded and entered the passage.

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