"Master, that's the dragon soul, are we going to snatch it back?"

Tianming pointed to the round ball on the stone statue and said.

"It's useless for us to want dragon souls, my purpose is to capture that high priest and then find the location of the sword of Chi You."

"Chi You Sword?"

"Soldier Demon God, don't we want it?"

Tianming asked with a puzzled look.

"What do you want the Demon God to do, that thing is too bulky."

Xu Rang wanted to take the Qianyou Sword now and leave here.

Find a place where Fusu can't find it, and then let Tianming practice swordsmanship.

If one day, he can enter the saint before Fusu can carry out his final plan.

"Doing it now will definitely alarm the people of Fusu, and we will do it after dark."

In the dungeons of Loulan.

Xiao Li and Yue'er knelt together and checked the situation around them.

"I don't know how Sister Snow Lady is."

"With her speed, she can definitely move forward when the passage is closed, but after this pass, she will not be seen, and there will be no accident."

The second daughter was talking.

The High Priest suddenly walked in.

And also with a prisoner.

A prisoner that Xiao Li had never seen at all.

This woman is dressed in red all over her body, and her figure is very enchanting.

"Hold her here and take care of her, there must be no mistakes."


When Yue'er saw the person coming, she relaxed her vigilance in her heart.

She was originally worried that she would not be able to deal with Xu Rang alone.

But with the words of Flame Lingji, then there is no problem.

Even if Flame Lingji was not his opponent, he could hold it out for a while.

Flame Lingji looked at Xiao Li evilly.

Frightened, Xiao Li hurriedly avoided his sight.

"You are a witch, you dare to use magic."

"It's really not easy to be able to dodge my magic."

Flame Lingji suddenly became curious about Xiao Li.

A person with little strength can actually dodge her magic.

That's really weird.

Flame Lingji lay on the cage and asked, "What did you do to come in?"

"I want you to take care of it."

Xiao Li pulled Yue'er and hid in a corner.

"Do you want to go out?"

Xiao Li was speechless: "You can't protect yourself, and you still want to let us out?"

"It's different when I get caught in, and she locks me up whenever she's upset."

"Are you from Loulan?"

"Or else?"

"Why did you let me out?"

"If you can promise me one thing, I can just let you out."

"What's going on?"

"Tell her that someone is trying to hurt her."

Xiao Li said with a puzzled look: "Will she believe my words?

"You said it was me, and she naturally believed it."

"What's your name?"

"Flame Lingji."

Flame Lingji took a waist tag from her body and said, "This is her token, if someone blocks you, just show them this token, and they will let it go."

Xiao Li suspiciously caught the waist card thrown by Flame Lingji.

"You're still locked up, how do you let us go?"

Flame Lingji smiled, and then shouted to the outside: "The prisoner escaped. "

Brush brush brush!

Less than ten breaths.

Six people rushed in, looking at the cell with a wary look.

"Which prisoner ran away?"

"I want to run!"

The six people looked at Flame Lingji in unison.

Then their brains fall into obsession.

"I thought my magic didn't work."

Flame Lingji hooked his hand at the cell head, and the cell head obediently came to Flame Lingji's side.

"Open the cage for them!"

When Xiao Li left the prison, he also took a deep look at Flame Lingji.

I really don't know what this man has to do with the High Priest.

There was even a high priest's close-fitting waist tag.

Loulan Temple.

Among the high priests' rooms.

She was sitting on the bed thinking about what had happened today.

That girl named Xiao Li doesn't look like a bad person.

She brought the dragon soul to Loulan, what is it for?

"Bang bang!"

High Priest Candle Moon's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

When someone outside the door walks in.

Candlemoon was terrified.

"What kind of person are you, you dare to impersonate me."

"You are fake, I am the real High Priest."

The high priest who came in had the same voice as her.

This made Candle Moon even more frightened.

"Guard, guard."

Candle Moon shouted for a long time, but no guards came in.

"Stop shouting, I've already let them go somewhere else."

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Candle Moon stared at the person in front of him who was exactly like himself with a panicked expression.

"I just want to take one thing."

As soon as the man's words fell, he came to Candle Moon.

Candlemoon was shocked and hurried to get his staff.

Without the staff given by the goddess, she had no mana at all.

But her speed didn't have a chance to get close to the staff.

She only ran two steps before the staff fell into the opponent's hand.

Just as she was panicking, Xiaomeng suddenly appeared behind her.


The back of Candle Moon's neck was beaten by Xiaomeng and directly passed out.

Xiaomeng put his arm around her, and then teleported directly to the dungeon.

The High Priest was handed over to the Flame Spirit Ji to take care of.

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