The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 102 - Until Plan D

After that visit from the detective a few days ago, Qing Chen finally had him tailed. He wasn't posing that much threat before as he could be easily shut down. Qing Chen did not really think that Detective An would still work even after being relieved from the force.

He had lost everything. What else was there to lose?

"We really have to get rid of that detective and officer," said Qing Lok. Their IT had managed to hack into computers of the two ex-policemen in the senator's bas.e.m.e.nt. They were now tracking their progress.

"You know we can't," said Wuming from a seat. "If they go missing the senator will reveal that they had been in on us and the next thing we know we're persons of interest. We're the only ones who have motive for them."

"Ah," Qing Lok groaned watching the screens as someone was pulling up files about the past employees of The Kingly. "They are really insistent in finding Hu Wen," he laughed.

Qing Chen's lips quirked upwards. "It'll be a while before they'd figure it's a dead end."

Qing Lok was laughing on the floor. "But they are really deterrmined on catching us though."

"Like they would catch us," Wuming jumping from the couch and shrugged a jacket on.

"Where are you going?" Qing Chen asked.

Wuming shrugged with a cheeky smile. "Oh, just somewhere."


Senator Chang Yan was also in the bas.e.m.e.nt, waiting for something to turn up from Hu Wen that would connect to the Qings. But about a couple of hours had already passed and still nothing. They didn't even have a face for this man.

The Senator reclined in his seat and clasped his hands together. Would it be possible for them to see the end of this? His eyes narrowed. The government had something to do with it. The Department of Energy would not just let anybody take the contract for the construction.

It meant, if it really were the Qings, they have friends in the cabinet. Hell, they might even be friends with the president himself.

But once they have evidence that they could present to the public on who the Qings really were, their little preys would have nowhere to go—no government to support them, all their assets would be put on hold. If everything worked out, they would be left with nothing.

With that risk, of course the Qings would not leave an evidence. Much less, a trail. They have no concrete evidence, nothing written. Just hearsay. 

The two ex-policemen were already getting irritated with obtaining nothing from their hard efforts. Liao Chun was pretty much raging on the keyboard, trying to make it go faster or trying to destroy it, the senator did not know. "Why are we pointing this to the Qings again?"

"It's because I heard he was the latest one who had been interested with wind energy," the senator answered.

"But what if he was just interested? That he did not really buy anything? What if it was one of those corrupt politicians that actually got the contract?" Liao Chun gave a final hard press in the enter button. "This all started with the murder at the hotel. But we could not find anyone suspicious in all the hotel guests."

"I think you need sleep, kid," said the detective from his seat.

"Yeah, I think I really need it," Liao Chun seethed. "Because while you were drinking cold beer the past few days, I was slaving away here just to make myself feel less guilty of getting too consumed with your theory that the Qings are evil."

The detective waved him away. "Yeah, yeah, talk to me again when you have had enough sleep. You don't mean what you are saying."

Liao Chun only pushed his seat away and settled himself on the couch, throwing a jacket over his face. The senator pulled at his hair. The least thing that he would want was for his team to fall apart. He could not have this. Not now.

How was he supposed to point the blame to the Qings if these two were going to give up on each other. Day by day, the investigation had been going deeper… they would soon find out what he did to Dong Yi town.

If he was found out, all his years of hard work would be flushed down the drain. He would be back with less than nothing. He stood up from his seat. Plans. He needed plans to calm himself down.

"We have to come up with something," said he to the detective. "We have to make them admit that it was them who was causing the ruckus at Dong Yi town and admit that they were responsible at the death in the hotel."

The detective's eyebrows rose. "How do you exactly plan to do that?"

He rubbed his hands together. "We need to be prepared, down to the last detail and multiple back-up plans. Until Plan D."


Xia Cui had been celebrated after writing the top story last week. The head of the company had given her a small team to help with her research. They had to make sure this story was not going to die just yet.

She was in the middle of writing an article about it to be posted online when she received an envelope. "Where did this come from?" she asked her assistant.

"It's at the front desk. Didn't leave a name."

She untied it and pulled out papers. There were a lot of numbers and pictures. Mr. Wei's name were in all of them. "What the," she muttered as she read the contents, her eyes quickly darting to words and phrases, highlighting keywords.

She immediately made a copy of the papers and sent it to her boss. It had not even fifteen minutes later when she received the green light. 

She deleted everything she had written and started again. She was right. It was a vigilante group.

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