The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 116 - Blood Is Funny

Feng Xuan could feel the blood dripping to her ankles. Her shoes had been long forgotten since she was dragged out of her kitchen at Gretel's. The thick liquid made her foot slippery and she struggled to keep up with the senator's insistent pulling at her bonds. She could feel her wound stinging—begging for relief as it gets wider—it must be because if not, it should not hurt this much.

She winced and kept her cries of pain as she dragged the other half of her body in another empty room. The light was low and the windows there were broken. Somehow, between the three rooms she had been in, this one was the most complete. 

"Faster!" the senator shouted at her as he hauled her again. 

She did not want to cry but the pain in her leg was too much. It felt like it was burning. Her cheeks were wet with tears. She stopped moving. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Fine!" the senator said and pushed her against the wall. She hit her head and she heard the window shattered. She silently cursed as her vision slipped away for a second. "Do you want to die?!" he asked her and shot just beside her head.

Her ears rang and she tried to hold onto something to keep herself from falling. But the senator held her up with a hand on her throat, his eyes were skinning her alive. "When the car gets here and we got out alive, I am going to let my men ravage you before I return you to your husband, half-dead."

"Fvck you," she said. No words came out but it was clear that the senator had read her lips. Her right hand closed against the senator's grip, trying to make him release her but to no avail. Her other hand was feeling against the windowpane, for a broken shard—anything that she could slice this man with. She cut her own fingers and she winced, pulling glass out of the frame.

The senator's laugh was drowned by the gunshots from the other room. Whoever was there, they were already too close. Feng Xuan only needed to stall. "The Giant is going to squash anyone who will come his way. Maybe I will let him have you first as a reward."

Feng Xuan emotions reached a peak. Her body shook with anger and there was nothing else she wanted to do right at that moment but to tear this man to shreds. She wanted to curse him in every available word there was—she wanted to curse him in other languages she did not know. Anger, rage, wrath—they were all the same words but that was all she felt combined.

She did not know how it felt like when people said they saw red. But this was probably it. Because her mind had closed in and there was one objective in her mind: she was going to kill him.

Luckily, the senator's attention drifted for a second as he heard a car coming up from outside. It was their getaway car. His hand loosened a quarter of an inch and Feng Xuan made her swipe. She had managed to cut his cheek and blood immediately oozed out of the thick slice.

Feng Xuan's lip curled in a makeshift grin before the grip on her neck tightened again, the senator was completely choking her with both hands. 

"You. Fvcking." With each word, he shook and slammed her against the broken window panel. Pain erupted on her skull and back. Her vision danced and black spots almost took it all away. But at the corner of her eyes she saw a woman on the floor, her back turned to her.

"M-mom?" she whispered. 

The senator slammed her one more time and her head hit metal. She tasted blood in her mouth. When she opened her eyes, her mother was gone. "Bitch."

She could feel a stream of blood making its way down her back. She felt like the world was tilting under her feet. She knew it wouldn't be long before she lost consciousness with all the blood that she was losing. 

The senator closed his fingers on her throat again and snarled on her ear. "On second thought, I'd kill you now."

Feng Xuan gripped the glass shard, cutting her palm as the air left her lungs. She had to kill him NOW.

Feng Xuan raised her arm and made a swipe in front of her, unsure if she hit something. Suddenly, the hold on her neck was gone and she could see the senator holding his own throat, red liquid pouring in between his fingers. Blood was spilling from his lips, his eyes wide in shock and pain. He tumbled to the ground and had managed two steps before he plopped down, choking on his own blood. He sputtered and his body shook and then it went motionless in a matter of seconds.

Feng Xuan's legs couldn't hold herself up. She dropped to the floor, her hands sticky, wet, and red with blood—she did not know if it was hers or someone else's—like in her dream.

"Oh shit," she whispered as a flood of memories hit her like a car crash.


Qing Chen had made sure that the huge man was no longer moving and already dead before he made his next move. He grabbed his gun and saw that he only had two shots left. He inched towards the door, hoping he would not find anyone else there.

When he got closer, he heard laughing on the side. A laugh that made the hair on his arm raise. Menacing and scary. He pushed the door open, ready to shoot—but all he found was his wife on the floor in the middle of a pool of blood.

He rushed, almost tripping at his own feet. He quickly checked her for gunshots or wounds, but she was just laughing.

She raised a bloodstained hand. "Blood is funny."

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