The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 119 - Princess Is Awake

When Feng Xuan had been dragged inside that pitch black car, she knew she was not going die. If they had intentions of killing her, they would've done so already while they were on the deserted road. They could've easily killed her when she was trying to get her mother out of the car—when she was trying to save her mom.

Feng Xuan had woken up with a dull pain around her skull. It was as if her whole body was forcing her to go back to sleep, but the last image in her mind forced her awake.

Her mom, still in the car.

She jolted upwards, upsetting the thin blanket that covered her body. There was a single bulb in the room. Blobs moved in front of her—and talked. When her vision cleared, she realized they were people.

Her instincts told her to move—to scream for help. She was expecting chains and ropes on her wrists and ankles, but she found that she could move freely—but not free enough. She tried but a sharp pain came from her chest and arm. She clutched her heart—thinking it was that was hurting.

"Princess is awake," said one.

"You have plenty of bruises there from the crash. You're a pretty brave kid elbowing that window, but you needed more padding," chuckled one who was peeling a vegetable with a short knife. He tossed it to her. "Here."

Feng Xuan looked at the turnip. They were feeding her? Her eyebrows furrowed as the man watched her. His eyes were startlingly black and his lips were so thin his mouth looked like a slit on his face.

"It's clean," the man assured her. "I plucked it out myself from the ground."

Feng Xuan did not take a bite and surveyed her gauze-wrapped arm. She flexed it. It didn't hurt as much as she thought. She'd mind the pain later—after she got away from these people. "Where's my mother?"

"She's here. But on another place," said the man and stood up. Feng Xuan was a good two feet shorter than him. His frame was lanky but the way he moved told her he had been in this business way too long. "Let's have some dinner."

Feng Xuan got up, surveying the place. She had to get out of here. There were no windows and there was only one door. The table was set for three people. Noodles were steaming from its plastic cups and Feng Xuan took a seat, looking for something sharp. There was only a plastic fork. "Can I have that please?"

The two men sat down as if this was a normal occurence—having dinner with a girl they had abducted. "Sure," said the first man and began eating.

The smell of food made her stomach grumble. But eating was the last thing on her mind right now. She touched her cup and the warmth of it made her take a sip of the soup, just enough to ease the thirst she was feeling. "Why did you take me?"

"Just orders," said the second. "Nothing personal from us."

"Do you need money? My father has a lot."

"We know."

Ah, so they knew her father. It was about him then. Her father was probably already tracking them down. He would be here soon enough. But while he was not yet here, she had to get to her mother. "Are you going to let us go?"

"That's highly unlikely," sighed the other. "You should eat then sleep. We'll be on a long trip tomorrow."

Feng Xuan felt panic in her chest but she kept her voice even. "Where are we going?"

"I cannot really tell you that."

"Did you negotiate with my father?"

The first man only shook his head. "Listen, kid, we're also clueless with what is happening in the world right now. We received the orders to get and keep you for the night. That's all we know."

"Who is your boss?"

Both men chuckled. "Why do you want to know? Are you going to kill him?"

Feng Xuan offered a smile. "Yeah."


She snapped the fork in half. "Like how I'm going to kill you."

Before her words registered in their heads, Feng Xuan flipped her cup over to the man on her left, the scalding water burning his lap and arms. To the man on her right, she stuck the jagged end of the fork straight to his neck. A second later his hands were on his throat as he tried to stop the flood of blood.

Feng Xuan swung her leg above the table and hit the man on her left on the stomach. The wooden walls made a loud echo as his body hit it. As the man doubled over, Feng Xuan straightened him, but she was too small to hold him. She stretched her leg until her foot pounded on the man's throat.

"Who is your boss?"

The man made a choking sound and his hands were trying to push her off balance but her other foot was firm on the ground. 

"Who sent you?!"

"T-the... B-Boar."

"Who is that?!"

"T-t-the…Kee-per's b-roth-er."

She pressed her foot harder and she could feel the man's throat crushing under her heel. His face was already drained of colors and his lips were turning purple. "Where is my mother?"

"Ot...her build…ing. North…fr…here."

Feng Xuan removed her foot from his throat—only to do a roundhouse and hit the man's head. He hit the edge of the table and she heard the satisfying crack of the neck. The other one had already stopped moving drenched in blood.

Feng Xuan felt there waists and only found the small knife the other man was using earlier. She found the key to the door from the man's neck. When she got out, the wind from the trees hugged her. There was nothing else in sight.

Where is my mom?

She took in the shack she was in and found two stones which she snapped to produce a fire on the ceiling made of leaves. Father, I'm right here. Come find me.

She started running once the flames travelled in the majority of the roof. Whoever was going to see, would surely come. She was praying real hard that someone would. The ache on her chest seemed to quadruple as she leapt over the thick roots of the trees. Her feet felt like they were turning to mush.

Am I going the right way?

Just as she was about to change course, she saw the silhouette of the building. It was bigger than the shack and was made of stone. Feng Xuan jumped the last few feet and onto one of the trunks when she saw someone walking. Someone with a huge gun across his chest.

She clamped a hand over her mouth—afraid that he would hear her ragged breathing. She took some time catching her breath, the cold breeze making her lungs shake. She looked at the knife in her hand and bit it. She climbed the tree.

When the right moment came, she dropped on the man's back. She had already sliced his throat before he could scream.

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