The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 134 - I Was Hoping It Would Be You

Wuming was flexing his arms as he stared at his potential opponents in a straight line. "I'll take the strongest one, thank you."

"Sit down, Qing Wei," said Master and he froze. He didn't use the assassin name. "Let's start with the youngest."

Qing Lok made an audible groan. "What a nuisance," he remarked. Fighting in combat was never his forte although he could be passably good with it. He preferred to help with the use of his computers. Everyone else could be the brawn. But technology was key to most doors recently. "Let's get this over with."

He stepped onto the blue mat and waited as Master called his chosen one from the pile. Thankfully, a man was picked. He was about the same built and height as Qing Lok and had a serious face and eyes that seemed to outline his shape in the air.


The fight was pretty basic. It started out slow and it was as if they were both holding back—unsure of the capacity of the other. But as the minutes went by, the two began moving faster, finally catching up to the speed of each other's strengths. They ran around the mat, flying and kicking, until Qing Lok suddenly changed his attack mid-move and sent the other guy flying off with the kick at the back.

Nobody applauded but Wuming had a huge grin on his face. "Way to go, Lok! You have done good!" he clapped his youngest brother at the back. He could not contain his own excitement. Oh, how he wished he was the next one.

"Up next, Qing Chen."

Qing Chen stepped onto the mat and looked around. Master had taken a good look at his students, all looking forward with no emotions in their eyes. But when Master had finally called a name, his face lit up.

Qing Chen smiled and took his position. "I was hoping it would be you."

"Same thoughts," grinned Shao Fang.


Feng Xuan fought the urge to face-palm her head. WHY, WHY, WHY? Why did it have to happen like this? She had never seen Qing Chen fight but she had watched everyday as Shao Fang toppled every single one of their commrades on the mat.

It was as if all her nerve endings were tingling and it was forcing her to move… to do something! 

But before she could utter even a single word, the Master has spoken.



Qing Chen was feeling calm in his mind, but the rest of his body was already blazing with adrenaline. He ached to hit something, to exert some force, to cause damage, and to see the outcome of it. 

As he did not want to let his emotions take the rest of the day he had seen his beautiful wife again in a long time, he chose to not let it get to his head. Any other whisper of 'hurt him', 'kill him', and 'end him' had been quieted in his brain. He directed all his focus on this very moment.

It had been a few seconds ago since the fight had started. Qing Chen had a great eye with a person's personality—which greatly affects the way a person fights. Shao Fang had come off a little pompous and proud with his skill set. He was too damned confident he was going to win this one. It was a no-brainer that he had continuously attacked Qing Chen as soon as the master allowed them to begin.

On another situation, Qing Chen would have matched his opponents attacks blow by blow. But he decided he wanted to play longer with this one. He took the attacks and upped his defense. He wanted to see first how this man would fight, and then he would counter it.

Shao Fang was just about to do the move, but Qing Chen already saw the way his feet were positioned and quickly moved away as Shao Fang's leg swiftly cut the air. In that second when Qing Chen was stepping to the side, he landed a fist on Shao Fang's face.

The punch shocked Shao Fang and his hand flew to his jaw. A smile played on his lips. "Got lucky."

Qing Chen only shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah!" said Wuming from the sidelines. "End it already, Chen! I want my turn."

"Quiet," he replied. Shao Fang seemed to focus most of his power on his legs that his upper body was neglected. The next move was aimed for his head but Qing Chen punched the ankle away and his other striked on his opponent's cheek.

Shao Fang was thrown off balance and he was going to be defeated if he let himself drop to the mat. He caught himself on his hands and did a flip to get back on his feet. His emotions were rising up and it was as if his body could not stop it as it tried and tried to land a fist or a foot on Qing Chen but it was deflected with a mere small movement. Then out of nowhere, he would just suddenly feel pain in some part of his body and he knew he was already hit. It was not long when Qing Chen dodged another flying kick and crouched. With a sweep of his leg, Shao Fang was thrown to the ground.

Surprisingly, the man was a good sport and took Qing Chen's hand when he offered to help him up. "Damn, you're good."

"You've done well with just a few monts of training. I've got years under my belt," said Qing Chen. "Let's spar again next time."

"Sure, sure," said Shao Fang with a smile.

Wuming happily jumped to the mat. "My turn! Who's ready?"

"Qing Wei, I need a word with you," said Master. He was already glooming even before he reached the old man. He knew what he was going to say. "You can't play with these kids. On the other hand, I'll evaluate you myself tomorrow."

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