The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 142 - You're Scary

Qing Chen took a look at Ma Min. "Why don't I hang you first?"

Ma Min only laughed, tilting her head back. Qing Chen thought for a second that she would let herself fall but her foot remained planted on the small rectangle. "You rich assholes just feel like you could do anything, huh? What you don't know is that the lower in the caste you are, the freer you get. You might be one in a million, but you don't get the anonymity that we have."

He wanted to tell her that he already knew that, but he didn't want to feed whatever it was that was going on in that girl's head.

"I am honestly getting curious," whispered Ma Min as if she just realized it. She was staring at the windows at the dormitory's side. She slid her eyes to Qing Chen. "What does your wife have that she someone thinks she deserves to die?"

Qing Chen closed his eyes and felt the wind enter the holes of his shirt, drying the perspiration he had from their long walk back. "I'm not talking to you anymore."

"Suit yourself. I might be able to help you."

Qing Chen was open to getting help. But not until he knew who he was dealing with. He needed to talk to his brothers soon.


Feng Xuan couldn't sleep that night. She was huffing angrily on her bed. It had occurred to her to look for Qing Chen but she didn't know where to look first. What took him so long? She waited for him all night, even debated with herself if she should just close her window and not let him in. 

She caught sleep somehow in the midst of it all, but her body woke her up too early. When she made her way down to the front for her morning run, that was when she saw that Qing Chen was there with Ma Min on the training grounds atop the wooden pillars.

Her mouth gaped open. What was going on? Master was there standing. She could tell their legs were already shaking by the way they looked like they were imitating a crashing airplane. Was Qing Chen out here all night? WITH HER?!

Feng Xuan hastily tightened her shoes and started running. Thoughts were still clouding her mind, but as her lungs asked for air and her muscles burn, she become one with the forest for a few minutes and she just ran.


Wuming awoke to the sound of the morning bells and he immediately pulled up a smile on his lips. He could very well wake up like this everyday. His fingers went under his pillow in search of his phone to send a short message—oh right, he did not have his phone.

Well, that was the only thing that beats this heaven. He didn't have Camille here. He let his towel dry at the window and when he reached for it, he saw that his brother was getting down from the pillars with wobbly legs. Wuming's face twisted. He had stood there long enough that pain was evident on Qing Chen's eyes. He could barely walk.

Instead of coming to his younger brother's rescue, Wuming rapped on the youngest's. Qing Lok opened the door with a sour look and his hair sticking up in all directions. "What?" he rubbed his eyes.

"Chen was out with that short-hair girl."


They both raced to the window and saw that the two were already making their way inside. They immediately went to Qing Chen's room and waited for him there. Qing Chen plopped down on his bed. "Stay quiet and I will tell you everything."

He gave them the lot of the information as much as he could with what little energy he had left. Wuming's mind raced and he could feel his heartbeat getting faster and stronger. Finally, it would not be so stale here. "Now we got to go to Master's office. I have to send a message."

"We'll work on that if you're well enough tonight," said Wuming.

Qing Chen only nodded. "Now, leave please. I need to catch some sleep before lunch."

"Alright, we'll see you." Wuming toed Qing Chen until he lay down on his back. It would be good for his circulation. "Have a great rest."

Qing Chen was asleep even before his brother was out the door.


When Feng Xuan got back from her run, she immediately launched herself to the morning training. She did not see Qing Chen and Ma Min.

She was seething all throughout the day. It did not help that people around her were talking about it. They said Qing Chen and Ma Min were found in the woods. 

What the hell was that about?!

Is that why he was asking about the forest?

It was as if she got through everything with a clenched fist on her side. At lunch, the two were finally present looking tired and sleep-deprived.

They had a short break before they reconvene for the afternoon training. Feng Xuan was waiting for Qing Chen at his room and when he came in, she pulled him by the collar and slammed him against the wall, pressing a blade on his neck.

Not that she was really going to cut him.

"Are you serious right now?" Qing Chen asked her.

"What was that about?"

"Relax," he said with a lazy smile. "Sit down for a while. I'll tell you."

Feng Xuan narrowed her eyes at him for a second before withdrawing the knife and sheathing her knife. "Speak."

Qing Chen dropped to the chair. "Jesus, you're scary. Nobody would think to one-up you."

"If you're not going to start talking, my knife is going to find another thing to cut." Her eyes drifted to his crotch before she smiled sweetly at him.

"You'll regret cutting it." Feng Xuan raised her blade again and Qing Chen lifted his hands. "Alright, no more jokes. Here's what happened…"

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