The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 148 - None Of Us Are Safe

Qing Chen took another shower after his morning duties before heading to training. This place had never heard of a water heater and as the weather got colder and colder as they approached the end of the year, the water temperature got closer to freezing point.

Qing Chen was shivering by the time he stepped out of the shower room and his teeth were chattering. Even as he dried off, he felt like his insides were dropped in ice. Nevertheless, the shower did its job and his mind was more functional and awake.

But his body was still tired and sleep kept on dragging him back. After lunch, he took another shower just to keep him up. He could not imagine his joy when dinner was finally over and he could finally rest.

When he got to Feng Xuan's room, she was still in the bathroom. Suddenly, his body felt too hot and he took off his shirt before he dropped on the bed. He didn't want to fall asleep so he took a book and began reading.

At some point, he fell asleep and he was only awakened when he felt fingers trailing on his back.

Feng Xuan was watching him sleep with a curious look in her eyes. "Hey, sleepyhead," she smiled. The lights were already off and half her face was in shadow.

Qing Chen turned to his side. "Sorry I took up your bedspace. I should've slept in my own room tonight."

"It's fine," she said. "You look comfortable."

Qing Chen took her wrist and made her lie down on his arm. "How was your shower?"

"Refreshing. Ever since I got here, at the end of the day I feel like I smell like a wet rag."

Qing Chen smiled. "I think you'd still smell great."

"I don't think so. I wouldn't smell myself."

Qing Chen pressed his cheek against Feng Xuan's head. "You're getting better and better everyday. I can't wait to see you out there."

"See me where?"

"In your chosen field. I know you wanted to be an assassin for your father when you were younger. If you still want that, you should go for it."

"But I'll be away from you." She sighed. "Our time here is the most time we've spent together. You had always been busy with the company and I was busy building a bakeshop and being pretty." 

"Not like you're spending too much effort on being pretty. You're a natural at it."

She leaned on his bare chest. "You're so hot."


"I meant you're really warm. Do you have a fever?"

"No." It came out a m.o.a.n. "I just need to rest."

Her fingertips slid down his spine. The beautiful red rose tattoo was there. "When we get back to the city. Are we going back to normal? Like, I stay at home, attend school, and you'll be at the office?"

"Someone has to run the company."

"Can't you get someone to replace you?"

He shook his head. "Wuming is out and Qing Lok was not yet showing any interest in it. The Kingly had always been run by blood. Not strangers. The only way we could get someone to replace me is that if we have a child."

"We better get to that, then."

Qing Chen held on her cheek. "Soon."

He tried to think about it. A family. It could all be possible after he would be able to make the majority of Enigma's illegal operations, legal. After The Zookeeper, he would get right to it. He needed peace in order to have a family. It was strange to think about peace and at the same time think about killing your enemies to achieve it.

But anything goes if it was for his family.

He had an idea. "Do you know a way we can spend more time together?"


"Come in office. We'll give you an executive position in The Kingly."

"And we're going to share your office?" she laughed.

"If you want. I'll have the walls broken down. You can handle everything food related—the restaurants and the food processing. Or you can take over the real estate your father has. Our parents are working on a merger on that part."

There was a life waiting for her outside these walls. She could not wait to get to it. But first, she needed to complete this training. What she had now, was still not enough. "I'll think about it."


Qing Lok stayed up all night watching for someone to exit the premises. He was sitting on his windowsill staring at the huge shadow the tall trees made and the empty training ground. Maybe he should've gone in the forest like Wuming did. That way he would've lot of other things to look at.

He waited and waited, but nothing came. Before three in the morning, he plopped down his bed and slept. 

Little did he know there was already someone in the woods keeping an eye on his window.


Disappointment ran through the four of them when Qing Lok reported the that there were no incidents earlier that morning. "Do you think they switched places?"

Wuming shook his head. "Going around the property will be harder. It'll take them more time to get back to their rooms. It'll be riskier."

Qing Chen spoke up, looking well-rested and bright. "I'm going to sweep a part of it tomorrow." He opened a his journal and took a pencil. He drew the courtyard and the blob shape of the forest. "Shao Fang and Ma Min couldn't go that far. They need a place where it wouldn't take a lot of time to get there and to get back here." He divided the forest in six parts. "I'll start tonight."

"What if they were really just… you know…" Qing Lok said. "Would it be a federal crime?"

"No," Wuming said. "We got nothing on Shao Fang. Chances are he's their inside guy. None of us are safe here."

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