The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 161 - Sounds Delicious (Wuming x Camille. Can skip)

Wuming had told her the truth.

It had been a while before Camille finally had the energy to get up from the floor. She felt cold all over. Her skin, toes, and fingers were freezing.

She didn't want him to leave. She wanted to ask questions. But… now that he was gone… she realized she really needed the space. She didn't think she would have been able to open her mouth earlier.

This is just a dream, right? she asked herself. There is no way that this is true.

Wuming wasn't really a killer. He didn't accept money to end a person's life.

But if he did… Was that how he valued life? With the commas on numbers? With the amount of zeros that came with it? Was the price the thing that made it easy? Was it easier to bear when you would bring bags of cash home?

What kind of conscience did he have? How could he do it? How could he watch as a person's life drain away from them? How could he watch them take their last breath without rushing over to extend their lives?

How? How? How?

Camille felt hollowness inside her chest. It was as if the cold air had filled her entire body. She wrapped another blanket around her. When she sniffed, she smelled Wei and her heart earned another crack.

Tears lined her lashes.

That was another thing. He was a Qing. What was a measly commoner was supposed to do with him? He should be with women who could contribute to the overwhelming wealth his family had. He was a descendant of a person who was making this city prosper. And who was she? She was just an employee. A dot among the great painting of the world. 

She felt like all her limbs had been taken from her. What was she supposed to do with him? Should she turn him over to the authorities?

She could get arrested if she wouldn't expose his identity. This kind of information, it was too valuable to pass up on. 

She took her phone and started looking for Qing Wei in social medias. She had seen other profiles but not with the face of the guy who was just here. She had even tried the search engines. She consulted the 'about' of Qings and it was said that Qing Zihao only fathered two sons.

Was she being scammed?

Or worse… this killer assumed identity of another person and…

She shook her head, trying to calm her heart. He had a video of his brothers. He did look alike with the younger one. There was no way that he could've faked that.

She got up and filled the tub with hot water. She needed to relax and release the tension in her muscles. She scrubbed herself clean as if she wanted to remove the feeling of Wei's hand on her. She scooted on the corner and hugged her knees to her chest.

Camille just felt numb. Like someone had cut her out and left nothing inside.

She turned on the shower, feeling the hot drops on top of her head. That way, she wouldn't know which were her tears.

Her heart was just asking one question: Why?


Wuming didn't really leave. Once he made sure that the gate was locked, he jumped over the wall and made his way to the woods. He climbed a tree that provided him the view of the house. The light was still on in the living room. He noticed another light flickered near the back of the house. The bathroom.

Wuming hugged the coat to himself and took out his phone. There were no messages.

What was he thinking? Of course she would not have messaged him yet. She might not even message him again. Ever.

Maybe I made the wrong decision, he thought. He sat down on the branch. No, I made the right choice. She needed to know who I really was.

He suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket and he immediately pulled it out, answering the call. "Camille?"

"Camille?" asked a familiar voice. "Who is that?"

Wuming's heart sank. If silk had a voice, it would be this. "Mistress," the woman who had pointed him to the zoo. "I'm not even going to ask how you got my private number."

A laugh came from the other end of the call. "Yeah, better not to ask. It involved a few dead bodies."

"What do you want?" 

"Aw, you sound grumpy, sugar," she teased. "Can I help you ease all that anger out of you?"

A sullen smile crept up of Wuming's lips. "I wish. But it is nothing that you would be able to fix."

"Hmm, I doubt. I can fix any man's problem, you know."

"I don't know. You could not end this one with a knife."

"Hmm, but I have come by an old whiskey bottle and I need someone to share it with."

His eyebrows furrowed. "You're in town?"

"Yes, sugar. I've been here since last week." 

Wuming considered. 

"What do you say?" Mistress asked. "Let's down your problems with a few glasses? Tell me all about it. It sounds grave."

"It'll definitely send me to my death."

"Hmmm!! Sounds delicious. Now I'm even more curious."

Wuming could feel the hair on the nape of his neck stand. Mistress' voice was really something that tickles. "If I were to meet you… no dirty business."

Mistress let out a laugh. "Wuming, of all people… you're warning me? As if you can't kill me in a split second if I'd try to pull something."

He stared at Camille's house. The lights turned off. She must be getting to sleep then. She was not going to call him. He sighed. 

"Sugar," Mistress called. "We'll be just two friends having a quiet dinner. We'll even go to a restaurant."

Wuming jumped down from the branch. "Alright, I'll meet you there. Pick a good one. It's on me."

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