The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 168 - You're Cheating

The couple didn't stay long in the hot spring. Half-submerged in cold water and the other half of their bodies freezing to death was not exactly a great combination. They retired in the bedroom and as Feng Xuan said, they talked. They made their own dinner and lounged near the fireplace wrapped in blankets and Feng Xuan in between Qing Chen's knees. Later on, they lay down the carpet and fell asleep there.

After cleaning the place, they made their way back to the training grounds. "Do you have a house that has a hot spring?" asked Feng Xuan. "It's really ther.a.p.eutic."

"I think we have one. But it's too far from the city," answered Qing Chen, avoiding a thick root. "You know, I was thinking," he started. "Maybe we should find a new house."


"In a more public area."


"Our current house right now actually doesn't work in our favor. We don't have neighbors. If something happens to us it would take weeks before the authorities would be alerted. I'm thinking it would be a great pre-caution with The Zookeeper."

"Yes," said Feng Xuan. "But our current house has only one entrance. Not unless they would brave the raging waters and rock-climb to reach our deck."

"We're not really talking about ordinary people here. The Zookeeper was willing to take small losses to get to us. What if they would really climbed that cliff? Got a helicopter and dropped people in our house?" The clearing appeared far ahead. "I'm just suggesting a more busy neighborhood wherein something suspicious would not escape our neighbor's eyes."

Feng Xuan nodded. "You're right. But after this, we'll go back to our house."

"Of course," he said, already listing in his mind on which properties of theirs fit the description he wanted. If they would not find anything, they would have to buy.

After their short walk, they finally said their farewell to Master and took Feng Xuan's belongings in the car. In less than an hour, they were all on their way back to Chengshi.

"Did you find a treasure?" asked Wuming and opened the small fridge and took out a pack of chocolates.

"Just a hot spring," answered Feng Xuan. "I think I might install a jacuzzi in our new house because of that."

"That would be nice," said Wuming. "Now that we'd all be in one place, I expect a letter from The Zookeeper."

"I hope he comes up with a new code. It's getting boring," said Qing Lok who was slouched against his seat, looking out at the grayish sky. "Has anyone thought that maybe The Zookeeper was easy to kill? I mean, he does not really strike me as someone who is dangerous. If he's really brave he would show his face but all he does is run and cause problems using his minions."

"Let's just hope we catch him soon," said Qing Chen. "I also want this to be over and done with."

"I think I'll side with Qing Lok," said Feng Xuan. "It will be anti-climactic. We would find his hideout and storm it. In about half an hour later, we would be pointing guns at his head."

"That would be great if it would go like that. Less hassle." Qing Chen pulled a folder from a short stack and began reading. "Let's just all expect the worst and hope for the best."


Their families were waiting in the Qings property and after a tender two-hour reunion with her father, Feng Xuan was ready to leave the house again. Qing Chen had left them alone to catch up and retired in his bedroom for some sleep.

Feng Xuan woke him up with a kiss on his neck. "Get up, we're going somewhere."

Qing Chen hugged her. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to get our skin tattooed."


"In case you've forgotten, I told you that was the first thing I'd do."

"Right," Qing Chen said and stretched. "Care to tell me now what we're having?"

"Nope, you'll just have to see the final product."


Qing Chen made a call to the woman who had done the tattoo on his back. Normally, it would take months before you could get a schedule as this person was in demand, especially among celebrities.

Feng Xuan took out her journal from the training grounds out of her coat and showed her drawings to the artists. "Make sure he doesn't see."

While they prepared, Feng Xuan sat down with Qing Chen who was looking through the design book. "It's not a smiley face, right?" he asked.

"Do I look like someone who could put a smiley face on my back?" she held on his hand. "You'll love it."

"Dear heavens, I wish," he joked.

She leaned against his shoulder. "I decided to have it placed on your chest instead."

"Uh-huh, that's a good decision."

"Your arms look great plain. Can't really imagine anything on it."

"Are you going to take over my whole chest?"

"No, more like, just here," she answered and circled a part on his pec. Over his heart.

"You're going to sign your name over there?"

Feng Xuan grinned. "We'll just have to see."

Upon request, they were placed close to each other with a curtain to hide their bodies. "You're not allowed to take your eyes off me," she said as the work on her back got started. 

"Yeah, yeah," he answered.

A few minutes passed and he was starting to guess what was going on his skin. "It feels like a zig-zag road."


"There are curves on it. And lots ot cloud-like circles."

Feng Xuan glared at him. "You're cheating. Don't try to feel it."

"How can I not feel it, though?" He closed his eyes feeling the needle prick his skin repeatedly. But it was really hard to guess.

As Feng Xuan's tattoo was much bigger, they stayed longer. And when the reveal came, all Qing Chen said was: "This is crazy."

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