The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 181 - A Proposal

Wuming was feeling rather great that afternoon. He had just gotten out of the shower, freshly shaven and clean. He had some music blasting through the speakers in his room as he put slid short daggers with a strap by his leg.

After putting a button-up shirt, he winked at himself at the mirror and made his way down to the living room where he found Qing Lok at the floor with the other ITs. "What are you doing there, bud?"

Qing Lok took one glance at him. "It's a sunny day for you, huh?"

Wuming looked at the floor-to-ceiling window and saw that it was gray outside. "I'm going to pull the sun out of its hiding. Still looking for The Zookeeper?"

"Of course," his youngest brother answered. "Where are you off to?"

"Uhm… I'm going to stretch some bones."

"Out in the snow?"

He winced. Wuming was not sure he should tell his brother where he was going. But decided that it was best for someone to know where he would disappear to. "I actually took a contract."

Qing Lok's fingers stopped on top of his keyboards. "You're joking, right?"

Wuming shook his head.

"Father's going to have your head."

Wuming laughed. "I'm bored. Just this once."

"You're bored so you're gonna kill someone?"

"That's the way of life. Or at least, MY life." Wuming grinned at his brother but he didn't feel it reach his heart. "I'll be back by midnight."

"Clean up after yourself!" reminded Qing Lok just as he was shutting the door.

Wuming shrugged on the coat and a knitted hat on top of his head. He wasn't going to take a car tonight. He started walking out of their house, hoping he was still familiar with transportation in Chengshi.


Qing Chen was more than annoyed that he was pulled out a very important meeting to attend another one. The shareholders in The Kingly Empire didn't hold meetings as often as others do. It was a smooth-sailing business. The only time they could only be calling a meeting for, was if the stocks were down and they were worried if they were losing money.

But as far as Qing Chen knew, there wasn't anything that was making their stocks go down. He double-checked nonetheless in the car on the way deeper in the city where another in the name of their company stood.

Qing Chen was the last to arrive in the huge room with the long table lined with chairs. His eyebrows met in the middle of his forehead when he saw Da Xia at the front of the room, holding the remote to the projector.

"We're finally graced by his presence," commented his ex-girlfriend as he took his seat next to his father who was at the head. 

"What's this about?" he asked her and from the corner of his eyes, Da Xia's family gave him a glare. He turned to look at Dai Fang. "What are you doing here? Moral support?"

Dai Fang glared at him and Qing Chen felt a little less annoyed that he had to come all the way here.

"I have a proposal," said Da Xia. "Are you ready to see it?"

Qing Chen waved a hand. "Why are you asking me?"

Da Xia turned to Qing Zihao, "If I may start, Chairman Qing?"

"Do so," answered Qing Chen's father.

The lights were turned down low and the projector was filled with models and clothes. He had to admit, it was a good report. But while this was going on, the other shareholders looked unsure. Like him, they didn't really understand why The Kingly Empire had to branch out to the clothing business.

Da Xia looked passionate while she was explaining things but she certainly did not look like someone who understood business. She knew clothes, true. But that was the farthest she could go.

Qing Chen had been unsure when he heard about this plan from his wife. But at least, Feng Xuan admitted she knew nothing with sewing and designing and she was smart to just handle the business side of things.

"You're proposing that we have a COO to handle this new company?" asked one shareholder.

"Yes, and I am suggesting you name my brother for it," said Da Xia with a smile that would surely charm someone else on an ordinary day. But when you talk about money with these people, there was no such thing as charming.

"Wouldn't that be a sinking ship?" said one and chuckles around the table erupted. Qing Chen pursed his lips but his lips could not contain the smile.

"In case you've forgotten," Mother Dai said, claiming the attention of the rest of the room, "our family holds a big portion of the stocks in this company. Dai Fang's performance at the hotel is greatly improving. Ask the CEO."

"I am only going to agree with this if Qing Chen would take over this company also," said another, a close family friend.

His father butted in, "Qing Chen's already busy with the matters of the hotels and the resorts all over this country. We can't add more into his plate now that we have constructions on-going in different parts of the world."

And it was not like Qing Chen was going to say yes.

"I think it would be a good investment," said another. "With someone like Da Xia spearheading this, the brand would easily get popular."

Then some others agreed.

"Why don't we just vote on it?" asked Mother Dai. "All we're asking is a chance."

The first votes had been turned in and 39% said YES. Mother Dai turned to Qing Chen and his father. The last two votes. It was his father who had 45% of the say in this matter. He only had 10%. "I assume you're saying no, Qing Chen, because of what happened in the past?"

"I am not that petty," he answered. "I am saying no because this is not Europe and she's not popular here." He sent a not so apologetic smile to Da Xia who was trying her best not to look like she was fuming in anger.

Mother Dai turned to last person. "How about you, Chairman Qing? Are you as biased as your son?"

"I already let your son in the hotel and into this meeting even when he's not allowed. You should at least be thankful."

Everyone seemed to sit frozen in their seats but Mother Dai was not backing down. "You know this is a good investment. If you don't hold the majority votes then it's already a go."

Qing Zihao looked at his son and Qing Chen nodded at him to say that it was okay. Qing Zihao turned with a glare to Mother Dai. "I will vote yes, but when this fails, you are going to exit this company. I am going to take your shares and you're leaving without a dime."

Da Xia started protesting, "Mother—"

"Deal," said Mother Dai. "But if we succeed, you are going to sell your—"

"Just take your yes and go," bellowed Qing Zihao.

Qing Chen was rolling on the floor in his mind.

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