Liu Meilien snatched the hairpin from her mother's fingers who was in a state of shock to move. Feng Xuan sent a final glare to her step-mother's way before gently steering Liu Meilien and pushed past the gathered crowd and into the backstage.

"Your mother is really crazy," Feng Xuan said.

"I don't think I can get out there," said Liu Meilien. "I don't think I can do it."

"What are you talking about?" asked Wang Yimin who grabbed the hairpin and started combing her hair.

"I think she's panicking a little," Feng Xuan answered.

"They're not going to like me. They just saw what I did to my mother." Liu Meilien's chest was heaving like she couldn't really breathe.

"Oh please, your mother is nuts—"

"Shh," warned Wang Yimin and scowled at her cousin. She turned to Liu Meilien and gently ran her hands to the other girl's hair. "Why don't you breathe first, okay?"

It seemed like Wang Yimin was working magic. Feng Xuan saw it unfold in front of her eyes. Her cousin started humming a song with deep and long tones as she carefully twisted Liu Meilien's hair and slid the pin to hold it. Her step-sister's breath returned to normal and she looked more relaxed.

"Why did you even choose me?" she asked, her head bowed.

Feng Xuan and Wang Yimin exchanged a look. While they were planning YANG, they had a fleeting conversation on who should be their first ambassadress. They scrolled through all the known models feeds. Some were already popular—who already made a name with known brands. Some just did not fit the idea in Wang Yimin's head.

For Wang Yimin, the brand was all about elegance, poise, slow, and soft. Something like a beautiful flower that everyone would want in their house. She wanted their clothes to be something people would be proud to wear, something that could make them feel they are beautiful and graceful.

It was Feng Xuan who actually thought about her step-sister. "What about Liu Meilien? She fits all the things you want—looks warm and cuddly, like a plush bear, her face is pretty, she does not look daunting and she could make her name with our brand."

Wang Yimin took one look at her social media account and pictures and was satisfied. "Okay, let's go with her."

Then they moved on to the next topic at hand.

"Because we trust you and think that you are right the right person to promote this brand," Wang Yimin answered. "We chose people who we want to be part of this family. And we want you here with us."

Liu Meilien looked over her shoulder at Feng Xuan. "What about you? Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? I mean, sure we got on the wrong foot and all that," Feng Xuan said with some guilt in her stomach. "But I have so much other things to think about. And I know it's not you who leaked to the press about the issue before with Qing Chen's secretary. It's your mother."

Liu Meilien looked at herself at the mirror. She was surprised that she hadn't started crying yet. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed. She didn't want to talk back to her mother, some part of her still wanted to follow what she wanted to happen. But just this once… she wanted to choose something for herself.

She straightened up. "I'll do it."

"Tell them we're ready to start," said Wang Yimin to Feng Xuan.

While Feng Xuan went out to make sure that everything was in its rightful place, Wang Yimin was telling Liu Meilien final notes. She was handed cards to read before she went out to the runway. 

Feng Xuan returned after a few minutes. "It's ready. Everything good?"

Wang Yimin nodded. "Let's get this party started."


"Please welcome our host for tonight, Liu Meilien."

It was as if her throat closed up when she heard her name. She handed her cards to one of the assistants. On a normal runway she would just usually plaster a stony face or a happy face--depending on what the designer wanted. But when she stepped from the backstage and onto the runway, she felt her lips slowly smiling on its own.

The spotlight was attacking her face and blinding her. She could barely see what was happening around her but the runway was long and she twirled at some spots. The cameras kept on flashing and a huge one attached to a machine was following her around, capturing her every move.

It was a full minute before she got back to the main stage where a microphone and her cards was handed back to her. "Good evening, everyone!" she greeted. "I am Liu Meilien, your host for tonight and the brand ambassadress for YANG."

It was easy hosting a launch. She had introduced Wang Yimin and Feng Xuan, who both each enjoyed their own minutes at the runway. Feng Xuan only said a few words, telling the world that all the credit belonged to her cousin for she was the one who had did most of the job and joked that the only contribution she did was pay for the expenses. Wang Yimin had a whole speech prepared telling the rather very short history how the brand had come through. It was also a short speech—a whole week summarized into three minutes.

"Please enjoy the show," Wang Yimin closed her speech and the three of them went backstage.

Liu Meilien finally saw the models lined up. "You've done all of these in a week?"

"I haven't been sleeping," Wang Yimin answered. It was about the hundredth time someone asked her how she made it all possible. "I hired four dozens professional seamstresses who worked around the clock to finish everything."

Feng Xuan was not listening to their conversation, she was too busy watching Da Xia's glowering face. She grinned. "Eat that, bitch."

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