The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 196 - Colorful Poisonous Moth

The interview went on for a few minutes. Once the others heard that Da Xia was talking about the scheming evil side of Feng Xuan, small notebooks were pulled out of their purses and coat pockets. Phones were pulled out to jot notes on. 

"I hope this would not bring trouble to any of you," said she, not really caring what would happen to these people when they stumble upon the wrath of the Qings. Xie Changying worked hard to keep their reputation clean. They would be jobless soon enough.

"Not at all," said one who was still scribbling down the last thing she said. "There are a lot of options to publish articles nowadays. We'd remain completely anonymous."

"That's good to hear, I wouldn't want you guys to catch the flaming anger of Feng Xuan when she reads about this. Let me be the bad guy." She gave them a small smile and a wink. "We never know, she might open her own publishing company that would only write nice things about her."

The table exploded in laughter.

"Thank you all for thinking that my side in this story was worth hearing and writing about. I'm looking forward to read all the things you would write. Do send me a copy." She said her farewells and walked back to the table she was supposed to sit. Some photographers turned to snap pictures of her.

It had been a short waiting time when it was announced that Liu Meilien was to enter. Da Xia's mouth almost fell open when she saw the dress. It was beautiful. Liu Meilien looked like a woodland mermaid.

Da Xia looked around truly for the first time. They must've been aiming for a fairytale-like atmosphere. Everything in the YANG catalogue were in either light or pastel colors. This was something out of a girl's fantasy and it was working. The crowd was in awe when Liu Meilien walked around the long round runway. The photographers seemed to have taken a thousand pictures when she passed by.

Liu Meilien was a B-list model, but she did her job well tonight. It was even a surprise to know that she was the ambassadress. With Yang money behind the cousins, Da Xia was expecting someone far more popular—someone who had already done runways from all over the world and had been published as a cover girl.

She knew Feng Xuan was no model, that was why she wasn't even disappointed when she was the one walking down the shiny floor. She did know how to sway her h.i.p.s though. She had this presence that would not let you take her eyes off her.

Finally, it was Wang Yimin herself who was walking—the true competition in all this. She had a nice and kind face. The smile on her lips was so genuine. You would know that she was just having a good time.

The only thing this proved was that Wang Yimin couldn't have possibly thought about starting this brand. It was Feng Xuan who planned to unleash all these evilness.

Soon enough, the catwalk was field with models, all wearing the same kind of top with different designs. She had to admit, everything looked so pretty to look at. But would it be something that would trend nowadays? 

When the main event was finished, finally food had been put out. Everything was in a light color—things that would not stain clothes. By that point, Da Xia was already too annoyed with this reality. It was something that came out of a fantasy and she was sick of it. She felt like she was being fed with glitters and rainbows. 

A few minutes after the food was served, Da Xia caught Feng Xuan walking around the tables, asking if how was the show and the food. She excused herself from the table and she went to the bathroom to fix herself. When she went back, Feng Xuan was already at their table.

"How do you know them?" asked Da Xia with no other form of greeting or anything.

Feng Xuan turned to her with a smile. "Hello, Da Xia. I didn't think you would come."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know. I didn't think you would be the kind of person who would sprinkle salt on your own wounds."

Da Xia laughed as if it was the funniest thing she heard. "There were no salt tonight. To be honest, I was kind of expecting more from you and Wang Yimin." She eyed Feng Xuan's dress so carefully made she looked like she was an angel who would bring good news. "But I guess money can't buy talent."

Feng Xuan grinned at her. "I do hope you're telling yourself that. You wouldn't want people to think that you'll be dressing them like a colorful, poisonous…" Feng Xuan eyed her dress. "Moth."

"It's a butterfly," Da Xia defended. 

"Oh," Feng Xuan said. "I didn't realize. Nice fabric though. It would look nice as a nightclub's curtain."

Da Xia stepped forward and looked at the embroidered fabric. "My grandmother misses her tablecloths."

Feng Xuan laughed—even harder than Da Xia did. "Your grandmother? Tablecloths? Oh, you're so sweet to think that your grandmother can afford this." She whispered, "Make space in your purse, they're bringing out the caviar."

Feng Xuan winked at her and fleeted to the next table. 

Da Xia wanted to squish the other woman's head until it burst. The whole table was just looking at her, waiting for her reaction. Instead of letting it get to her, she smiled at them and snatched her coat from her seat. "I have to go. I still have some work to do."

One of the women laughed—someone whom she recalled also took a shot at Qing Chen when they were younger. "Yeah, you do," said the woman with a wicked grin.

"Sad for you, no matter how much work you put in, you're just filling an empty pocket." She turned. "Ciao."

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