The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 198 - Gold Mine

After having seconds, Qing Chen and Feng Xuan returned to the hotel. The set up was so big that they were still egressing when they landed back there. The road was already empty and they went home easily. Feng Xuan refused to walk on her feet and asked Qing Chen to carry her to the inside of their house.

Qing Chen ran a hot bath for the both of them and they soaked in for a few minutes. They didn't even let the water run cold before they got out of the water. Feng Xuan used the hair dryer near the bed as she read the recent posts in social media about their clothes. 

'Cant wait for the website to go up!!!!'

'Definitely going to buy the whole collection'

'My bank account would be crying after I am done with this'

Feng Xuan sucked her cheeks in. She knew the influencers and bloggers that they had invited would post tomorrow. But she could not wait to hear what they have to say. The models they had tonight already posted their pictures in their social medias, garnering thousands and thousands of likes. Liu Meilien immediately reached half a million followers.

"Good for her," Feng Xuan said. With the recent issues that surrounded her life, Feng Xuan had long past that mark.

Not every comment was nice. Others thought it would be something that their mother and grandmother would wear. Some people were criticizing them for mass promoting this line when the prices would surely be for the people in the upper class only. "Capitalists," they said.

"It's the way of the world."

Feng Xuan wanted to reply—even thought about making a dummy account just to troll the people who were tweeting negative things about Wang Yimin's work. But she realized she was too tired for that. Maybe tomorrow, she whispered in her mind.

They also had critics attend tonight. They had given them the best of treatments as possible. Some even flown from overseas and YANG paid for their accommodation and airfare so they could come. Feng Xuan would surely play a bad trick or two on them if they would write terrible things after every penny they spent just to get them there.

"You seem to be so deep in thought," Qing Chen said as he crawled to the bed.

Feng Xuan turned the hairdryer off and ran her hands to her now already dry hair—well, too dry. "Do you think Da Xia would pay critics to say nice things about her?"

"Surely. And also interviews. It's the oldest trick in the book."

Feng Xuan clicked her tongue. "Should we have done that?"

Qing Chen shook his head. "That won't be the right move. Your name would be tarnished in the press. No one likes a control freak. Just let them write what they want to write. They would stop if you're going to be unbothered. Besides, I don't think any major publishing company would say bad things about YANG. Wang Yimin really did good on those clothes. Who would've thought, right?"

Feng Xuan nodded. "She outdone herself. I really have to treat her somewhere."

"Your father owns a resort near the beach, you ought to take a look at that. They specialize in their spa treatments."

Feng Xuan tilted her head to the side. "And how do you know about my father's properties?"

Qing Chen pulled her inside his arms and against his chest. His warmth more than welcomed. "We're business associates. He offered we take a look." Qing Chen chuckled. "In every destination we thought of placing a new hotel, your father would be like, 'I already have a land there. I have some apartments near that. I have a resort in the next city.' It's actually funny in meetings."

Feng Xuan had long wanted to take a look at her father's company. But the immensity of it made her want to cower in a corner. She knew she would inherit everything when the death would inevitably fetch her father's soul—but for now, she would have fun in her smaller businesses and learn the ropes before she goes to the big leagues.

She ran her hands through Qing Chen's hair. "How do you manage all your hotels?"

"Honestly, most of them are self-sufficient. Every morning I receive a report about all of them—the problems, the progresses and whatnot. If there are problems I have to see that it would be solve ASAP. Mainly, it's just The Kingly since it's the flagship hotel. It has to be always perfect. The smaller ones can wait for my attention. But not this one."

"Why do you think they want you out of The Kingly Empire? Why are they replacing you as the CEO?"

"It's just because of the absences. The Kingly has a lot of businesses. Father was the one who is still in charge with the others but the hotel chain was the biggest one. They worry a lot about it."

"Qing Chen, honest question, do you think we can own the world?"

Her husband laughed and nuzzled his nose against her face. "You already own this city. Of course you can own the world."


Dai Fang leaned against the huge leather chair he had been sitting on for hours. His eyes were so tired already he had put eyedrops in it for the past two hours. He was scanning every file that came in and out of Qing Chen's office.

A migraine was already starting in his head from being in the computer so much. What was Da Xia thinking? It was Qing Chen after all. This was so pointless. Ever since he was younger, they already knew he was someone special who had the brains to run a company.

Dai Fang continued to scroll. He was already two-thirds through. His eyes were nearly closing on their own when something caught his eyes finally.

It seemed like his entire body was struck by lightning.

He found the gold mine.

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