The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 22 - The Witches

It was finally the day of the party and Feng Xuan was, yet again, up early. This time, not because of excitement. She took a long warm bath to calm her nerves about what was going to happen next. Wang Yimin was able to send her altered dress and it looked perfect. She took her time zipping up because her hands were shaking.

Inside the car, Qing Chen noticed her lack of enthusiasm on the event. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said and coughed a little. She suddenly felt sick. She found that this stomach twisting feeling was worse than the night she was meant to meet Qing Chen. "Just a bit nervous."

Qing Chen was busy reading the morning paper but he gave her a smile. "What are you worried about?"

"Meeting your family," she said. They were not an official couple, but they were husband and wife. And if they plan on staying together in this marriage, they had to make sure their family approved of them.

Now Qing Chen was worried having heard what was bothering his wife. But he was pretty sure his grandmother would steer clear of the way and if she didn't like Feng Xuan, she would not blatantly tell her on the spot. "It will be fine," he reassured her.

"You think?"

"Yes," he answered. "My cousins would love you. Qing Lok couldn't wait to meet you."

Feng Xuan nodded. Last night, they ran a crash course about each other's family so they would know how to react to certain people that might be there. Even bearing a little knowledge about Qing Chen's family, Feng Xuan couldn't help but feel anxious all the way to her toes.

One of the reasons why Feng Xuan was up earlier than expected, she wanted to be first in the rooftop where the wedding party will happen. She wanted to be able to welcome the guests first and make sure that everything would be in its place.

The rooftop was entirely reserved for the event the whole day and when the elevator doors opened, it was as if Feng Xuan's jaw dropped to the floor. "What did you do?" she asked Qing Chen who just chuckled at her.

"Every best thing for my wife," he said and lead her out of the elevator. They passed the huge wall with dozens of flowers at the accent and in the middle their initials were entwined.

"Oh, Qing Chen," she said when they reached the entrance of the glass-walled rooftop. On the ceiling, it was as if flowers were raining on them, suspended in the air with candle-like lights. Everything, everything was covered in the soft shades of flowers. "I cannot believe this!"

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!" she was almost too afraid to step inside the room, scared that she would cause something that would lessen its perfection. She knew she chose the flowers with Qing Chen, the centerpieces, the menu, the tableware, but she didn't know he would make it look so magical.

Qing Chen offered his arm to her and they stepped inside. The room was empty of guests but there were people making final touches to the flowers and the lighting equipment. Feng Xuan saw Qing Chen's secretary ordering people around, making sure that every little detail was in place.

"I feel like I'm in a garden," she said. The middle was left untouched and shiny. That would be their dance floor and the tables circled it. She huffed out of nervousness.

"Well, you're the most beautiful flower here," Qing Chen said from beside her.

A photographer informed them that it would the best time to take pictures while the guests were not there yet and they posed and sat and stood in the different parts of the venue. Outside of the glass walls, flowers filled the empty spaces of the rooftop.

Later on, guests started arriving and Feng Xuan was told to just stand by the dance floor as guests would come to her on their own. Qing Chen was busy walking around greeting people. Most of the guests were his business colleagues anyway. Feng Xuan hardly have any friends here.

That was why when Wang Yimin finally showed up, she pipped up. "There you are!" she said and immediately went in for a hug. Wang Yimin was wearing a light yellow dress.

"Oh, you look stunning!" she said. "I love the hair."

Feng Xuan consciously touched it. "You were right to suggest to put it up."

Wang Yimin pulled a man to her side. "This is Zhou Shan, my husband."

Feng Xuan looked at the man, he was almost just as tall as Wang Yimin when she wore heels and a well-built body was under the tuxedo. He had a strong face, a businessman's face she should say. Like he was the type of person that would look intimidating if he weren't smiling. "Hello."

Zhou Shan immediately shook her hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Feng Xuan. Wang Yimin talked about you a lot."

"Likewise," she said. "I hope you enjoy the party."

Wang Yimin gave an audible gasp. "That's a beautiful ring!"

"Oh, please," Feng Xuan waved her hand as if it was nothing. In truth, the ring felt heavy on her finger. She was almost certain she'd develop muscles over there. "It's just for display!"

Wang Yimin and Zhou Shan closely inspected the ring, bringing it to their eye level and turning Feng Xuan's hand in all possible directions. "I want one," Wang Yimin said.

Zhou Shan gave a nervous laughter. "If we find one, I will buy you."

"I'm just kidding!" Wang Yimin laughed, slapping her husband on the arm. "You take me too seriously."

Feng Xuan suddenly felt a little envious with the kind of relationship Wang Yimin already had with her husband. She wanted that kind of comfortable level with Qing Chen. But she guessed she had to wait. "Please, have some of the snacks."

Feng Xuan's legs were already feeling numb from standing too much. Qing Chen's secretary informed her that there were only a few guests left to arrive and gave Feng Xuan a glass of water. "Thank you so much."

The woman smiled at her. "No worries, Mrs. Qing."

"Please, it's Feng Xuan," she said.

The woman only nodded back at her and went to stand by the main doors and waited for the last of the few guests.

On the other hand, Liu Lifen was already in the elevator with her husband and daughter.

"I don't get why they have to celebrate," Liu Meilien said. "It's not as if people do not know they were arranged and are practically strangers!"

"Quiet down," Liu Lifen said.

"Mother," the daughter started again, "They don't even have common friends. Who's going to give speeches at these things? They probably hardly said a thousand words to each other."

"Liu Meilien," Liu Lifen said with finality. "Just enjoy your sister's wedding party." As much as Liu Lifen just wanted to lash out at everything, she couldn't. She wouldn't want to sabotage her daughter's chance in finding a husband. She wanted to attend this party and would be in her best behaviour because the nation's richest would be there.

"Sister," Liu Meilien snorted under her breath. Liu Lifen took a cautionary glance at her husband from the golden metal doors of the elevator. Feng Lizhao didn't smile much, but she was pretty sure that he was in a good mood and probably was not hearing Liu Meilien's tantrums. After all, he would be seeing his precious daughter.

"What?" Liu Meilien said in astonishment when she saw the setup in the room. "This is unbelievable." She could feel her own expectations of a wedding party rise up. If she were to get married, she wanted something grander than this, bigger and much, much more flowers.

Liu Lifen had to say she was really impressed with this. She saw Feng Xuan at the end of the room, standing and shaking hands of other guests looking like a woodland fairy; tall, slender, and beautiful indeed. Feng Lizhao led the way and it annoyed Liu Lifen because he had to stop many times to greet some people he saw.

"Hello, Xuanxuan," Liu Lifen heard Feng Lizhao greeted and bowed down a little to hug his little daughter. "This is amazing."

"Qing Chen outdid himself. How are you? Are you getting enough rest?"

"Oh, I am just fine, daughter. I just want you to know if you're happy."

"I am, Qing Chen had been great." Then Feng Xuan took a cautious peek behind her father's massive build. "Hello, step-mother."

Finally, Feng Xuan took notice of them. Liu Lifen was getting bored of the pleasantries. "Hello, daughter," she said and moved to let Feng Xuan give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Sister," Feng Xuan greeted Liu Meilien and pressed a kiss to her cheek too. "How do you find the party?"

"It's exquisite." That was how far Liu Lifen would compliment this beautiful attraction. "Where is your husband?"

As if on cue, Qing Chen suddenly appeared beside her. "Good afternoon, sir," shaking the hand of Feng Lizhao.

Feng Lizhao introduced his wife and step-daughter to Qing Chen and Liu Lifen made sure her eyes dropped to his watch, to his shoes, to the suit he was wearing, and the handsome smile he got in his even more handsome face. If she were only younger, she would want to be married to this beautiful boy.

Then her eyes flew to Feng Xuan's ring finger. Were those two rings?! She thought in her head. And how diamond studded!

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Please, enjoy the drinks and the food. The party is going to start soon." Even Qing Chen's voice sounded so handsome.

"We surely will," Liu Lifen said and they stepped aside as another guest was waiting to greet the couple.

Liu Meilien immediately clutched her mother's arm. "Mother, who is it that person I'm going to marry?"

Liu Lifen waited until they reached the table and Feng Lizhao had been stopped by another man in a suit engaging him in a conversation about a patch of land.

"Mother!" Liu Meilien whispered-shouted under her breath. "Am I going to steal Feng Xuan's husband?!"

"What?!" Liu Lifen furrowed her eyebrows at her daughter. She was just good for her beauty. At least, she had that. Better than nothing. "No! I'll find you someone else! But for tonight you have to hook your claws on..." she searched the place. He was not among the tables and just in time, she saw the man in an almost all black suit with a cane with a silver dragon's head on the top. He pointed to the man behind the old man. "On him."

Liu Meilien followed her finger. "Who is that?"

"The brother."

Feng Xuan felt her knees went weak when he saw Qing Zihao entered the room along with the members of his family. On his arm, his mother who was wrapped with a shawl, bent and old, but still able to keep her nose in the air.

She felt Qing Chen's comforting arm wrapped around her waist. His head dipped to her ear and whispered. "You'll be fine."

Feng Xuan's prolonged anxiety was suddenly replaced by the fluttering of her heart and the butterflies on her stomach because of Qing Chen's hand secured on her hip.

And then Qing Chen's family was close, and then they were in front of her. She felt like the grim reaper flashed his scythe.

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