The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 227 - Paint The Town Red

As soon as the other woman's name slipped off her lips, something glinted in the dark. Her heart pounded in anticipation and Feng Xuan raised her hand and caught it at the hilt. "Seriously? A butter knife?"

"I wasn't really planning to kill you."

Feng Xuan could only vaguely remember the girl whom she trained with back at Master's grounds. The one with the short hair and completely wiped the floor with her on her first few days. "Are you wearing a wig?"

"It's fabulous, isn't it?" Ma Min replied to her, running a hand to the length of the straight black hair. "It's really heavy though."

"It looks pretty," she said, she nodded towards Ma Min's dress. "How did you even get here?" then she pulled her question back. "Never mind. I shouldn't even asked."

For the first time Ma Min had smiled at Feng Xuan. "Well, if you want to know, I came from the roof of the roof—to hell with this building—then rappelled down here."

"In heels and a gown?"

"In heels and a gown."

Feng Xuan felt her lips stretched to a smile. "Why are you here?"

"I'm checking if you got our message." Ma Min blinked and the heavy false lashes waved at her. "I got all dolled up just to make sure."

"Oh, I did receive the offer," Feng Xuan answered. "I was actually thinking about it a few days ago."

Ma Min nodded and consciously bunched her fake hair to the side. "Well, I can never be too sure with your husband. You're a trained assassin and he's turning you into a housewife."

Feng Xuan leaned against the railing. "It was actually my choice to be like this."

"And you're entertained with a fashion war?" Ma Min did not even hide the look of distate on her face. "Gee, I honestly expected more from you…" she inclined her head to the side. "Considering your history."

"My history?"

"Oh I did a little digging here and there. Why do you think we want you with us?"

"And seduce men and then kill them afterwards?"

Ma Min showed her pearly white teeth outlined with a red lipstick. "At least you're not at home thinking about what you're supposed to post next on your social accounts."

Feng Xuan tilted her head to the sky. They were high enough that she could see it clearly with the stars twinkling. "I don't know," she answered.

"We also know the thing about you and The Zookeeper. We can help you with that."

Feng Xuan breathed out. "I don't think Enigma is looking for any help. Do you know his location?"

"No, but when he comes here, we can help you get rid of him."

"I think we can handle him just fine."

"I sure do hope so." Ma Min closed the distance between them. "We have a surprise for you when you choose to come to us."

"What kind of surprise is that?" Feng Xuan laughed. "I think I already have enough for a lifetime."

Ma Min trailed her fingers on the metal. "Just this and that. You sound interested."

"Do I?"

"If you weren't you would've shooed me away." Ma Min turned to face her. "Listen, I can't stay long. Just think about it, Feng Xuan. Your talents would be a waste if you're going to squeeze yourself with these people. You don't belong with them. You belong with us."

About a hundred thoughts ran on her mind but with the influence of alcohol, she was not about to make a decision. "I'll think about it, I promise."

"When can I hear from you?"

"I know where to find you."

Ma Min nodded. "That settles it then." Ma Min stood at the edge of the railing. It was just the two of them here outside. Her black gown swishing with the air and she was in heels! IN HEELS!

Even with Feng Xuan sober, she doubted her mind could process this.

"Bye for now," said Ma Min and swiped the gown to the side and pressed a button which released a thick line that connected with something on the wall above.

Then it lifted Ma Min off the edge and up to the roof's roof, the fabric fluttering against the wind like a hero's cape—or a villain's.

"That looks so cool," Feng Xuan whispered to herself and sighed. She looked down at the busy street, wondering how insignificant her life was in the grand scheme of things.

Would be nice to kill some people for the meantime, she thought. Get that blood rushing…


Feng Xuan lifted her head and saw Qing Chen carrying two glasses of water. "Hey, I was just getting some fresh air."

"Yeah, it's so stuffy inside," he said and handed her a glass.

They both leaned against the railing of the balcony, quietly sipping their water. "Did you see Wuming?" she asked. "I think I saw him earlier."

"Yeah, he was fleeting in and out of the party. Qing Lok and Liu Meilien just arrived."

"Just now?!" Feng Xuan looked at the party inside but everyone was standing and it was impossible for her to see. "What did those kids do?"

Qing Chen let his head lolled backwards. "Beats me."

Feng Xuan circled her arms around him. "You don't look so well."

"I've been having a really really bad headache."

She kissed his neck. "Can I help you with it?"

Qing Chen leaned down and his warm mouth covered hers like it was a great sigh of relief. "Later, when we get home," he answered and caressed his finger on her cheek.

"Can't we leave now?"

"We can't leave early. It's Father's party. We got to make the most out of it."

"Why? Is he leaving?"

Qing Chen's face twitched a fraction but Feng Xuan noticed it. "He'll be on vacation for a few months. He wants to retire I think."

Her fingers played with his hair. "Does that mean that we're going to take hold of everything?"

"Yes, that's the idea."

"Is that why you're so stressed?"

Qing Chen closed his eyes and pressed their faces together. "Yeah, that's the reason."

"You don't have to worry. I'll help you with everything. Chengshi will be ours. We're going to paint this city red. Come on, let's get back to the party."

Feng Xuan pulled his hand and they walked. "Wait," he said, pulling her back. She was grinning up at him. "You don't mean LITERALLY paint the town red, right? You know like with blood?"

Feng Xuan's fingers held his chin, "Oh, husband." She shrugged her narrow shoulders. "We never know."

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