The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 236 - Something Else Was Going On

As soon as Qing Chen left, Feng Xuan went to her home office and started working. She still had to fix the final preparations for Gretel's new opening but she was not yet even done with her first task when she received a call from her father.

"Are you free for lunch?"

"Yeah…" she answered cautiously. She knew her father was a busy person, especially now that he had started a few projects with Qing Zihao. "What's up?"

"Do you have a secretary that could pencil me in?" his father joked with a light laugh. "Can't I just have lunch with my daughter?"

Her mind was already running. It could not just be a coincidence that Qing Chen was out for lunch and then her own father called her.

She didn't want to ask questions over the phone. So she answered, "Okay. Please send me the details. I'll head over now."

Within after a moment the call was over, Feng Xuan received the restaurant name and she got up to get dressed.


Feng Xuan arrived first at the restaurant and took the liberty to order the food for them. With nothing better to do, she started to feel anxious. She could not help but think that something else was going on here. 

What are these two old people doing? she thought, nibbling on her cheeks. Qing Zihao would not be that cruel to lie about his health, right? But did Qing Chen saw some records that would prove his father's condition?

But no, Qing Zihao would not do that to Qing Chen…

Feng Xuan knew for sure that her father knew something about this. Was this all just a big show?

When her father arrived, she immediately got up and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "You're late."

"You're just early," answered her father with a smile.

"What were you up to?" she asked while her father sipped on water. 

"It's the weekend. I'm not working."

Feng Xuan raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "You're one of the most workaholic people that I know, Father."

"Well, we have an off day today."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you going away on a trip soon?"

"Xuan, I'm a real estate developer. I am always on trips. I'm everywhere."

Just then the food started arriving and they started eating. "What's the reason for this lunch?"

"I just want to congratulate you with your business ventures. You're really getting in touch with this."

"Thank you," she answered and nodded, getting impatient because she needed her answers. But she did not know what questions to ask. Where was this leading anyway?

"What are your next plans?"

Feng Xuan suddenly felt pressure in her stomach. "Uhm… I think I'm done opening businesses for now. I'll just focus with Gretel's and YANG in the meantime."

"But you know you can't stop there, right?"

Feng Xuan spooned some soup and it warmed her throat. "Of course. But… I don't think I'll be able to manage everything once you pass it all down."

"Would you like some experience with real estate?"

With that question, Feng Xuan was brought back to the busy streets where Enigma was ruling. The place with too many doors. She found her opening. "I was out with Qing Chen last night. We were far out the city."

She didn't need to elaborate further on where they went. Her father understood. "What do you think about it? The businesses? And Enigma?"

Feng Xuan felt her heart dropped to the floor. Qing Chen was right. They were the ones who would handle Enigma. But not now! It was all going too fast. "Uhhh…" she could not find the words.

"What do you think about owning Enigma?" her father asked. 

"I don't know how to run a mafia, Father," she said with a forced smile.

"It's just a normal business. But on the illegal side."

Feng Xuan glanced at the other tables, but they were too widely spaced apart. She leaned on the table and said in her most quiet voice, almost ashamed that she didn't want to own a part of their legacy, "But I don't think I can run it."

"Why not?"

In her mind, the bloodied faces of the men on the rink showed up. Then the multi-colored pills… She shook her head to push them away. "I can take some of it, but the others. No, I don't want it."

Her father nodded. "I have heard about Qing Chen's plans with the mafia—did you know it had caused a riff between them?"

"What?!" Qing Chen never told her anything about that.

"Yes," said her father. "Qing Lok pulled out guns for them but thankfully, none of them actually had the nerve to pull the trigger."

Feng Xuan's eyes widened. How come Qing Chen did not tell her about that? Then she suddenly remember how she was so busy with YANG the past few weeks and she and Qing Chen barely had time to talk.

"Your husband is going to change things with Enigma."

Feng Xuan nodded. "And I fully support his stand."

Feng Lizhao understood. He himself had never been a fan of the many businesses of the mafia—the reason why he had minimal involvement with the operations. He mainly took care of the properties and pushing for legalizing everything.

Everything had been way worse back then. Back in their day, almost every single illegal thing that they do was on a hundred. It was more on around twenty nowadays. Changes had already been made but he had to admit, the mafia took too long to transition.

"Do you want to know more about your mother?"

Feng Xuan was so surprised with the question she thought she misheard her father. "Sorry?"

"I can take you to the space where I had her things transferred. If you're interested to go."

She was out of her seat in a second, her thighs bumping against the table causing it to rattle. "I'll go."


"Yes, now."

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