The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 273 - Hunt The Hunter

"A person?!" Feng Xuan almost laughed. "What? Some of our ghosts?"

Qing Chen ran a hand through his hair. "Just a feeling. But that's a stretch. Maybe I'm just getting a little paranoid. We need things to work perfectly or else, we're going to die." 

They all stared at the whiteboard. To a stranger's eyes, it would mean nothing. There would be too many objects and lines connecting this and that. It was like Qing Chen created his own riddle on this board.

Qing Chen recounted their plans and made one last change. "I think you should be on the ground," he pointed to Qing Lok. "If there are any technological barriers around it, I need you to turn it off. If there are going to be missles—"

"Yes, yes, I'll hack into the system and direct it elsewhere."

Finally Qing Chen exhaled a long breath. As much as he didn't want to place Qing Lok so near those walls, he didn't have the choice. They would be operating with limited people so they could not take any more risks of one thing failing.

"I guess that's it for tonight," Qing Chen dismissed the other two. He turned to Feng Xuan. "You and I are going to talk about the party later."

"Yeah," she answered and helped him cleaned up a little bit and brought everything that they would need upstairs. After the shower, Feng Xuan was looking over the list of the goods that would be sold in The Underground.

"Can you believe that everything seems to be a good coincidence?" she asked Qing Chen when he joined her on the bed.

"It's a good thing that we had The Underground auction scheduled even before. Now, we wouldn't have to make up some event that they would think is only a cover."

"But are you sure that everything would be fine when we leave the auction?"

"That I am slightly nervous about. I actually called your father to facilitate."

Feng Xuan was a little envious. "He's so busy we haven't really talked lately," she said with pouted lips. "It's good that you got to speak with him."

"He's always asking about you," Qing Chen smiled at his wife's distraught face. "We constantly talk about business and he would just randomly ask how you are and what you've been up to."

"Did you tell him I'm going to be meeting my nemesis in a two days?"

Qing Chen shook his head. "You're going to have to tell him about that tomorrow. Or you can send a message to him now if you want."

"I honestly didn't want to tell him. I don't want him to worry."

"And if something goes wrong and we die, are you willing to let that be the memory you leave with your father?"

Then she felt like retracting her words. "Well, I am not going to die, aren't I?"

"You will. But not in the next two days. You're going to die with gray hair and a wrinkled face."

Feng Xuan lay down the pillows and pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. "When we're there, am I going to be the one who would deliver the final blow?"

"Sure, why not?"

Feng Xuan did not answer immediately and Qing Chen got her hesitation. "It's been a while since I last killed a person. I don't even remember much of what happen. Just that I pushed his bone to his brain."

"Do you want a trial run?" Qing Chen joked.

She rode along. "Who am I killing?"

"You can start at random—someone who's doing bad things and he would just mysteriously plop dead. Someone who has zero links to us."

In Feng Xuan's mind, Ma Min's offer suddenly become more interesting. Maybe she should've really tried to do that. 

"You know," Qing Chen said, "You're going to have a better cover than Batman."

Feng Xuan laughed. "How can you say that?!"

"Well, he catches bad guys, right? And no one thought about him because he's this rich guy who contributes so well in society." He gestured towards her. "You've got some homely image on you with the public. No one would suspect you! No one would even guess that you have some bloodl.u.s.t under that beautiful face."

"You're just flattering me," she said but she was really worried about how was she going to kill The Zookeeper. Would she be able to do that?

When she went on a killing spree, her mother's life had been on the line. Would she have enough drive and reason this time? He did put her in a hospital fighting for her life, but she got through it anyway. 

Qing Chen put his arms around her. "You shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure that when you see him, you'll be able to kill him. If not, I'll be there for you. Wuming's going to be there for you if you would prefer he would be the one to do it."

Feng Xuan ran her fingers on his arm. "No. I'm going to be able to do it. I know I can."

Qing Chen hugged her tighter. "You're going to be fine."

She returned his hug. "Funny, because other couples console one another for something so frustrating like a career choice. But here you are consoling me because I don't think I can kill a person."

"Make things more interesting, right?" Qing Chen answered, a smile lacing his tone. "We're going to start tomorrow night. We'll be able to get out of this city and everything would go according to plan."

Qing Chen had made sure that everything would be in their rightful places tomorrow. They even stayed up late fixing the final preparations for The Underground Auction.

Qing Chen caressed her cheek. "I can't wait for this to be all over. Then you and I we'll go somewhere." He whispered on her ear. "And we're going to start that family."

Feng Xuan smiled. "Let's hunt the hunter."

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