The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 275 - If He'll Return

When Liu Meilien got in the limousine and they were out of the tunnel, she felt that there were tears on her cheeks. She did not know what she was crying about.

"Don't be so frustrated," said the person beside her and handed her a surprisingly neatly folded handkerchief. "They're going to be fine. Those are some of the people that I know who fights above the average."

"That's not really consoling," she sniffed. They were going to pretend that they were the Qings tonight.

The guy beside her didn't look like Qing Chen at all but if you put a mask on him, they were about the same build. They were wearing the same clothes and Feng Xuan got her a copy of her own gown and mask to be worn tonight.

"Well, that's the life we live," the man said to her. "You're going to be one of us. But… you can just do the admin things. That's too boring for the people who want to see blood."

Liu Meilien almost cried once more. All this talk about violence, hurting people, and blood. She shivered. 

"Are you worried?" asked the man again. "I mean, for yourself?"

"I don't know," she answered truthfully. "I think I lost all my emotions for tonight."

"It's your first mission. It's normal. I almost fainted on mine. You're doing quite well. Let me know if you need to get to the bathroom."

She took three calming breaths. When Qing Lok gets back, she would beat the shit out of him for putting her in this mess. If he would come back dead, she would STILL beat the shit out of his corpse.

Liu Meilien wiped her face and her nose. "What's your name again?" she asked, her voice coarse.

"Who? Me?"

"You're the only one I'm talking to," she joked as he handed her bottle of water. She took a sip and it made breathing easier. "What is it, then?"

"I don't know if I should tell you," he answered, looking out the window. "I don't have an assassin name yet."

"Tell me your real name then. I promise I won't tell anyone."

The man looked at her and smiled. His nightmarish eyebrows seemed so friendly now. "Since you're nice I'll tell you. It's Shao Fang."

She shook his hand. "Liu Meilien."

"A future Qing."

She pursed her lips and swallowed. "Let's see if he'll return."


The moment that they spotted the car that would be following the convoy, Wuming immediately radioed the team that he had assigned for this. They were going to end the men of The Zookeeper. They would all go down with their precious hunter.

No one could deny the huge smile on Wuming's face. "You know, I think I could run to the airport."

"Good," answered Qing Chen who was behind the wheel. "Go ahead and run now."

"No," Wuming answered. "I said I THINK, not that I would. I'm not that crazy."

Feng Xuan rubbed Qing Lok's shoulder. "Liu Meilien is going to be fine. She's with Shao Fang. There would be no one better to protect her tonight."

"I could be there," he said quietly.

"Qing Lok," Qing Chen said with a commanding voice. "Your family needs you tonight. Get us through this and we'll let you do whatever you want."

Qing Lok did not answer but Feng Xuan could sense his uneasiness.

She tried again. "The Master is going to be there in disguise. My father is going to be there too with the best of his men. No one in The Underground causes trouble because they are too afraid to get banned."

"They are going to be inside The Underground," said Qing Lok. "They would pose as waiters, for sure."

"Shao Fang will be there," Wuming said like it was a reminder. "He's a good fighter. Liu Meilien is going to be well protected." Wuming sighed and said in a cheery voice. "Lucky me. I didn't think there would be some perks not having a girlfriend at this time. I got no one to worry about."

Feng Xuan didn't want to laugh but she couldn't help her lips from smiling. She reached and pulled Wuming's hair. "Better make sure you don't get yourself killed in there. I really want to play cupid for you."

"Chen, please tell your wife to not look for a potential date."

Qing Chen smiled at his brother as they started to speed to the airport. "Why not? I think it would be fun. I want to see you happy too."

"Happy ever afters are not for me. It's a reality I've already faced."

"Just one last time. If it doens't work then we'll stop."

Wuming scratched his ear. "Whatever you say, boss. It's not like I can do anything if you order it. I am only your humble servant."

Feng Xuan found herself rolling down her window a little and resting against her seat. In less than a day, they were going to know their fate with The Zookeeper.

Her gut was telling her that they would all be able to make it out alive. But maybe that was just her confidence. 

They were going to lose people tomorrow. But hopefully not so much. She was going to find The Zookeeper and put a stop in all of this.

Arrangements had been made with the owner of the airport (who was a big fan of The Kingly and was a member of The Kingsmen's Club) and they went straight to the runway. They couldn't take their plane as they should look like ordinary people so they had to take the normal one. 

What they did was buy-out the entire first class area. As soon as they got in, the plane was prepared to take flight and then they were off in the sky.

Feng Xuan got herself a squat glass of whiskey and downed it, wishing that it would shake off the feeling that something would go wrong tomorrow.

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