Feng Xuan and Qing Chen looked at each other and at the gauge. They were gonna have to jump now. Qing Chen brought her near the door and checked all her straps all the while reminding her what she should do.

She nodded with her heart pounding. Qing Chen looked at her and she understood what he wanted to tell her. The next moment, his lips were on her, fierce and hot. Then the next moment they were gone and she was jumping out of the plane.


When Wuming landed on the roof, it was as if things blurred into one whole mush of a picture. Before he could even land, he must've triggered an alarm because the house went on high alert. There were no sounds but red lights suddenly flared from the corners of it.

Wuming cursed under his breath. There goes his plan on keeping quiet and killing as many people as he could without alarming anyone.

With the alarm triggered, he knew that he had to move fast. They shouldn't be able to get to the armory. He looked to the left and saw the dust that was formed by the many jeeps. Qing Lok was in one of those. He needed to be able to hack into the system to lock the armory.

Wuming jumped and landed on the balcony. There was no one in sight. He pulled a dagger from his waist and the other, the short sword. 

Before he could even find the person who would meet their unfortunate death, Wuming was already smiling.


Feng Xuan landed with a thud on the roof of the house. As she was unstrapping herself, she looked up saw that Qing Chen was close to landing so she jumped to the balcony below, pulling the short swords from her arms and twirled it on her fingers to get their balance, then she started to move.


The Fox had been in the middle of a massage when he felt weird vibrations from the floor above. When he opened his eyes, he saw that there was a red light flashing from the corner of the room.

He scrambled off the bed, feeling his skin sticky and slippery with oil. He could barely button his pants with they his fingertips kept on sliding on the zipper.

The Badger was muttering a string of curses as he got dressed. They were near the bas.e.m.e.nt where a sauna was. The masseuses were in the corner, already crying as they could sense that there was something wrong happening,

The Fox did not have time to comfort them. He was still shirtless and barefoot when he exited the room and straight to the floor below. He found that there was throng of people in his way.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted and pushed past the people who were bickering with each other.

"We can't get in!" said the person nearest the metal door to the armory.

The Fox tried his fingerprint and there was still nothing. "Goddamnit!" he said. "Get me a gun."

"Sir, that would only get us locked out even more."

"Better than not trying."

A gun came into his view and they made space. He squeezed the trigger and the lock exploded in sparks when it was met with the bullet. Three more shots later, The Fox was pulling apart the lock and manually switching the door open.

"You stupid people, move!" he screamed at the top of his lungs as the people started passing the big guns out the armory and outside. 

Once there were two in his hands, The Fox took the stairs three at a time and pressed one of it on The Badger's chest. He was told that an alarm was triggered from the roof. They haven't found the person yet.

The Fox went to see his boss.


The Zookeeper was not someone who could be easily seen. Since he was younger, he had always been the quiet one. His brother, known as The Boar, had always been his opposite. He was humongous, strong, and loud. The Boar had been the person that got them out of the orphanage.

They were bunkmates and they planned everyday on how they could escape that prison. The parents didn't want older kids. They didn't want to reach that day when they would be kicked out of the orphanage because they would be too old to be adopted.

So they escaped.

It was a hard life on the streets. On rainy days, they didn't have anything but cardboard boxes to shield them from the cold. The Zookeeper was often sick and to buy his medicine, The Boar did terrible things to be able to get them money. He stole, he held up people, he hurt them and took their precious things.

There was nothing else left to do for them but to steal. They were twelve and fourteen at that age. No one would take them for a job.

Whenever The Zookeeper was feeling better, he would join The Boar in his schemes. They sometimes pretend they were hit by a car. Sometimes pretend to be some nice boys helping you carry your things. Sometimes, they posed as beggars on the streets then when they got close, they would steal everything. They would do anything just to keep themselves fed.

After about a year, a gang of people—also homeless ones and barely getting by—took them in and let them shelter themselves in the small room that no one was using anymore. They all slept sitted and against the wall as they would not fit. It beat the streets still.

The Boar had been a brother to The Zookeeper until his last breath. He was not going to let his death be in vain. He was the one who had helped The Zookeeper gain all of this.

"Sir!" said the insistent knocker on the door. "They're here!"

The Zookeeper laughed, puffs of smoke escaping his mouth, and c.o.c.ked his gun. "Finally."

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