The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 28 - Lovey-Dovey

Thankfully, dinner was not awkward and Shao Ai disappeared to the househelp's quarters. Feng Xuan was surprised they even had such a thing. The food was delicious but she couldn't really stomach anything as of the moment. Qing Chen on the other hand, seemed to be taking his sweet time chewing.

Feng Xuan smiled. "You like her cooking," she said.

Qing Chen's eyes turned to her as if he had forgotten that she was there. "I do," he answered. "She's a great cook."

If Shao Ai hadn't been that cold to her when she first arrived, maybe they could've bonded over cooking. She would love to learn more about the food Qing Chen loved to eat growing up. "It's good," she said.

The rest of the dinner, she mainly took in a few more slices and spoonfuls of soup. She was so worried about what would happen over the next few days that it affected her appetite.

Feng Xuan had a pretty long day, and so did Qing Chen. They were just both looking for a time to rest and sleep.

Little did they know a little surprise was waiting for them upstairs.

Shao Ai showed up again just a little after Qing Chen was done eating. The couple had been dismissed from the kitchen and was told they should head upstairs and was bidded good night.

"She's an okay person," Qing Chen said to Feng Xuan as they ascended. "You'll warm up to her soon enough."

Feng Xuan pouted. "I feel like she's an iceberg."

"But you're not the Titanic. You're not going to sink."

Feng Xuan smiled at that. "I hope not," she said. Right, she was not going to let Qing Chen's grandmother win. She was already Qing Chen's wife. She was going to act the part.

Qing Chen opened the bedroom door and let Feng Xuan in. He almost bumped into her because she suddenly halted.

"What happened to the bed?" she asked.

Qing Chen took a look and found that their california king bed was reduced to a full-sized bed. He put a hand on his temple as he felt his veins about to pop. He said something so low in his voice that he was sure Feng Xuan didn't hear him.

"I'm going to talk to Ms. Shao." Qing Chen turned and twisted the door knob. It was locked. He twisted and twisted but it wouldn't bite.

"I think they changed the lock," Feng Xuan said from behind him.

Qing Chen fought the urge to try and kick the door open. It would be stupid. Suddenly, he felt his body go itchy, like the irritation he felt was seeping off his pores. "I'll just use the restroom."

Inside, he put all his frustration to action. He scrubbed every inch of his body until his skin turned red. He sighed countless times and wanted to swear at his grandmother. He never thought she would go this far.

Finally, he went out of the restroom, plastering a smile to his face for his wife. She was sitting there with her phone in her hand. "I'll just sleep on the floor," he announced.

"No, you're not," she said.

"Please. For my peace of mind."

Feng Xuan was about to protest but Qing Chen already started pulling pillows from the bed. She quickly went to the bathroom and showered. She wouldn't mind if Qing Chen would choose to sleep on the floor. But she knew her conscience would not be able to take it.

When she got out, she peered to the other side of the bed. Qing Chen was there on top of a blanket. She knew he was trying to look comfortable but Feng Xuan was pretty sure he was not.

"Please, come up here," she told him.

He put his phone away. "I'm fine, Feng Xuan."

"But I'm not. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if you're down there."

A smile crept to Qing Chen's face. "Would you rather to be the one sleeping on the floor?"

Feng Xuan thought quickly. She would hate sleeping on the floor, but she really wouldn't be able to sleep a wink if Qing Chen was there. "Sure."

She started to get up, willing to switch positions with him. Qing Chen got up and chuckled. "Stay there. I'm coming up. That is, if it's okay with you."

Feng Xuan gave him a small smile. "I'm willing to share."

When Qing Chen started tossing the pillows back on the bed, she had come to realize with horror that the bed wasn't that big as she first thought. And it was all confirmed when Qing Chen got under the covers beside her. There was not even a foot between them!

Qing Chen's back actually already started to hurt just from the short minutes he had spent on the floor. Another thing, it was cold! He suddenly thought about the people sleeping on the streets and wondered how they were able to do it.

Now that he was up on the feather bed, it suddenly felt like a cloud. He could even feel Feng Xuan's heat from where he was laying. "I think we should be thankful that this is not a twin-sized bed."

"Shhh!" Feng Xuan said. "They might've installed cameras here. Don't give them ideas."

Qing Chen gave it a thought. He couldn't really rule it out. His grandmother had been able to change the door locks and the bed in half the day they were both out. Who knew what else she did in the room.

"Do you think there are?" Feng Xuan asked.

"It's not impossible," he admitted.

Feng Xuan said something that somehow sounded like "Oh shit." Qing Chen could see her ruffling her hair as if she was thinking hard. "Do you think we should appear like a great couple already so they would leave us alone?"

Qing Chen's breath got stuck in his throat. He had to swallow forcefully to speak again. "That could be a strategy."

"So... if there is a camera in the room... should we get all... lovey-dovey?"

Qing Chen bit his lip to stop himself from laughing because Feng Xuan sounded so serious. Seriously? Lovey-dovey? That was not a word he heard often. "Do you think we should?" he asked her.

Feng Xuan turned to him, her eyes wide. "I think we should."

Qing Chen hated it. He hated the idea of acting 'lovey-dovey'. He wanted do to these things when it would all be real. He didn't want to force this. But somehow they were being put in a box with little movement allowed. But his body was a traitor. It wanted it. It wanted to be close to Feng Xuan.

It brought Qing Chen back to reality with his heart's pace rising up. "Come here," he said and opened his arms for her. When she was already inside, he took a deep breath. It was really happening. She was really in his arms while they were in bed. It was kind of hard to believe for him.

Feng Xuan's heart was playing another game with her. It was as if it wanted for Feng Xuan to chase after it but it was running so fast Feng Xuan did not think she would be able to keep up.

Qing Chen's body was firm and warm, but she could also feel him tensing with every breath just as she was. She made sure her chest was not touching his and that they were only connected with her head on his arm. They were like two straight sticks.

Qing Chen wanted to scrunch his face with his fingers in frustration. They were so awkward how were they even going to sleep that way? Make a move, his mind whispered. It had been Feng Xuan who was always taking a step forward for them to get closer.

Take a shot, his mind added.

Qing Chen gave in with a deep sigh. "May I?" he asked her.

"What?" she quietly answered.

He hooked his hand on the back of Feng Xuan's knee and pulled her closer, intertwining his leg with hers. In the process, Feng Xuan's whole body was brought closer to Qing Chen that they were only a couple inches away from each other.

"Is that better?" he asked her.

Feng Xuan nodded. She thought that it would be harder to keep your body straight as a rod than just letting all angles take over.

"Good night," he said.

"Oh!" she gasped, suddenly remembering she was supposed to kiss him every night. She raised herself a little and gave Qing Chen's cheek a quick peck. "Good night."

It was another firework in his chest. He had completely forgotten about the goodnight kiss because of the bed commotion. That firework made him ask another question. "Can you come closer?"

Feng Xuan inched closer and she felt's Qing Chen's arm on her waist, hugging her until her face was almost on his chest. She didn't even wait for any question regarding her consent with this, she just hugged him back and buried her face on his shirt to hide her embarrassment even though he couldn't see her.

She closed her eyes and let the darkness swallow her. Later when she would wake up with Qing Chen's arms around her, she would know why people loved cuddling and being close to a person while sleeping.

All the while Feng Xuan was getting sleepier and sleepier as Qing Chen's body heat seemed to lull her to rest, Qing Chen was there with his eyes open at the dark. The moon provided him just enough light.

There were times already that he wanted her in his arms. He hadn't planned on getting to this stage this early. He hadn't even thought about it.

But now that it was already happening, all he wanted was to rub her back, or play with her hair, or trace patterns on her bare skin until Feng Xuan fell asleep. Finally, after putting all those thoughts away, Qing Chen was able to sleep.

Xie Changying could be cruel. She might've taken their bed or installed new locks on the door to keep them both inside every night. But there were no cameras in the room. Not even Xie Changying would go that far. But then again, it was not as if Feng Xuan and Qing Chen would know about its non-existence any time soon.

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