The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 285 - You Know You're Dying

"Chen!" she shouted at the open door. "I'm right here!"

She heard his heavy footsteps getting louder and he was calling for Wuming. A moment later, Qing Chen was at the door with his gun pointed immediately at The Zookeeper. Sweat bulleted his forehead and Feng Xuan looked out the window and saw the pitch black sky.

"Still not done outside?" she asked him.

When his eyes drifted to her, they wandered all over her and when they were done with the initial scan, relief flooded him. "Nearly done."

"Are we winning?"

Qing Chen gave her a slight nod but he looked troubled. "We lost a lot of people."

"Well, I'm glad you're still alive," she said.

His eyes looked at The Zookeeper. "Seems like you don't need that much help."

"What do you mean? I just got lucky. He threw me to a wall!" she laughed but it was cut short with the sudden pain on her chest.

Qing Chen turned to her worryingly. "Let's get you settled first," he said and helped Feng Xuan up. He glared at The Zookeeper. "Don't move, or I'll blow your brains."

While he was helping Feng Xuan to a chair, Wuming finally arrived at the doorway, looking exhausted but his feet were light as ever. "Well, well," he said with a tired smile. "Aren't you the famous Zookeeper?"

"You're supposed to be at home."

Wuming shrugged. "Maybe you don't have people everywhere."

Feng Xuan sighed peacefully. Now she could relax with these two around here. "How's Lok?"

"Driving missiles to cars," Qing Chen answered and propped her leg to another chair. "He'll be fine." Just then, they heard another boom from outside. "That would be him."

Before Qing Chen could ask, Feng Xuan already showed him her injuries. "We'll get you fixed as soon as we get out of here. Nothing fatal?"

"Just that I'm bleeding."

"You'll be fine." Qing Chen took a part of the sheet she had already tore up, bundle it in layers and added it to her arm. It felt more secured that the first one she put. 

"Go," she said and leaned against the chair. Oh, she was so tired. After this day, she would sleep for the next two days.

"You could at least tell me where my assistant had gone wrong," said The Zookeeper to Wuming who had his arms crossed. 

"Your assistant?"

"The Fox. He was the one who had been playing with you for the past week."

"Why weren't you?"

The Zookeeper shook his head. "I wasn't going to come for your family, not until I regained my health. But your wife," he looked at Qing Chen who was now standing in front of him, "sent me that arrogant letter. I knew I had to do something despite having health complications. My people would question my authority and power if I just let a woman threaten me."

"So," Qing Chen said, "if I were the one who had sent you the message that we are coming for you, you would've just ignored it?"


"Well, you clearly underestimated my wife."

The Zookeeper's uninjured hand made a gesture like a shrug. "Clearly," he repeated. "Can you take out the knife in my hand?"

"No, you'll bleed out," Wuming said, detaching himself from the doorway and stepping over The Zookeeper and onto the bed. "Oh, heaven. Literally. Where'd you get the mattress?"

"I have my phonebook at my nightstand drawer. Have a look if you want."

"You know you're dying," concluded Qing Chen by the way The Zookeeper was nonchalant.

"I am dying. You are dying. Everyone in this room is dying. Isn't that the point of living?" he breathed out heavily. "Can you please help me light a cigarette? At least before I die?"

"I'll do it for you," Wuming said and fished in The Zookeeper's pockets.

"Wuming," Qing Chen warned.

"Don't worry, I'll snap his neck if he does something stupid."

"Do I look like someone who would do something stupid with all three of you here? I can't even beat your wife," he coughed but closed his mouth when Wuming placed a fat tobacco on his lips. Then he was smoking, skillfully talking with the cigar dangling from the corner of his mouth. Qing Chen had to look away. The Zookeeper reminded him of his father. "Ask away, boy. Is there something you would like to know?"

Qing Chen's eyes flicked to Feng Xuan but she just waved her hand. She needed to regain her energy just to speak. "Tell me," he began. "Are there more of you? Or is this everyone?"

"I have more people," The Zookeeper nodded. "I have people everywhere. But I'm sure they wouldn't be the type that would seek revenge once I am dead. They're a bunch of cowards that's why I don't put them near me. I mainly use them for surveillance."

Qing Chen saw a table with a clear bottle of whiskey, he poured four drinks. "Tell me more about The Zoo? What's your business?"

The Zookeeper started coughing and Wuming was nice enough to pull the cigar off his mouth for a moment until he was done and replace it. "Thank you. About The Zoo, we mainly hunt animals and sell their parts."

"Poaching?" Qing Chen clarified.

"And some other stuff. But mainly that."

"Damn," Qing Chen answered. "I can't believe that you would be one who would kill helpless animals."

"Oh, not all of them are helpless. A lot of animals are more powerful than man. I think you would smile your best when you shot your first lion."

Qing Chen shook his head. "I have no intentions messing with nature."

"You're involved in a lot of stuff. I don't think you would want to touch this field. Besides, I own it already. Are you going to take it once I am dead."

"Leave the animals alone," Qing Chen rolled his eyes. "What I want to know is what you want from us."

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