The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 30 - In Another World

Feng Xuan and Wang Yimin were having a great time at the mall. They had lunch and went shopping for some furniture and office supplies. Wang Yimin was so excited of the progress the couple was making but she couldn't help but laugh at their current situation.

"Is it driving you crazy?" she asked her cousin.

"Not that much really," Feng Xuan answered truthfully, bending a lamp to see how far it could go. "It was actually pleasant to sleep hugging Qing Chen."

Wang Yimin couldn't contain her smile, remembering her own night when Zhou Shan held her in his arms. She felt happy and contented despite just knowing him only for a short time. "Are you going to sleep like that again?"

"I suppose. We're still not sure if there are cameras inside. If we would get an expert to check, I'm sure Ms. Shao would report immediately to Qing Chen's grandmother."

"What of the kisses?" Wang Yimin inquired.

"It's only day two. I don't think we were supposed to see results already."

"I meant are you feeling okay with it?"

Feng Xuan nodded, moving to the other lamp. "I think it was not much of a big deal," she answered. Maybe it was a big deal and her confidence was just getting high with the kisses. "Not in a bad way," she clarified. "More like, it just felt natural."

It brought a smile to Feng Xuan's lips. It was true, her heart might have been pounding when she stood on her tiptoes or when she raised herself on her elbow to reach Qing Chen's cheek, but it had felt like one if the most natural things she did.

"There you go," Wang Yimin's lips also widened to a smile. "But people should just really let you to be. How are you supposed to get close with each other when they keep on dipping their fingers in between the two of you?"

Although Feng Xuan was happy with Qing Chen, she could sigh with all the fiasco involving his grandmother. "Qing Chen said it'd only last a month at most. He'd talk to his grandmother about it. He could not really say no."

Wang Yimin sighed, fully understanding. When she had been told she was getting married, she could not really bring herself to say 'no, I don't want to'. "What do you think about this one?" Wang Yimin handed her a lamp with a rectangular bulb. It's white and silver in color. "That looks pretty," she said.

"Yeah, I'll take this one."

They spent the rest of the day looking at tables and chairs and bookshelves and things to decorate Feng Xuan's soon-to-be office. They also bought new electronics which kept Feng Xuan busy when she got home after they had dinner.

She finally had a laptop to send all her work in. She was working part-time for her friend from overseas who had just been made a junior editor in a publishing company. Whenever that girl didn't like the manuscript, she loved to send Feng Xuan a copy for another opinion.

Feng Xuan was not an expert but she loved a good story. She really wouldn't get into much of the specifics. She would just simply rate the story and state what parts she liked and what parts she did not like and what could make it better.

She had also gotten herself a printer and she made a copy of another manuscript. She got a bunch of colored markers earlier and she took the red one before heading in their bedroom.

She did not know on which part she fell asleep, but she was awakened when the thick bunch of papers were released from her grip. She slowly opened her eyes. "Qing Chen."

He was already out of his work clothes and was wearing his usual nightwear, a matching pair of pajamas. "Sorry I woke you."

She shifted in her position and found that her neck was aching from its odd position earlier. "How was work?"

"Uneventful," he answered as he got on his side of the bed. They could hardly move with both of them laying on their backs. "But I met an interesting man today."

"Oh really?" Feng Xuan turned to her other side even when her neck hurt. Qing Chen rarely talked about his work and she was not going to miss this one. "What happened?"

Qing Chen was staring at the ceiling, offering Feng Xuan a good angle of his beautiful face. She wanted to touch the bridge of his nose and trail her fingers until she reached the tip. "I was so anxious to meet him."

"You? Anxious?" Feng Xuan chuckled. Qing Chen was a man of power but he never really boasted. But Feng Xuan never thought he would be one to be nervous about meeting another person.

"Yes," he answered. "He was bigger businessman than I am," he said. "And we have different views of the world. I was anxious I was going to bite his head off."

"Aw," she cooed and laughed. "But you didn't, right?"

"I didn't," he confirmed. Although he wished he had so there would be a reason to sever ties. It was still bothering Qing Chen that La Hiena even knew about his wedding. Sure, it made local news, but it was just something for business persons to know. Not the mafia of the other countries. Now he knew, La Hiena was keeping tabs on him. La Hiena was probably keeping tabs on every person he did business with to find something to hold above their heads.

"Tell me," Feng Xuan said, bringing him back to her. "If you're not a hotelier, what would you be?"

"Easy," he said. "A pilot."

Being a pilot was a child's dream. Every child had probably wondered what was that flying thing across the sky and dreamt of being in one of those in their lifetime. But only a few of those children really got inside an airplane, much less commandeer one. "Why?" she asked, laughing a little.

Qing Chen sighed. "I don't know. I think clouds fascinate me so much. Then when you're a little close to the ground, you could see the whole city and they look so small. It looked beautiful. Have you seen rain from an airplane window?"

Feng Xuan shook her head.

"It was magical," Qing Chen's smiled, remembering how he was in awe when he first saw it. "The world has endless wonder. I wanted to see some of them."

"Maybe you will—no, we will. Definitely."

Qing Chen turned to her with eyes that looked like it held the stars for a moment. "What about you? Why did you want to get into business?"

"Oh," Feng Xuan said. "I wasn't really specific when I chose to go to business school. When I was younger, I loved seeing my mom work. She had her own office with those massive tables she did her drawings on. I loved seeing her going out of the house wearing office clothes and come home with a dessert she thought I would like." Feng Xuan could see the memories flashing before her eyes. "I knew I just wanted to work and wear those fabulous clothes."

Qing Chen thought that they needed to work on that because he suddenly remembered his grandmother who had such high expectations of Feng Xuan. "I'll have my secretary make you dashboards of possible business interests," he told her. "Something might interest you."

"She'd do that?" Feng Xuan asked.

"She'd do anything," he answered, and wished that he hadn't. Now he remembered all the stuff he and Li Zongying did. He shut his eyes in concentration to put the memories in a box he did not plan on opening anymore. "It's already late," he told her. "We should get some sleep."

"Do you mind if I sleep on this side? My neck got really stiff."

"You were in an awkward position earlier." Qing Chen offered his arm to pillow her head onto.

Feng Xuan breathed in relief and her back pressed against Qing Chen's warm chest. It was far more comfortable. Last night, she was far too conscious about her breathing. Qing Chen's arm dr.a.p.ed over her waist. She was just about to close her eyes when she almost forgot, yet again to give him a kiss.

Feng Xuan twisted under Qing Chen's arm and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. Like her other kisses, it only lasted for a millisecond. She did it so fast if Qing Chen weren't paying attention he would totally miss it. It was like she was stealing a kiss from him. It made Qing Chen smile.

The way their bodies fit perfectly together made Qing Chen smile wider. He absorbed the warmth coming from Feng Xuan's back and inched her closer to him before going to sleep.

Tomorrow, when they would wake up, they would find Xie Changying waiting for them at the breakfast table.

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