"Well, well," a sweet voice answered after the third ring. "You're finally calling for some booty?"

Wuming's lips pulled at the corners and the regret that he assumed to come did not get to his chest. He dropped down the bed, his legs dangling on the floor. "Hello there, Mistress."

"Hello there… Batman."

"Batman?" his eyebrows rose in amus.e.m.e.nt. "What made you say that?"

"Hmmm," said the voice and he heard some rummaging and the flicking of papers. "I actually got some information about you from when I tried getting your number the last time I called you."

"And that information says?"

"Don't worry, darling. I'm the only who knows. Actually, I'm burning all the papers I have on you right now," The Mistress said and Wuming heard something that resembled a lighter being flicked.

"Batman, is that going to be my new name?" he pried, trying to know what was it that she knew.

The Mistress laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's copyrighted. But… you're one who can afford."

"Oh," Wuming said in realization. He was not even afraid of his identity being exposed. He was not a person that the government or anyone else could touch. If it ever comes to that point, he would be dead before they could get their hands on him. "You knew about my family's riches, huh?"

"Darling, I would love to talk to you about this. But not on the phone. The lines can always be compromised." The Mistress' voice was smooth as honey. It was slow, it was deep, and it was round. "Can I see you?"

"I don't think it would be the best time right now."

"Shame," said The Mistress. "I was actually headed to Chengshi tonight…"

Wuming's eyebrow twitched. "What do you mean? Is this some sick coincidence?"

"No, I have a contract on some politician," said The Mistress. "But that would be a week from now. I would just have to lay ground and build cover, you know? So I'm flying out tonight."


"Yes, a congressman of some sort. If you're going to help me, I'm willing to share the bounty."

"I don't do joined projects."

"Oh come on! There's a first in everything!"

"It's messy." It was true. Wuming liked to deal with his targets alone. That way, he could focus. He wouldn't miss out on anything. Another person would mean another thing to think about. He might get careless. "I'll let you have cover. But… I'm not taking part in this."

"Wouldn't you like it, Wuming?"

Wuming's ears were being tickled. Her voice was beckoning him to say yes. His mind was getting convinced that he should say yes to whatever she had to say.

"Wouldn't you like it if we get caught and then we would go on a crazy run. Then everyone in the world would chase us. We'd be the new Bonnie and Clyde."

Wuming smiled. "I don't think I want to spend the rest of my life running."

"Oh darling," sighed The Mistress. "I can't wait to see you. I'll be there by morning."

Wuming got up from the bed. "How close are you?"

"Close enough. I'll send you the details tomorrow. Come pick me up? You're near the airport, right?"

Wuming laughed. So she also had his address. That was one of the downsides of having a famous father. A few questions with the right people and you would be found. It was also one of the best covers as people did not really look at the rich people for assassination things. "Okay, I'll be there."

"Great! I will see you, dear."



All the while Wuming was busy talking with The Mistress on the upper floor, Qing Lok made a private search on his own. He did not want to be digging around their mother's history but there was nothing else that he could turn to that would find him immediate answers.

Their mother hardly spoke about the life she had before she got here and married their father. All they knew was that she ran away from home and this country was the least place her parents would look for her.

She barely spoke the language and got work as a waitress in a rundown pizza parlor—which his father frequented. That was where they fell in love. His father came in everyday until he ran out of things on the menu.

Qing Lok yawned, looking at the pictures and the files of his mother. There were only a few of her records here. She didn't have pictures when she was younger. She left everything that she had when she left her home and never looked back.

That was nothing suspicious, right? he asked himself. She just wanted to get away from her parents and her old life. She wanted to begin somewhere else. Should she be judged for it?

Qing Lok did not think so.

His fingertips tapped the side of his table and one hand was over his mouth.

He could not even say that it was suspicious that his mother didn't have a lot of papers. She ran away! he reminded himself. She had nothing with herself apart from her clothes.

Being close to a mafia lord was really convenient for her as Qing Zihao probably helped her doctored some of her records.

His hands ran through his hair. Then what the hell is real and what is not? he asked himself.

Before Qing Lok could drive himself crazy, his phone rang and he saw Liu Meilien's name on the screen. He stood up, "Get some rest," he told the team and he disappeared to his bedroom.

"How are you?" asked Liu Meilien's soft voice.

"Growing crazy by the second," he admitted. If he could just scream it all out he would. "Getting REALLY crazy."


In another part of this world, someone received an alert on their computer.

The man quickly dialed. "Sir!" said the hurried voice. "They are looking for her."

The voice answered. "Good."

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