The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 315 - The Mistress of The Devil

"Mistress of The Devil?" Wuming repeated, his mind was already flashing a hundred different faces. "I don't think I've ever met one with that codename. I'm honestly surprised it's not yet taken."

"I wasn't talking about a person," Addison said.

Wuming shifted excited on the bed. "You mean, you've met The Devil himself?" he chuckled. "Does he look like me? All handsome and dark?"

"You're not dark, Wuming," she said with a roll of her eyes. "You're like a bright ray of sunshine on a cloudy day."

"Maybe for YOU," he said. "Because you have a crush on me. The people who had me for a view as they died would say otherwise."

"I don't have a crush on you," she said then shook her head. "Anyway, we're getting off topic."

"Right," Wuming said, steering them back. "The Devil. What about him?"

Addison ran a hand through her hair, suddenly looking unsure.

"Oh come on," Wuming said. "You've already come this far to tell me all about you. No judgements."

"I think it's better if we get some food first."

Wuming ordered food. He wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. They turned on the TV and let the silence ensue between them while they were waiting for the food. 

Nobody bothered to turn on the lights when the cart finally arrived. Wuming took the breakfast table to the bed and Addison was starving.

She took hold of a spoon and started slurping on the soup, exhaling in relief. "Seriously, soups here are the best."

Wuming got took out some noodles from the same pot and started on the side dishes. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it, Addison. As I said, I am not going to force you to tell me anything."

"I know," she answered her mouth full of food. "But I'm going to tell you anyway." She finally swallowed but started putting food in her mouth again. "I came from a really small town. Shitty town really. There was nothing there. People there do not get out. They stay in that city with no hope. But," she rubbed on her nose, "my family was one of the well-off people in that town. I was fortunate enough to be smart and I got into a prestigious college in the city.

"Now, my parents didn't like the thought of that because 'baby girl cannot go'. I had to stay with my parents. I got into the community college, feeling like my life was over. 'I am going to be here the rest of my life,' I told myself. I was going to meet some shitty guy my father set me up to and have a wedding that everyone in town was going to attend, then I am going to have that man's babies, then I'm going to care for them and I am going to turn into a bored housewife who would think of nothing but gossips," Addison paused with disdain.

"Believe me," Wuming said, raising a glass to his lips. "Mothers in the cities are just as bored as the ones in the small towns."

Addison smiled at that. "But of course, I didn't want to stay there. I wanted to get out of that town. But I didn't know how to. See, my father, he had a lot of friends—rich friends. So one night, I heard that one of his friends were having a small project in the city. I jumped the gun and told my father that I want in on that project to help familiarize myself with business matters.

"Seeing as he trusted his friend, he let me go. I spent my weekends in the city, doing clerical work for his friend. He was not around much but he was the person whom I answered to. He was travelling a lot because of business. Most of the times, he had something to give to me to bring back to my father. Until one day, he came back and told me he bought me a bag because he recalled that my bagstrap snapped the last time I was there."

Wuming already knew where it was going and Addison knew she had to skip the rest of the running around chasing each other.

Addison sighed and her eyes were focused on the food. Her voice turned quiet. "It only took a few weeks and I was taken by him, you know. On some weekends, he took me to other cities, let me buy all the things that I want. He was handsome and rich." Addison laughed, "And very very much older. But I liked him anyway, stupid girl. He made me feel safe. He was like the source of my escape in that town.

"But as the name goes, I was his mistress. He had a wife and a kid who I go to school with." Addison pursed her lips. "It didn't take long, his wife found out and threatened that she would go to my parents and have the town forsake me.

"But he was faster than that. His reputation was far more important to him, of course. He killed me—or at least he tried to. He took me out one weekend, told me we're going to get away, leave the whole town and all that bullshit. I packed my bags, left in the middle of the night. When he was driving, he pushed me out of the car while it was moving at lightning speed! Then he reversed and ran me over.

I saw him got down, feeling numb all over, and he checked if I could still move or if I was still alive. There was too many blood, you know? I was bleeding out. Then he f.u.c.k.i.n.g left," Addison laughed without mirth. "I was pregnant. I didn't know until… until it was gone."

Addison looked up to the ceiling and Wuming knew she was already crying. He continued eating. He knew she wanted for him to ignore it.

"How old were you?" he asked.

"I just turned eighteen then." She kept on eating. "There was a man who found me on the road. Told me I must've made a deal with The Devil because I shouldn't have survived that. He ran me over. My legs and spine should've been broken. I don't know how I came out fine."

Addison wiped the snot from her nose. "Today's the fifth anniversary of that accident. It had been five years since I died. Do you know why I'm telling you this? Because when I survived that accident, I told myself I was going to give myself five years then I will welcome the death I escaped. 

I came here to you because," a tear escaped her eyes, her lips trembling, "It wasn't because I trust you, Wuming. It was because I know you'll keep my secret because I know yours already. I'm an asshole." She finally cried, still she tried stuffing her mouth with food.

Wuming waited until she stopped eating before he pulled her to him, letting her wrap his arms and legs around him as he cradled her on his lap. "You should know, I would've kept your secret either way."

She cried on the crook of his neck. "I know," she answered.

Wuming continuously wrapped her back and played with her hair. "Please tell me you killed that guy, because if not, I would."

"I did," she laughed, sort of. "I tied him to a chair and cut his p.e.n.i.s. I watched as he slowly bled and beg me to take him to the hospital."

Wuming smiled. "Good girl."

"Everyone thought I ran away. No one bothered to look for me, do you know that?" she said.

"Well, if you ever go missing," he said, "I will come and find you."

Addison punched his side. "Stop kidding."

"I am not. So if ever you get kidnapped or anything, don't die just yet. Wait for me."

She laughed again. "You're ridiculous."

"I'm not the one crying," he joked. Then he remembered something. "Your job next week… it's a suicide mission?"

She nodded on his neck. "I am going to die."

Wuming laughed. "Do you think I'll let you die?" He hugged her tighter. "Tell me all about it, we're going to kill someone."

"It's not someone," she pulled away. "It's a room full of people."

"I think we can manage."

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