The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 318 - Worldwide War

Qing Chen hardly had any sleep. After sparring with his wife, they plopped down on the ring, covered in sweat and huffing for their breaths. 

"I think I'm going to die," Feng Xuan said. "I'm so tired."

"We can't sleep here. It stinks," Qing Chen said, but his body was also telling him to rest right then and there.

When their breaths slowed down, both of them were dragged by their sleep. Soon they were awakened by one of the housemaids who was going to clean the bas.e.m.e.nt. They bolted upright, unable to believe that they really fell asleep with their dirty bodies.

Qing Chen's body was in all kinds of sore and he was downing his second cup of coffee to make his headache disappear.

"Good morning," he greeted his secretary. Before he could get in his room, she stopped him.

"Mr. Qing," said the older lady's raspy voice. "There are some people who wants to see you here. Two men."

"Send them in my office."

"Sir, uhm," the secretary looked around. "They look different and I don't think they mean business."

Qing Chen planted both his feet on the ground. "What do you mean?"

Mrs. Chi could not find the words. "A… e… I think, you should just go and see for yourself."

Qing Chen felt a sudden nervousness attacking his stomach. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only a little past eight in the morning. "What time did they get here?"

"I don't know, sir," the woman said. "They were here before me. They were waiting in the lobby of the hotel. I didn't let them in your office." 

"Thank you, Mrs. Chi." Qing Chen stretched his neck and heard the bones cracked. "Where are they?"


Qing Chen made his way to one of the conference rooms on the floor. There he found two men suited up in gray. Neither suits looked expensive so they were surely not businessmen. Both were foreign with unique eye colors and his mind knew that they were here because of his mother.

Both men stood to their full height when Qing Chen opened the door. 

"Good morning, gentlemen. I heard you were looking for me," said Qing Chen in another language. The two exchanged a glance like they could not believe that he was speaking to them. "Qing Chen," he said, offering his hand.

"Reid Simmons," said the man with a shocking red-orange hair cropped short at the top of his head. 

"Micah Wheeler," said the other man with the rich chocolate colored skin. 

"Please, sit down," Qing Chen said, opening his coat and sitting down at the head of the table. "What can I help you with? You certainly don't look like you're going to invest in any of my businesses."

Mr. Wheeler was the first to speak. "Mr. Qing, what you are about to hear is highly confidential."

Qing Chen was suddenly wondering if there was anything else that he did know about his family. Was his father not sick at all? But his grandmother had been crying. There had been no way that was all acting. It was too real. "Okay," he said with a slight frown.

"This is regarding your family," said Mr. Simmons. "About your father specifically."

Qing Chen raised a hand. "Before that, can I know where the either of you came from? Which organization? FBI? CIA? MI5? KGB?" he suggested.

"We are from the Investigation Service," said Mr. Wheeler. "We are a separate entity from the other organizations."

"So you're here to investigate. About what?" Qing Chen asked. "What is it about my father?"

In a leveled voice, Mr. Simmons said, "Are you aware of your father's illegal activities?"

Straightforward. Good, Qing Chen thought. But what the hell were they talking about his father? Weren't they here for his mom? "What do you mean illegal? He had been in the hotel business since forever."

"You see, Mr. Qing, we have received intelligence about your father's crimes. We would like to know where he is."

"I don't know where he is," Qing Chen answered. "My father went away about two months ago." He leaned forward. "I am also going to tell you a highly confidential secret." 

The two men leaned forward too.

"My father is terminally ill. He has stage four lung cancer. He took an emergency retirement and disappeared. See, he never told my brother. That was why he went away without announcing his location."

The two mean leaned backward, looking like uncomfortable.

"I can show his hospital records if you want," he said trying to affirm them.

"We don't need his hospital records, Mr. Qing. We need him in the flesh."

"Are you going to take him away?" he asked them, daring. "Is this even under your jurisdiction? You're in a foreign land. Do you think this country would let you take my father away without due process?"

"Mr. Qing, your father is involved in multiple international crimes," said Mr. Wheeler. "Yes, this is under our jurisdiction."

"So where is he going to be tried when the time comes?"

"Here, Mr. Qing. We will surrender him to your government. We are here in the hopes that you would be able to help us into capturing him," said Mr. Simmons. "If you would offer your help—"

"Hold a moment, my father is going to be tried for what crimes? Capture him? He's not even on the run."

The two exchanged another glance. It was Mr. Wheeler who spoke, "According to the information we received, your father was leading an organized crime group. A mafia to be specific."

Qing Chen almost burst out laughing. "Really? A mafia? My old father?" He nodded. "Can you leave me a contact number? I'll send you a list of our properties where you can check for my him. Or are you going to wait here as I send you the files? You can head down the city hall and ask for the files too. It's under his name."

"We are actually staying in this hotel. You can send the files in our room, if that would alright."

Qing Chen's eyebrows shot up in delight. "Your organization must quite have the funding, yeah?" Seeing as this conversation was over, Qing Chen stood up. The two men followed. "It's quite a pleasure, gentlemen. I have a long day ahead. I'm sure you two would be on your way when I have the files sent in less than hour. Good bye."

When Qing Chen got back to his room, he dialed Qing Lok's number. What answered him was his brother's groggy voice. "What?"

"Where are you? I need you here in the office."

Qing Lok groaned. "Okay, I'll be down in twenty."

"Down in—where the hell are you?!"

"The Kingly."

"What are you—never mind. Just get your ass down here."

Qing Lok groaned again but he was there fifteen minutes later, not showered and sleepy. "Okay, what do you want?" he asked he took his brother's seat and computer.

Qing Chen gave the names of the two men.

"They're legit," Qing Lok said. "You want to start a worldwide war?"

Qing Lok looked at their faces. "If I have to."

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