Qing Zihao had always known that Qing Chen would be the right choice to lead the hotel. But he had feared that he had too soft a heart to be able to run the mafia. It was Qing Chen who had spent too much time cradled in his wife's arms when she was still alive. Qing Chen started late in his trainings and on-ground learning about the ways of their world, unlike Qing Lok whom had been fascinated with chaotic things before he could barely walk.

Of course, he worried for his son. He wanted Qing Chen to be the one to replace him. It couldn't be Qing Lok because he was still too young and his mind was childish. Qing Chen had shown interest with the mafia growing up. He really thought he would be the perfect match for it. But somehow, after their mother died, he grew distant from everyone else. It was as if he killed the part of him that belonged to danger. He complete changed.

Even though he had let Qing Chen took hold of both the hotel and the mafia, he still kept his one eye open on everything his son did. He just wanted to make sure that he was making the right decision. Qing Zihao was not getting any younger and he was just about Qing Chen's age when he finally indulged himself on the matters of the mafia.

He lit his pipe and sucked on it, his other hand on top of his cane. "How was La Hiena?" he asked his busy son behind the massive desk. He decided to pop up to know about the latest shipment.

"He seems to be well," said Qing Chen. Looking at him from this angle, he might want to start believing people when they said Qing Chen looked more like his mother than his father. And Qing Zihao found that he didn't mind because somehow, he could see his wife in his son. "He didn't go with the usual 'oh you're the new boss' talk. He just straight up called me Mr. Qing."

That brought a small smile to Qing Zihao's lips. For a long time, he was Mr. Qing. But in a few years from now, the most famous Mr. Qing would be his son. "La Hiena is really friendly," he said. He remembered one weekend that he had spent in the south western part of the world. He had a grand time in the mansion of La Hiena. All the women, the noise, and the drugs that crawled everywhere.

"Yes," Qing Chen said in a way that Qing Zihao thought that his son did not really liked La Hiena. But who would blame him? Qing Zihao could only blame himself. Had he sheltered this son of his too much?

When Qing Chen first started as the new mafia boss, Qing Zihao got the idea that his son wanted to close their mafia business. Qing Chen had continuously talked to him about a new reform but he knew it was not going to work. He put him under strict instructions that he should leave things as it is. It was in keeping things the way they are that they could ensure the targets were not on their backs.

But when Qing Chen upped the prices in the The Kingsman's Club, he almost took the reins back and handle everything. It was a mistake. He let Qing Lok took hold of The Underground. It was as if he wanted to keep his hands off it entirely.

Qing Zihao sighed audibly which caught Qing Chen's attention.

"Are you alright, Father?" his son asked with a worried look on his face.

He nodded. "I think I am just tired."

Qing Chen's eyes stayed on his for a few more seconds before turning his attention back at the papers in front of him. "Maybe you should stop smoking."

Qing Zihao laughed, pipe dangling from his mouth. "It's the last vice that I have."

And it would be the vice that might end you, Qing Chen thought in his head. His father was smoking for as long as he could remember. It they were to pull out Qing Zihao's lungs, they would probably look black.

The same thought occurred to Qing Zihao which brought him to a question. "Will I be seeing a grandson within a year?"

He saw how Qing Chen's fingers stopped above the papers he was signing and his son's gaze felt like he was somewhere else in the world. "No," his son answered and continued with what he was doing.

Qing Zihao's eyebrows furrowed. "Why not?"

Qing Zihao suffered a long courtship with Qing Chen's mother, Hao Suyin. Although he was so much in a rush and excitement when she finally returned his feelings, he made sure to wait until they were married before advancing to other levels of their relationship. Within three years of their marriage, they were already expecting a son.

"I don't think we're ready for that," Qing Chen said.

Qing Zihao's eyebrows raised. It was not like he did not know the side of his son that went together with his secretary for the past few months. But… really? "Haven't you…?"

Qing Chen did not answer him. That child, Feng Xuan was beautiful. He thought Qing Chen liked his wife. "But you need an heir, son."

"We will get there."

"I hope I'll still be alive when that time comes."

That seemed to alarm Qing Chen because his eyes were on him in an instant. "You're not dying, are you?"

Qing Zihao's laugh echoed in the room. The fear that was present in his eyes… Ah, he was such a sweet boy. "All I'm saying is, don't take too long."

Qing Zihao sucked on his pipe again. Maybe Qing Zihao miscalculated. Maybe Qing Chen was still not ready for any of this.

No, he thought. He made the right choice. He just had to mold him a little better. He just needed to press harder on the clay. He puts a black folder on top of the pile, "This is for the new investment, wind energy. We can put the money there. It's not well-regulated. Have a look."

Qing Chen did not reach for the folder. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Well, I have to go now," he said to his son and stood up. Qing Chen paused what he was doing and walked his father to the door.

"Be sure to attend your check-ups," Qing Chen reminded him and gave him a hug.

If Qing Zihao would be proud about something, it was how he had showed love to his sons. He knew about the 'macho father' image people think he showed when he was raising them. But no. Family was everything. You do not leave your family. He raised his sons to not be afraid to show affection.

"And take care of everthing else for me," he said to his son, patting him on the back. Oh, when did he get this tall?

As he walked down the aisle to the elevator, he smiled and nodded to everyone who paused to greet him. He talked to his deceased wife in his mind, "Ah, Hao Suyin, maybe it was really my fault he grew up that way." Then he laughed.


Qing Chen finished early in his work and got to go home at around six in the evening. He found Feng Xuan in the kitchen with mittens on her hands and an apron tied to her torso.

"You're home early," she said as she set a pan on the counter. The air smelled sweet and there was a little mess.

"You baked?"

Feng Xuan nodded with a smile he hadn't seen before. Her hair was up on knot on top of her head and the shorter ones framed her face. "A little bird told me you have a sweet tooth."

Qing Chen smiled and walked towards the counter. He saw something purple in the pan. "What about dinner?"

"Dinner is already in the oven," Feng Xuan stepped to him, not because she wanted to be closer but she looked like she was blocking his view of the cake. "Why don't you rest for a little while upstairs and I'll call you when everything is ready?"

He smiled as he took another peek. Feng Xuan was much smaller than him, but she was going to keep it a surprise. "Alright, then," he said.

Feng Xuan even went as far as ushering him out of the kitchen, her fingertips on the small of his back, he barely felt it with all the layers of his clothing but it was enough to warm him on the inside. "I'll see you later, husband."

"I'll take a nice long bath, wife."

"Yeah, that should be enough time." Feng Xuan smiled at him before turning back to the kitchen.

Qing Chen was shaking his head while climbing up the stairs. It was so nice to have the house back to themselves. He honestly thought his grandmother was going to put up a fight.

Qing Chen decided to draw a hot bath to help ease the tensions on his back. He wanted to be able to relax and have a nice dinner with Feng Xuan. But his mind kept on wondering about the conversation he had with his father. Should they really have a child this young? He had not even fully wrapped his head with everything that was going on around him and he would add another human in this mess? He did not think so. Not until he fixed the mafia.

He closed his eyes as he let the water wash him. He even thought about staying in the tub for a few more minutes before heading out. But then, he heard his phone ringing.

He almost tripped getting out of the bathroom, clumsily wrapping a towel on his waist. He set a different ringtone and he told Qing Lok to never call him with that number unless it was an emergency. It was the first time he got a call from there.

"Hello?" he answered, his heart beating a little too loud in his heart.

"Brother, there's been an issue at The Seven Seas Motel."

Qing Chen took a deep breath. At least it was not about the mafia or the hotel. The Seven Seas Motel also belonged to their company near one of the highway exits. "What happened?"

"It's burning."


"Firemen and police are already there. I'm on my way."

Qing Chen started to massage his temples. "Cause?"

"No official statement yet. But they are suspecting arson."

Qing Chen swore under his breath. He gritted his teeth. Who dared burn their motel? "I'll be there."

He had just ended the call when he heard the door open. Adrenaline coursed through his veins but it was already too late. He heard Feng Xuan's audible gasp. Maybe it was because he was half-n.a.k.e.d. But he knew it was mostly because she saw his tattoo.

He turned around, clutching his towel on his waist. He found Feng Xuan's wide eyes, her hand on the door knob. It was as if a thousand questions was to fall out of her lips but she couldn't speak.

"Work emergency," he told her like everything was normal. Like it was normal that he had never told her about this important piece of himself earlier. "I'll have to leave in a few minutes."

Feng Xuan immediately nodded. "I'll leave you to get dressed."

Qing Chen hastily put on clothes and shoes. In less than five minutes, he was already downstairs. He stopped at the threshold to the kitchen. "How hungry are you?"

Feng Xuan blinked at him, like it was the last thing she thought of hearing from him. "Not that much really."

"Can you wait for me?"

"Sure," Feng Xuan answered with a timid smile. "I—uhm, the cake will taste better when refrigerated."

Qing Chen also pulled a smile to his lips. "I know you have questions. I'll be back in two hours max."

Feng Xuan chewed on her lip as she nodded. "Okay. Take care. I'll be waiting."

He couldn't even imagine what was going on in Feng Xuan's mind. He stepped out of their home and into the waiting car. The car immediately started moving.

And while on the way to a disaster, he thought about how he was going to answer Feng Xuan on why he had a tattoo that covered almost every inch of his back.

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