While Wuming was putting on his shoes, Addison wrapped her arms around him. "Can't I come with you?"

"I'll be back," he said. "Chen sounded distressed. I have to see how he's doing."

"We're going out on a date this afternoon?" she leaned against his back.

Wuming didn't want to make a promise. "I'll let you know as soon as I know what's going on with my brother." He pulled her face close and kissed her lips before he stood up, clasping the watch on his wrist.

He found Addison grinning. "What's wrong with you?"

"You kissed me!" she said.

He frowned. "Didn't you feel my kisses last night? In the tub this morning?"

"No!" she laughed dropping on the bed, wearing an oversized shirt and nothing underneath. She got up so swift Wuming had to back off an inch. She looked like a crazed woman, her hair still wet from the bath matted on her face.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" Wuming said. "You're seriously creepy."

Addison laughed again and stopped enlarging her eyes. "I was just kidding." She stood up on the bed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Don't do those creepy eyes, okay?" he said, still uncertain. Seriously, her mood swings were all over the place. He held onto her waist. "I'm going to send you to a mental hospital if you do that again."

She smiled and brought her face close to his. AND SMELLED HIM.

"Did you just smell me?" he asked. "My face?"

"Well, you kissed me!"

"I know I did! I did that last night. I did that this morning. What was so different this time?"

She pecked on his lips. "You'll know soon enough."

Wuming was confused but kissed her again nonetheless before he left the room. While on the elevator, that was all he could think about. This was why he never wanted to get into a relationship with anybody because women were so weird.

He shivered.

Was The Mistress really crazy? Was this just one of her ploys to hook a man on her finger?

He shook his head. Now, what would be the point of everything if she was just lying.

"How did you get here so fast?!" Qing Chen asked when Wuming entered his office. His brothers and Feng Xuan were all in the room.

"I was upstairs," he said, still a little confused with his thoughts.

"You slept here?!" Qing Lok said accusingly.

He knew that tone. "Why? You slept here too?!"

Then something sparked in Qing Lok's eyes and Wuming was not fast enough as his brother's fingers. He tried to stop him but Qing Lok already found what he wanted.

"Oh man," he said, as he looked in the hotel records. "You checked in under a false name." Then he scrolled. Wuming almost threw Qing Chen's monitor on the glass window. "YOU CHECKED IN WITH SOMEONE. It says here, plus one! Who are you with?"

"I wasn—" Wuming started.

Then Qing Chen got into the picture. "Yeah, who are you with?"

Wuming looked around the room and even saw Feng Xuan smiling at him over a cup of coffee. He was alone in this war. "I was with a friend."

"A he or a she?" Qing Lok asked. "You know what it doesn't matter. As long as you're happy. Right, Chen?"

"No!" Wuming said. "I was legit with a friend."

Qing Chen moved and grabbed the phone. "Hello, reception. I would just like to ask on a—"

Wuming sunk his fingers on the receiver. "It's a girl," he blurted out. "It's a girl."

Qing Lok lips smiled. "I knew it! So you were really dating someone."

"How do we know it's not a hooker?" Feng Xuan innocently asked.

Qing Chen and Qing Lok turned to Wuming. He sighed. "She's not a hooker. She's an assassin with a job next week. Called me over and got together for old time's sake."

"If you had some fun last night why do you look like you were trying to solve the origin of the world when you came in?"

Wuming shook his head. "She's acting weird!" He leaned against the glass wall. "I kissed her and she was like, 'you kissed me'."

Now they all turned to Feng Xuan. 

"Don't look at me," she said.

"Well," Qing Chen said. "I think you're the only one who could translate."

Feng Xuan was suddenly under pressure. "Well, that's all she said? I think she's just really happy that you kissed her."

"Really happy?" Wuming repeated in wonder. Was that why she was smiling so much? Well, he should be smiling that much. He just got laid. "There was something different about it though. It was like her eyes were sparkling or something. Or I'm just crazy."

"Oh!" Feng Xuan said, bolting a little in her seat, almost spilling her coffee. "Let's see. When did you kiss her?"

"When I finished putting on my shoes."

Feng Xuan whistled under her breath.

Wuming panicked. "Why? What does it mean?"

"I think…" she said. "I think she's happy that you kissed her… without l.u.s.t."

Everyone turned quiet as they let that sink in.

"Holy shit," Wuming cursed.

It was Qing Lok who laughed first and the couple followed. "I think you really like her, man."

Wuming did another full body shiver. "Yeah, to think about it, she was really happy about that kiss." Maybe that was why she looked so weird. She was happy—not an emotion Wuming was very familiar.

"So when are we going to meet her?" Qing Chen asked and his mood turned sour.

"You know…" Qing Lok trailed. "I have access to the CCTV camera. I could just check."

Wuming glared at his brother.

"I'm kidding," Qing Lok said, spinning on Qing Chen's seat.

"You'll meet her in the right time. We haven't even talked about a relationship."

"Okay, let's settle that later," Qing Chen said, steering the conversation. "Now, let's get over the family matter."

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