Wuming could not imagine his excitement when Qing Chen finally gave the greenlight in killing those two. When he told Addison, she was more than willing to help him execute the deed. That was what they were doing while they were inside the car, eating huge burgers and drinking large cups of milkshakes, they were tailing the car of the two agents.

Wuming's father had a lot of properties in the city alone which pretty much covered the whole morning and afternoon. Now, they were branching out to the properties outside of the city. 

"So where are we staying?" Addison asked him, slurping through her straw. "You pulled me out of The Kingly."

"Don't you want to go home with me?"

Addison laughed. "What, you mean in your house? Your humongous house?!"

"It's not my house. It's the family's house. Everyone can go there as long as you have the right connections. You're lucky because you have the first son to vouch for you."

"Don't you think it's a little too fast?"

"After we execute these people, they are going to want to find out who did it. It would be best if we stick together. No one can touch you in this city without us knowing."

Addison swept her hair to the side, "Well, I think you've touched me more than enough times for today."

"Stop seducing me," he said, grinning. "We're in the middle of a job. Qing Chen would personally slice my throat if I let these people get away." Wuming was busy driving with his left hand and the other was holding his burger which he frequently took bite on. "This is why I hate doing joint jobs."

"You're easily distracted."

"Yes, I am."

"Especially with me."

Wuming laughed at that. "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night."

Addison m.o.a.ned, "But am I really going to stay in your house? Your brothers are there. Are you sure you want them to know about us?"

"I already told them. You can choose to go back to The Kingly if you want. I'm sure you'd be able to take care of yourself. But it would really give me some peace of mind if you're in the same place as I am until you leave the city."

Addison looked out the window. The buildings were almost gone in this part of the road and the streetlights were more spaced out from one another. "I kind of like this place, you know?"


"I think… if I have a reason to stay… I could stay here."

Wuming made a sound between a snort and a laugh. "I bet you got that from the movie you were watching earlier."

Addison shoved him hard on the shoulder and made the car swerved. "You're stealing my thunder!"

"Listen," Wuming said, "I don't do that cheesy crap, okay? If you want to stay here with me then you're more than welcome to do so. I'd love for you to stay."

Addison made her fingers walk from his wrist to his neck. "You like my company?"

"You're really annoying and creepy, but I'd take that instead of the dead body that you plan on having next week."

"It's meant to be my last mission," she said, crumpling the wrapper of her burger. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my life after that. I already filed my resignation on Rogue. "

"You got enough money on you?"

"Sure. Why? You want some loan?"

Wuming laughed again. "You're kidding me right? My family owns half of this city." Addison smiled at him. "If you want… since you're retired, want to travel the world? Let's make a different persona in each country."

"And stop killing people?"

Wuming wanted to say yes but something lodged on his throat. He knew he was not going to be able to say those three letters without lying. "I love my job," he said. "I don't think I can quit it."

Then he was reminded again of The Fox. Where was that kid? He should've come for me already, he thought in his mind. Did he die? Such a shame.


"Wait," Wuming stopped her. "I think they caught on." The road was quiet and empty.

"Where are we anyway?" Addison asked.

"We're in a future highway but it's not yet done because the other roads are not yet complete." Wuming sped up, trying to find the car.

It didn't take long for him to see the tail lights. This was a winding road. Something that sort of resembled a zigzag. The car sped up again.

"Yep," said Addison. "They know we're following them." She climbed to the backseat and grabbed the bazooka and Wuming pulled the roof of his car down. Addison steadied herself, the wind blowing her hair behind. She looked through the scope.

"Hey!" screamed Wuming when he saw what she was using. "We can't kill them like that. We're going to search for their communication devices. Take a sniper instead. Aim for the tires."

Addison groaned in disappointment and felt for the guns until she found what she was looking for. The gun was smaller and lighter. "Go?"

"Yes, now."

It took two bullets before Addison finally hit the tire. The car spun and hit the guardrail, its hood smoking. Wuming sped up until they were near enough. 

He took a rifle from the back and they both got out. The moon was the only light they have. He opened the door and found that the driver was the redhead. He had a bleeding forehead and an angry look on his face. His arm looked broken and his other shoulder was dislocated.

His companion was not responsive and was being held up by his seatbelt. His head was also bleeding, staining his shirt dark.

"Don't be so mad," Wuming smiled at him. "Don't worry, I won't kill you." He felt for the waist and found a handgun and put it in the man's hand and force him to put the gun inside his mouth. "You're going to have to kill yourself. Die with honor and all that crap. I'm going to pop back your shoulder so you'll feel more comfortable."

The man said something that resembled something like "f.u.c.k you".

Wuming nodded. "I know." He found two phones on the drink holders in the console. "I'll take these." 

Addison was already at the other body, looking for something else but those were the only gadgets.

"You'll kill yourself or you're going to have the pretty lady do it?" Wuming asked.

The man could only glare at him as he could not speak with the barrel pressing on his tongue. 

"I know that look, you'll do it yourself." Wuming pressed on the man's hand. "Should I keep you alive instead? Tell your boss to not mess with the Qings anymore?" He shook his head. "I think they'll get the message with you dead. Do it."

Wuming covered his the ear nearest the gun and with a final glare, the man pulled the trigger. Addison also shot the other man in the head.

"Just to be sure."

Wuming smiled at her over the dead bodies. "Let's go home."

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