For some reason the diner was full tonight. Qing Zihao had to sit on one of the tables outside. The night breeze was cold and made him shiver inside his jacket. He cupped his pockets and got himself a cigarette.

It did not take long before he saw "Christina" walking out of the front door to take his order. "Where's the rest of the gang?"

He shook his head. "I had to come alone tonight."

"Why is that?"

He smiled, blowing out smoke. "I didn't take you for someone who would be interested in my life."'

"Oh, I'm not interested in your life. It's just surprising that you did not come with your puppies."

"Puppies?!" They were far more terrifying than an animal with lots of teeth.

"Aren't they like your dogs of some sort? They look like they would do anything for you."

"They would," he nodded. "But they're not dogs." He laughed, although they could be. "They're very loyal. They are more like family. Like distant cousins."

'Christina' shrugged. "What can I get you?" her hand was already poised on a notepad.

He stumped the cigarette on the ground. "Why don't you order for me?"


He nodded. "Yeah, and get something for yourself too."

"And what makes you think I am going to eat with you?"

One of his shoulders lifted in a casual shrug. "I don't know. I think… maybe… you want someone to talk to. It must be hard for you to be staying here and not being able to talk to anyone."

"Ah," she nodded, looking quite impressed. "You're looking at the language barrier angle. I have to say I haven't heard that before."

That hinted that she had never been in a non-English dominant country. He showed his hands. "I am just offering you a few hours of talking. You might be able to relieve some of that stress in your shoulders."

"What I need is a massage."

"We can do that some time."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you asking me on a date?"

"You're the one who said that. But in case you're wondering, I'm not asking you on a date. I am a charitable man. I am merely offering you my very valuable presence."

Her head inclined to the side and her arms crossed over her chest. "You pity me?"

"Not at all. I think you are a brave foreigner on an unknown land, trying to keep your head above the water. I think you just need a friend. If you don't want one then I would be more than happy to leave. I am not going to impose myself on you."

Qing Zihao wasn't one who had liked when people stared at him. He had always felt like they would be able to see all the bad things that he had done in his life. Or maybe they would see the souls of the men that died on his hands.

But he did not feel scared at all when 'Christina' placed him under her scrutinizing eyes.

When she was done, she turned away.

"I take it as a no then?" he asked after her.

She looked over her shoulder. A hint of a smile on her lips. "Wait for your food."


The old woman behind the counter was frowning at her when she placed the order slip on the counter. She did not know why the old woman was slightly glaring at her.

She turned her eyes to her as if to ask 'What's wrong?'.

The old woman pried her eyes away from her and sent the order slip to the kitchen after logging it on the book. "You be careful. He is danger."

She leaned against the counter and looked at the outside of the diner. Mr. Qing was smoking again, his chair tipped at an angle that would make you think that he would fall down. His head was tilted back and his eyes were closed.

She did not come here to find romance. That was one thing for sure. But she could use a friend.

One look at him and you already know that he was a shady person. There was just this dark aura that was surrounding him or maybe it was the way that his shoulders were slightly curved, like he was already done with life or there was something that he had been carrying with him.

She turned her attention to the other diners and when the food arrived, she took it outside and to his table.

"A burger?" he asked.

"This place is known for their pizza. But the burgers are also good."

"Well, why don't you sit down?"

"I have work."

"I can pay more than any person inside this diner. You're going to sit here. Your boss would be fine with it."

She took a cautionary glance inside and found that the old woman was already watching her. She nodded as if to give permission. She took off her apron before she sat down.

"Alright, Mr. Qing," she said, bundling it to the side.

"Zihao," he said.


"Zihao. That's my name."

"You're a customer. You're Mr. Qing."

He shook his head. "I don't go by that name. At least not yet."

"Okay then, Zihao," she cleared her throat.

"So, Christina…" he waited for her to react but she didn't. "Is that really your name?"

She laughed and took the burger in her hands. "Yes. That's real."

"What's your surname?"

She shrugged. "I want to earn money so I could change my name. I think I want to live here."

"Of all the places why here?"

"I don't think anyone would look for me here," she took a bite. 

"Running away?"

"More like hiding," she grinned over her burger. 

"From parents?"

She nodded but Qing Zihao did not buy it. But he let her have her fun crafting her story.

Later that night, Christina received the letter that she had been waiting for. A letter about her target.

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