The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 353 - Your Hand

Christina had no plans on moving towards the mission yet. Three months was a long time and it was important that she would evenly space out her killings so people would not be suspicious. She had thirteen people to kill. It had always been thirteen. 

A lot of the other assassins were firm believers that the head of The Order of the Red Hand was a supporter of the devil and took pleasure in the number thirteen.

Christina only shrugged upon learning that. She was not one who would question one's beliefs—even when she was raised to be a religious person to the point that she was even named after their Lord.

She knew she was going to proceed with her mission no matter what happens. She was just really stalling, trying to find a reason not to go. It somehow eases her conscience that there was still a part of her that was hesitant with killing people.

She would still do it because if she wouldn't, it would be her life on the line. Better their lives than hers, right?

Now, her boss might be the spawn of the devil but he was not the kind of person who killed innocents and preyed on the weak. He was more inclined into taking the lives of the people who were bad men.

He said, "Hell could not wait to meet them." When someone asked why should they kill the bad men, he answered, "It they did not want to go to hell, then why do they keep on doing evil things? They could not wait to meet the evilest of all. We're just giving them the fast train to it. Trust me, you would be doing them a favor."

That was where the boss was wrong. Most of the people that Christina ended had plead to her, telling her that they would change. That they would give back what they took. That they would make a difference in the world. That they would break if off their mistresses. That they would quit their bad habits. All those promises to be good, she had heard it.

"You look like you're somewhere else," a voice said behind her.

She did not need to turn to know who talked. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Whether or not should I poison your food."

"Aw," he said. "How sweet. You're thinking of me."

"I think you missed the point."

Qing Zihao dropped down the booth she was cleaning. There was something in his eyes. "No, that's the only thing that I heard."

She smiled at him. "Why do you look like that?"

"What? Handsome?"

"No, you look tired. Were you able to get some sleep last night?"

"Oh yeah, our garden smelled really nice." Before she could even make the connection, he added. "Actually, I was trying to get back to sleep earlier today but I couldn't stop thinking about what I should do with my life."

"Would it be something that I can help you with?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Let's hear it," she said, handing him a laminated menu.

"I really think you should have a decision in this," he said as he looked over the menu and she wondered what she had to do with his life. "What do you think about dying young?"

"I have no plans," she said.

"Well then, that means that I would never be coming back here."

"I don't get it."

He lifted his head. "If I keep visiting this diner, I think my mother is going to kill you. Or have you killed."

"Oh really?" Christina chuckled. She would have loved the challenge with her life dangling in front of her. "Would she really do that?"

He shrugged. "The chances are high."

"What are you gonna do about it? If she makes a move into killing me?"

He shrugged again. "Plan you a beautiful funeral?"

She laughed. "Alright, that would be fine by me. Make sure that there would be champagne for everybody and no sad songs and no tears." She nodded at the menu. "What can I get you?"

Suddenly there was a spark in his eyes and the way his lips curved into a smile actually made her heart skip a beat. It was the feeling that she got when she launched herself from skyscr.a.p.ers and into the air.

"What about your hand?" he asked.

"Oh you wouldn't want my hands," she said. "They are drenched in blood."

"Just how I like it."

She smiled back at him. She had never flirted with anyone. Love was not something that she wanted for herself. It would save her a lot of trouble. "Seriosly, what do you want from the menu?"

"Order for me, something new."


Qing Zihao could only imagine how his mother would react if one of her men reported that he was back yet again in the diner.

She would probably throw a fit. He wondered if his mother would be really willing to kill Christina. He slurped on his milkshake and listened as she told him about what she had for dinner last night.

He had already pulled her out of working hours and was now eating and talking non-stop in front of him. "Listen," he said, stopping her mid-sentence. "What do you think about getting married?"

Christina choked on her soda. "What?" she croaked.

"Marriage? What do you think about it?"

She was not prepared to be asked this question today. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

"First impression?"

"I don't want to do it."


"I just don't want to."

He nodded. "But think about this, if we ever get married, we would be friends. I can share with you my money and everything else."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "You barely know me!" she cackled.

"It's just a childish thought. I want to annoy my mother."

She shook her head but there was a smile on her face. "You know what, don't close the doors yet. I'll be thinking about it."

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