The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 389 - The Day After Tomorrow

It had already been twelve hours since the operation started into finding Checks commenced. Qing Lok was honestly getting frustrated with the lack of results that were being shown. In fact, they did have nothing.

Maybe they were really just busy showing off their feathers that they did not really consider that their father had already exhausted all efforts possible to help their mother.

"This the first time that this happened," he quietly commented to Qing Chen who was also busy surveying the screens. 

Dinner had already passed and they were back in the workroom. "True," Qing Chen seconded. "This is a strange occurence indeed."

"Maybe father was right. This man could not be seen. Maybe we are really running after a shadow here."

"There has to be some way he was moving around without anything catching him. Underground maybe?"

"Possibly." Qing Lok disappeared and started looking that the length size and width of the underground sewers. Would transportation be possible underneath these?

"But what about when he's travelling by air? He has to have some records in the airports." 

"We ran his face everywhere. It's not showing up."

"3D printers can now make masks right? Fake faces?"

"Definitely. Specially the most expensive ones."

Qing Chen breathed out. Checks could really be being transported with a difference face every time. "Alright," he said and turned to the whole team. "I need every record from the airports. You need to find a man that suits Checks' height and weight. Find out which ones had not entered and exited the country for more than a year."

"That should really help," remarked Wuming who was basically doing nothing other than throwing a stupid remark every now and then. "Smart thinking."

Qing Chen could only sigh at his oldest brother's laziness. Not that he was proficient with the technical stuff. Maybe it was really better if he was going to seat out on it.

"That's going to take too long," Wuming continued. "You're looking at about millions of passports and profiles."

"Well, that's better than doing nothing."

"True," said Qing Lok and held onto his head. "Why do I feel like we're going to end up with nothing anyway?"

"There has to be a way to catch him," Qing Chen said. He liked situations like this because his mind was forced to work. But the person who he was playing with did not seem like to acknowledge his presence as a played in the board.

"Or," Wuming said and his younger brothers already know that something stupid was about to come out of his mouth. He had used that tone whenever he thought of something unrealistic to say. "Let's take MOM somewhere, use her as bait, then we kill the bad guy."

"Do you want father to kill you?" Qing Chen asked.

"Well, I have no qualms dying. But as sure as hell not going to sit around and wait for this house to blow up for all I care."

"You're right," entered a female voice. "We could really use that strategy. It's very practical, isn't it?"

Wuming should feel ashamed that he had just offered to make his mother a bait. But he was not. "Right. Practicality."

Their mother nodded and looked over the screens too. "You got the right masters when you're studying to become one of us."

Wuming forced a smile on his cheeks. "Could you have imagined me with a different profession?"

Surprisingly, it was like their mother was now biting back. "I don't think so. You somehow appear that you don't want what you're doing but I could tell that you really enjoy it. So, Qing Wei, stop trying to blame how you turned out to somebody else. We both know that thrill when you kill someone could get addicting. To answer your question, no, I could not imagine you having another career. You're meant to be in the mafia. You are meant to be this person."

Wuming's lips settled into a straight line. "I'm not blaming anything to anyone. I'm happy where I am in life." Then he completely changed the topic. "Where are we going to put you then?"

"How are we even going to make sure that he was going to come?" asked Qing Lok.

"That's the point," said Qing Chen then turned to his mother. "How can we make sure that he's going to come?"

"We can promise that he could kill me," she said.

"How are we going to send him a message?"

Their mother waved a hand. "That's not going to be a problem. He's probably keeping an eye on you boys, whatever it is that you're doing, he knows about it. We could just post a message somewhere, he'd definitely see it."

Qing Lok nodded. "So when do you plan on dying?"

Qing Chen honestly wanted to smack Qing Lok on the face because of his question. He didn't need to put out bluntly. 

But their mother did not miss a beat. "The day after tomorrow."

"Isn't that too soon?" Qing Chen asked.

"Well," she sighed. "We don't want to keep going at this, right? If I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

"You're not going die," said Wuming. "We're going to kill him."

"What if you won't be able to?"

Wuming shook his head. "This," he gestured around the place, "might fail. But me killing someone? That's always certain."

"You can never know for sure," she said. "Once in a while someone would escape you."

"That has never happened before."

"It might happen soon," their mother smiled. "And it's going to be okay."

Wuming sighed, disappointed that his mother did not trust his skills. "I'm going to prove you wrong. Perfect assassins exist—oh wait they don't. It's just me."

Qing Chen and Qing Lok smiled slightly at their brother's confidence. "Fine," Qing Chen said, "Let's put that certainty up to test."

"The day after tomorrow," Qing Lok repeated.

"We're going to find out. The day after tomorrow," their mother confirmed.

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