The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 401 - The Quiet

It took Feng Xuan a second before she could reply. "Qing Chen needs me in the office."

Wang Yimin snorted. "We both know your husband is more than capable of handling The Kingly Empire. He probably just offered you the job so you could feel useful."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/the-quiet_52042496766700477">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/the-quiet_52042496766700477</a> for visiting.

Feng Xuan's eyes would've flashed at her cousin but the possibility of it being true stopped it all together. There was no doubt about Qing Chen's management abilities. Maybe he was really just being kind to her.

"That was a joke, okay?" Wang Yimin said to her silence.

"No offense taken," she sighed and grabbed another folder with a huge sticker at the front labelled "MAKE-UP PROPOSALS". She started to flip through the clear book and saw beautiful colors on the faces of the models.

"What do you think?"

Feng Xuan shook her head. "Everything looks amazing. I don't think I'm really for this job when I can't even choose something as simple as this."

Wang Yimin laughed. "Well, I never needed you for the fashion. I need you for the administration works so I can peacefully create these masterpieces." She rose from her seat and walked towards her huge whiteboard.

"How come you already have ideas for the summer collection?" Feng Xuan whined.

"Oh this?" she laughed and pointed at one side. "It's just an idea. A lot of people get married in June, you know? I think we should release a bridal collection. It'll be great, right?"

There were already numerous sketches under the "SUMMER" column. "I think you'll do amazing, Yimin."

Yimin was grinning when she got back to the chair in front of Feng Xuan. "Alright, I am not supposed to tell anyone about this, but I've been dying to let you know."

"Oh my God."

"No—no," Wang Yimin laughed. "Not yet. But we're trying to get pregnant."

Feng Xuan had never seen her cousin this happy. It was like her lips were going to split from the happiness. "Wow," she said. "That's great, Yimin. I'm glad that you're ready to be on that new stage of your life. I'm sure you'll be a great mother."

"Right? I'll be really cool and loving."

For a split second, Wang Yimin's smile faltered and Feng Xuan saw it. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

"I'm just… getting worried. I mean, we've tried this before and it didn't work that's why we decided to stop." Wang Yimin licked her lips. It was like all the positive emotions that she was feeling got drained from her face.

Feng Xuan reached across the table and held her cousin's hand. "It'll work out," she nodded.

"What if it doesn't?"

"That's a problem for another day. Don't ruin your mood just thinking about it. It might take a while, right? We just have to wait."

Wang Yimin smiled at her. "Thank you." Then she went back to looking at the papers in front of her, all splashed with colors and drawn with different strokes of pencil. "What about you? Have you and Qing Chen thought about having kids yet?"

"I don't think either of us is ready for that now. Besides, we still have a lot of things to do before we settle down with a family."

On top of their to-do list was making sure that were no targets on their backs.


The following day, Feng Xuan went back to work and did it on repeat for the rest of the week. However, she did not escape from Qing Chen's eyes.

"What's bothering you?" he asked as he climbed on the bed.

Feng Xuan was fairly feeling better that day. That was why she was confused when he asked the question. "Uhm, nothing?"

"It's like your heart's not in it."

"Oh, at work?"

"It's really okay if you want to take a break."

"I'd really love a break," she said, turning the volume down on the TV. "But… I don't know what I am supposed to do if I ever go on a break."

There was this feeling in her body that she wanted to do something but did not know what it was. It was eating her from the inside.

"It wouldn't hurt to try something new. Do you want to get into some classes? Pottery? Glass-blowing? Wood workshop?" Qing Chen suggested and Feng Xuan laughed. "Or maybe a new language."

"Yeah, I should probably look into those stuff. I'm bored with life." Feng Xuan looked back at her life when things were not placed in front of her for the taking. She remembered those days when she was in college and she had to work to be able to sustain her other needs because her father refused to indulge her like the rest of the rich people do.

Life was so much more interesting when you have an end goal.

"I don't know what do to," she mumbled, her lips dropping along with her mood.

"How about this? You write down all the things that you have never tried before and we'll put it in a box. Tomorrow, you can pick one of the papers and do it."

Half-heartedly, Feng Xuan tore a page from her notebook and wrote down things. At first, she was not really thinking. She was just listing things at the top of her head: get a nose piercing, hike a waterfall, skydive, ride a jetski, birdwatching, learn how to surf (indoor)…

As she listed down the things that she really did not want to do, the things that she WANTED to do started to come out like: aerial yoga, paint easter eggs, redesign the house, try golf, visit a farmer's market, start a garden, get a pet…

"Alright, looking good," Qing Chen smiled at her when the papers were put in one of the vases from her nightstand. "New things are coming tomorrow."

"Hopefully," she said.

But deep inside, she knew that there was just really one thing that she wanted to do.

To get out of the quiet.

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