"You don't need to worry," her mother-in-law told her as her eyes scanned the place. "It's a family's property. It's quiet here."

She got the idea that it would be really quiet as they were in the car for more than half an hour. They pretty much got away from the bustling streets of the crowded city. But still, her eyes flicked to the possible exits if ever there was something unexpected that would arise.

They were in a garden at a back of an fully furnished and yet empty house. There weren't flowers around the place, just bushes and the soft grass under her heels. They were seated at a white metal table with matching chairs. It wasn't the most ideal piece of furniture for long talks so Feng Xuan was thinking that they were not going to stay for a good amount of time here.

The service was quick and small plates of food were served. There were noodles and shrimp with cream sauce. Side dishes littered the table.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/try_52180731379636457">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/try_52180731379636457</a> for visiting.

"I actually ordered this," the woman said, a tinge of pink on her cheek in slight shame. "Forgive me, I heard that you're a good chef. You probably don't like takeout food."

She smiled, "I actually enjoy takeout food. We all have to take a break in the kitchen at some point."

"You see, I didn't really think that I would be meeting you today. I got up this morning thinking about it but not that I would act on it. It was just when I was in the car that I thought that I should pay you a visit."

"Where were you initially going?"

"I thought that would visit one of my sons," she said and her face grew tight. "But I don't think I have enough courage to face them yet."

Feng Xuan nodded understandably, "It would be great to take small steps."

"Let's eat," said Hao Suyin.

For a few moments they were quiet. Feng Xuan was starving. That morning, she woke up late and only had a cup of coffee before she went out of the house. Her second cup was in the office and it did not really stop the grumbling of her stomach.

While eating, she could not stop herself from taking quick glances at the woman in front of her. It was hard to see her in the car earlier as they were sitting side by side. Now that she could see her clearer, she could not help but notice just how she really looked like Qing Chen.

She could not place it. Was it in the curve of their eyes? Or the smooth slope of their jaws? Was it the sharpness of the nose? Or was it in her eyes, just a few shades lighter than Qing Chen's blue-green ones.

It was like her entire system forgot that her mother-in-law was foreign with her skin looking paler than Feng Xuan's.

She quickly turned her attention to her food when she sensed that the other woman was going to raise her head. "Tell me, Feng Xuan…"

She quickly swallowed, thinking that she was going to be asked a difficult question that she did not know the answer to.

"What have you been up to these days?"

A nervous laughter escaped her lips. "I honestly feel like I've been out and about for the past few weeks. I've been trying a lot of things. I'm in the search of something that would help me find peace."

Only when the words were out of her mouth did she realize how stupid she sounded. Finding peace? What the hell is wrong with you?! she scolded herself.

The woman nodded her head naturally. "Marriage can get boring sometimes. Especially when husbands are businessmen, they get really busy. Wives always have to find something to entertain themselves. Have you tried to paint?"

"I don't think I have the hand for creating things like that."

"Why not? I've seen some of your pastries. They look really great."

It was like she hit pause for a moment.

"I'm sorry. It sounded creepy, doesn't it?" Hao Suyin said. "I've looked over your life while I was on the way to your office. I guess the right word for it nowadays is 'stalking'."

Not her mother-in-law admitting that she really did stalked Feng Xuan's life. "It's warranted," she only replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I guess, Qing Chen told you everything about me? About all the," she waved a finger in a circle, "mess that we call life?"

Feng Xuan nodded. "In light of that, I had been thinking ever since we left the house. I really want to help you reconcile with your family. I knew that you just made those decisions for them, of what you think what was best at that situation. You thought you were making the best choice."

Her mother-in-law's eyes glistened for a second and Feng Xuan got alarmed that she was going to start crying. She didn't know what she would do if that was going to happen.

"Thank you, for the sympathy," the woman said. "But those decisions were also the reason why my sons don't trust me. A weakness that most women have is emotions. This is why in the past we are viewed as people who should not be making decisions. Because we let our hearts rule when it's the head who was supposed to be making sense. Now I know that the decisions I did before were not the best ones and that it costed me my family. I was too headstrong.  I appreciate that you spared the thought of helping me with my sons. But at this point, it is kind of a hopeless case at the moment."

"Well, as I've said earlier, you can take small steps. I think they are still recovering from the shock. They haven't really taken in that you're here. That you're alive. They are mad, sure. But I know that they will be able to forgive you."

The woman shook her head. "I hope they will. But they were taught to shield out emotions since they were young. They were raised to be ruthless killers."

"If they were, they would've let you died on that roof."

Hao Suyin laughed. "I'm not going to lie. When I was there, there was a slight fear in me that they would really let Checks end me." Then her face dropped again. "But maybe that would have been a better choice."

Feng Xuan did not know what it was but her body started to heat up in disappointment and anger. How could this woman say that she would've rather died than get the cold shoulder from her sons? How could she say ending it all was better than living and trying to make up for the mistakes that she did?

She braced her hands on the armrests. "The least thing that you can do is try. After all, they did save you."

She didn't know how her words come out but her mother-in-law was taken aback. 

Feng Xuan did not let her speak. "We'll be hosting a show soon. I'll send you an invite. We'll see you there."

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