The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 410 - Where's Waldo?

When the fashion show was over, a lot of people stayed to enjoy the free snacks and tea that were being passed around. It was a good day for socializing and they were all taking advantage of the good weather. Even though it was cool, Feng Xuan could not wait to get out of the dress she was in.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/where&apos;s-waldo_52266316656072186">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/where&apos;s-waldo_52266316656072186</a> for visiting.

It looked beautiful but she really wanted to be more comfortable while she was moving around. It was the usual practice of going over the small circles of people and engage in small talk. There were only praises for YANG's show. 

Qing Chen was right beside her the whole time, listening and occasionally adding comments here and there. But she knew that half of his mind was somewhere else.

When they detached themselves from a group of older ladies and on the way to a table to replenish their refreshments, she grinned at him. "Having a hard time?"

"I can't believe I'm playing Where's Waldo? today," he said and downed his drink, his eyes fleeting everywhere. "Are you sure they are here?"

Feng Xuan laughed. "You tell me when you see them."

"This is nuts."

"Not really," said a familiar voice. Qing Chen whipped around and came face to face with a guy who looked like no one that he knew. But that voice.

"Wuming?" he asked in disbelief.

"Isn't this fun, brother?" his brother asked him from the other side of the table. He was in charge of arranging small plates of pastries. He was dressed as a waiter.

"What on earth is on your face?" Qing Chen asked, taking in the face that was apparently his brother's for the day. The whole face was rounded, eyes small, and the nose flat. It was a face that you would not look at and easy to blend with the crowd. "Prosthetics?"

Wuming's eyes moved but the make up barely budged as he raised his eyebrows up and down. "It's cool, isn't it? I didn't think that Addison knew what she was talking about when she got the idea. But she certainly knows what she was doing. I got up at five in the morning for this, but seeing your face makes it so worth it."

Qing Chen rolled his eyes. "Where is she?"

"Somewhere there. She can take care of herself."

"It looks really good," said Feng Xuan. "Maybe we can hire her if we ever think about releasing a fall collection. For the halloween part."

"Well, you know where to find us," smiled Wuming.

"So… any luck finding your mother?"

Wuming's face turned sour. When Qing Chen told him about this day, he was not really on board with the idea but at the same time he was curious with how things will turn out. After all, their father made the effort to be here today. Surely, their mother was here lurking somewhere. "I don't think I've seen her," he admitted.

Qing Chen turned to Feng Xuan. "How are you even sure that she's here?"

Feng Xuan was NOT sure about it. But she did not want for her confidence to waver. "She's here."

Wuming groaned like he was in pain. "This sucks," he commented. 

"Do you know what she looks like?" Qing Chen asked.

I'm as confused as you are! she wanted to tell him. "Nope. Stop stressing," she said and touched his arm. "You're taking the fun out of it."

Qing Chen gave her an incredulous look. 

"Yeah," Wuming seconded. "First to find our mother gets a price in the end."

"If we don't see her," said Qing Chen, "Let's just enjoy a good day."

"True. Let's have dinner at my place. I'm cooking."

Qing Chen and Feng Xuan walked towards another group of people.

"Does Wuming know how to cook?" Feng Xuan asked, a little concerned.

"Well…" Qing Chen answered. "Just don't be so surprised if he serves a ferret for the main dish."


Qing Chen was getting tired of meeting with people. They were about to complete the full circle when they finally found who they were looking for.

"I was just looking for you!" said the older lady to Feng Xuan with a pretty cloud of white hair. "This is Wu Changchang. She just got back from overseas and looking to make investments in businesses. She's staying for good."

Feng Xuan immediately recognized the person even though the face that she was wearing today was a little bit exaggerated. It was made obvious that she was a vain person. Her skin stretched to iron out the wrinkles. Filler on the lips and enhanced nose. It was uncanny how small changes on a face can change the whole output.

Feng Xuan offered her hand. "It's nice to meet you… is it Mrs. or Ms.?"

"Ms.," Qing Chen's mother smiled.

"This is my husband, Qing Chen," she introduced. Qing Chen held out his hand. "It's a pleasure."

"You two make a nice couple."

"Thank you," Feng Xuan smiled.

"Now," the older lady with white hair had her eyes on Qing Chen. "I don't know if it's just my eyes, but she does look a lot like someone I used to know. I just can't seem to place who it was."

Qing Chen's lips widened into a gorgeous beam. He was being charming to distract this lady. "I'm very certain this is the first time that I've seen Ms. Wu."

"Oh! It is just my eyes then. Excuse me, I will be taking some medicines." The older lady vanished and the three of them were left in silence.

"It is nice to see you, Qing Chen," said his mother to him. Her face was genuine.

"Sure," Qing Chen breathed out and sipped from his glass. "Did anyone else recognize you?"

"I got to be honest, all these people are new to my eyes."

"Well, a lot of people passed away when you were gone." He looked at her. "They all thought you were the first one to go."

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