The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 416 - May Your Body Never Rot When You Die

Finally their drinks arrived with a small tray of snacks and they all downed it to the bottom.

"You have to think long term, Lok," helped Wuming. "There isn't anything for us in the mafia. We are going to make everything of ours legal. That way, we wouldn't always have to look over our shoulders and see if there was someone aiming for our heads."

Qing Lok refused to look at both his brothers. He turned quiet. Sensing that he was not going to talk anymore, Wuming turned to Qing Chen who looked troubled with the way Qing Lok was acting.

"Hey," he said, diverting the attention. "What do we plan to do with this money? We should start creating new things with it. We can't let this rot in the banks."

"I know," Qing Chen said and finished his second drink. "That's why we're here. We're going to find something to invest all this money in. I'm looking into technology. Something groundbreaking."

"Unfortunately, our brother who knows a lot about it is not in a cooperative mood," teased Wuming and poked Qing Lok's side. His brother's body jumped to the side.

"Leave him be," said Qing Chen, the important thing was he was there. The least he could do was listen.

On an iPad he showed them the new patents of the things that he gathered from other companies. To be honest, Qing Chen was not interested in this. But who knows? Maybe they would be funding the next big revolutionary gadget.

Qing Lok ended up commenting on other things and they scrapped some of the ideas.

"I don't think this is going to work, Chen," said Wuming. "We don't know that much in gadgets."

Qing Chen leaned back against his seat tiredly. Last night, he thought that this would be a good idea, but hearing his brothers now, it might be bad. "A robot butler sounds great actually."

Wuming smiled. "Yup, it does."

"But we're not that far ahead in the future… we need something where we can dump our money NOW."

"Don't worry, Chen, we'll think of something." Wuming popped a dumpling inside his mouth.

Qing Chen turned on his phone and sent a message to his main directors.

"What did you do?"

"I told them to make an announcement that we are looking for new things to invest in. I'm sure a lot of people have crazy ideas. We're going to turn it into reality."

"Since you're trying to be a saint now," said Qing Lok, taking a piece of food for himself, "Why don't you try looking into the things that would end global warming. Or climate change? Or the plastic problem?"

"I don't know if you're being sarcastic," said Wuming with a smirk.

Qing Chen smiled. "I will look into that as well."

"May your body never rot when you die," said Qing Lok.

At some point, Qing Chen thought that Qing Lok meant it. It actually sounded like a death threat. "Oh, Lok, we all know we're going to burn for an eternity for everything that we did."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/may-your-body-never-rot-when-you-die_52473067254902584">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/may-your-body-never-rot-when-you-die_52473067254902584</a> for visiting.


Shedding the business talks and worries, the brothers finally started talking like normal people. Qing Lok was still being a bit distant but he was participating in the conversation.

"By the way," he said, "I got a package the other day."

"Me too," said Qing Chen.

Qing Lok and Qing Chen both turned to Wuming. "Of course I got one as well."

"Where did you put it?" asked Qing Lok.

"Mine's in the lowest shelf," answered Qing Chen with a grumble.

"Mine's at the backseat of the car. I think it rolled on the floor already though."

They turned expectantly to Wuming again. For some reason, he felt like he was being held in the hot seat. "I threw it," he shrugged.

Both of his brothers' eyes turned wide. "You did what?!" they screamed simultaneously.

"What am I supposed to do with it?" Wuming glared defensively, picking on the spring rolls on the plate.

"Not throw it at least?" suggested Qing Lok.

"Well, if you're going to look in the dumpster for it, then be my guest," he said and ate.

Qing Chen couldn't believe that one of them actually had the nerve to do it. Maybe he really throw his too. He put a mental note in his mind.

"Anyway," he said and stood up. "I'm going home. My wife might kill me if I'm late for dinner."

"Yeah, women actually turn to monsters if they're not fed," said Wuming.

"Aye," said Qing Lok.

"Meeting adjourned," said Qing Chen and they all fixed themselves and headed for the door.


Wuming was staying at one of the cabins of the Qing family in the woods. Nobody ever checks it and he found the keys right before they left the main house. Addison took a contract that day. It was a small job of eradicating a certain businessman.

Work consisted of riding in the car and dropping by at Enigma's place of businesses randomly. It was routine check to know that everything was working well. Also, they needed to collect money and get reports from their managers. When he and Qing Lok did this, he always felt like he was a cop rounding the streets, looking for a suspect. 

When he opened the door, he was welcomed by the empty living room. His eyes flitted immediately to the strange object on top of the fireplace.

It was in the color of deep blue, like the color of the water just after the sunset. Violet was splashed and covered the base of the object, mimicking a dark field of flowers which were dotted by muted bright colors.

Wuming sighed when he saw it. He needed a shower. He needed to clear his head if he was going to help Qing Chen think for the money. And he needed to think about why he lied to his brothers about why their mother's shell was displayed inside his house.

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