The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 418 - Blood On Your Hand

Feng Xuan did not want to treat Qing Chen that way. Swear to whoever was up there, she did not mean to come off as a cold person. The night before, Qing Chen looked like he was having a hard time. She wanted to ask him what happened at work and what he was stressing about.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/blood-on-your-hand_52528273153907289">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/blood-on-your-hand_52528273153907289</a> for visiting.

But she couldn't.

There was a sort of barrier that formed in her chest. She wanted to break it down but she guessed that she took it too hard when she found out that she somehow irritated Qing Chen.

She didn't want to acknowledge that she was an irritating wife.

That was it.

She was embarrassed for herself.

With things still calm in YANG, Feng Xuan had time to visit Gretel's—both branches. She was already making space in her mind that she was going to add new items in the menu, or limited specials to try it out with the customers.

She followed that up with a trip to the supermarket. She was going to get started immediately if she wanted to stop thinking about Qing Chen and stop the festering of her negative feelings towards her husband.

Really, she should apologize to him.

She sighed.

She was not in the rightful place to be mad at him anyways. He had been nothing but supportive while she was trying to figure out what she wanted with her life. She should be there for him and help him with the workload. It must be something about Enigma if he was having a hard time. Things in The Kingly Empire were easily resolvable.  All the problems in the world of business becomes repetitive and you only have to follow certain patterns to get through tough times.

Enigma, however, was like gambling. You never know what card you would be dealt with not unless you were the dealer.

Qing Chen did not look like he was not the person holding all the cards last night.

She should make him a delicious dinner that would come with her apology. They were going to spend the night catching up with one another and tomorrow they would be back to the loving couple that they were.

Feng Xuan was in the vegetables area when she caught site of the woman who was on the dairy section. The sharp shoulders and thin yet muscled frame looked familiar and all her instincts shot up.

She's here… again, her mind whispered.

She wheeled her cart towards the woman who was wearing a white dress and a rattan bag was slung over her chest. Her hair was short and was so black and straight.

Feng Xuan reached for the milk and was about to speak when she realized, the woman was not exactly who she thought it was.

It was not Ma Min.

She clamped on her lips and chewed on them for a moment, feeling embarrassed for herself. The woman was a middle-aged and looked nothing alike her female stalker.

She tried take a breath of relief but could not deny the course of disappointment in her chest.

Was she really disappointed?

"I cannot believe this," she muttered to herself. Grumbling, she pushed her cart towards the cashiers.


Qing Chen's message read: Enigma meeting tonight. Don't know at what hour I'll come home. I'll see you later.

Feng Xuan stared at the whole feast that she had prepared on the table. Now what was she supposed to do with all these food? It looked like Qing Chen was having a long night at The Kingly again.

But that was not going to stop her from feeding her husband. She packed the food, got dressed, called a driver and they were off to the hotel.

She never frequented the office below The Kingly. Although she was entitled to drop by at her leisure, she could not help but feel out of place whenever she visited there. She might've participated in the whole The Zookeeper shenanigan but the whole of Enigma was a different conversation.

She found the brothers inside the office and they all stood up when they all saw her on the doorway. "Good thing I brought enough food."

"Ah, you really shouldn't have," said Wuming with welcoming arms. He took the bags from her and Qing Lok quickly cleared Qing Chen's table and they were making it a makeshift dining table.

Feng Xuan looked over the office and found a whiteboard that had the scribbles of both Qing Chen and Wuming. They were a lot of crossed out things that she could not read what was under the lines.

The boys gubbled down the food and soon all the Tupperware were cleared. "What's going on?" Feng Xuan asked while wiping a napkin on her lips.

"Ah, we're just trying to make improvements in the mafia," answered Wuming.

It did not escape her eyes when Qing Lok rolled his eyes. Okay, something was not up to his taste. That was why he was not participative. "What about it?"

"Thinking about opening new businesses," answered Qing Lok. "Now that we're no longer friends with La Hiena, we are going to create a new money-generating scheme."

"Ah," she remarked. So that was why Qing Chen looked troubled. Honestly, she could not think of anything else that was missing. "Couldn't you just leave the money alone?"

"It's a waste at the banks. Also, in case… you know," said Wuming with a slight grimace on his face.

In case we get caught, was what he was trying to say. In case we get caught at least the money were out of the banks and they would be the only ones who would know where they were.

She backtracked. "Wait, La Hiena?"

"The druglord," said Qing Chen. "We're done with that business."

"Oh!" said Feng Xuan, this was what she was talking about. She had not been included in that kind of conversation. There was a small chipping in her chest about that realization.

But she could not blame her husband anyway. She was too busy lately that she could not be bothered about anything else other than the emotional and individual turmoil that she was going through ever since they had been done with The Zookeeper.

"Yeah," said Qing Lok. "Don't you think it's a bad decision? Because La Hiena will find someone else who will hold the gate open for him here in Chengshi."

Feng Xuan nodded. "He surely would find someone."

Wuming smirked. "I'd like to see him try. It's going to be—" then he slashed a finger on his neck. "Then voila. At some point, he's going to stop trying."

"Yeah, he's going to stop once all the hidden and smaller mafias here are after our whole family," Qing Lok retorted.

Qing Chen clicked his tongue. "No one's coming after us, Lok. I'm going to have to kill them all before they touch us. Do you understand me? I'll do anything for this family's safety. So just sit back, enjoy the perks, and stop whining like a kid."

Qing Lok's jaw tightened and he looked away from his brother. "Whatever you say, Chen. Blood on your hands. Not mine."

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