The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 420 - Little Monster

"Finally!" Wuming said and grinned at her. "I was honestly waiting for you to call, you know?" he scratched his head. "It took you quite a long time."

Feng Xuan breathed out nervously.

"You have quite the restraint that I didn't have," he laughed. "Anyway, shall we?"

Feng Xuan rubbed her hands together. "I honestly don't think this will help."

"Oh we never know," said Wuming with a wave of his hand. "We have to try to stop it first. Find something that would give you the same amount of thrill then try to level it. It's like a little monster. You don't have to give in to it. You just have to feed it from time to time."

Feng Xuan was chewing on her lips. She could not believe that she was here. Hell, she could not even believe that she actually texted Wuming to help her. But there was no one else out there, she thought.

"Hey," said Wuming and held her shoulders firmly. His eyes were so dark if you compare it to Qing Chen's blue-green glass ones. "You don't have to be so nervous. It's normal. I've been through the same thing."

"Well," she said and tried to keep up with his long strides. "If you were younger, would you have wanted this kind of help?"

"Of course," he nodded. "It might have help, but… I don't think it would actually stop me from being who I am today. I love the person I become, despite what others would say."

Feng Xuan cringed on the inside. She didn't think she would be able to love herself if she was going to love the thought of seeing the life of a person leave their body.

She shivered despite the spring heat. Wuming saw and laughed. "It's going to be fine. We're going to try to stop it, okay? Let's trust the process."


Feng Xuan did not think that Wuming would be able to pull it off, but he did. Then she slapped her own head and remembered that Wuming might not be in the family tree anymore, he was still a born Qing and had the same luxuries that his brother enjoyed.

He rented out a whole paintball park and invited some groups to come and play with them. The two of them versus the rest of the people.

"I don't think we'll succeed," Feng Xuan said and snapped the latch on Wuming's back. The vest felt heavy on her chest. She honestly felt thankful that she somehow hated the outfit as it was the emergence of the other side of her. 

"It's not about the success, sister-in-law," Wuming said and slung the paintball gun across his chest. They both head for the table, got their refills, and smaller guns. "It's just about having fun and satisfying that monster inside of you."

"I'm wondering…" she said and put another bag of paintballs on her belt.


"If we aren't doing this, what was the other thing on your mind."

Wuming's face twisted. "Oh, I don't think you'll like it."

"Tell me."

"It's gruesome."

"It's okay."

"Okay…" Wuming said but didn't say anything.

"Wuming, it's fine!" she bursted.

"I just don't think it's proper to say to anyone, you know?" his face was still all scrunched up.

"Well, I want to know."

Wuming laughed. "Damn, you could be more persistent than Chen, you know that?"

"Stop diverting the topic."

"Alright, gee," he grinned, but suddenly remembering what they were talking about, his smile immediately disappeared. "Well… the second idea that I had was…"

"With the way you're hesitating, it didn't sound like that was your second idea."

"Yeah, this was actually the first idea. Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel ashamed."

"Stop stalling. What is it?"

"I was thinking about buying a prisoner. Or find someone on the wanted list."


"Then we're going to strap him to a chair or hang him from the ceiling and torture him."

Feng Xuan's stomach turned. "What?!"

"See?" Wuming's eyes widened, like he could not believe that he thought about that either. Feng Xuan would have laughed if they weren't talking about something so grave. "I told you. Don't worry, I was going to find someone who has done very very heinous crimes that you would not feel guilty because they deserved it."

Wuming passed her the safety goggles. She took it.

Feng Xuan did not see herself as someone who should pass on judgements against others. Her conscience had been clear about the people she ended during their attack on The Zookeeper. They were after her. They were going to kill her. But… a person who had done nothing wrong to her? A person who did not mean her harm? And she was going to cause them pain?

Feng Xuan shivered at the thought.

Wuming smiled at her sadly. "It gets easier. You might think that it would be the worst thing that you're going to do, and it might be. But along the way, you won't lose sleep anymore. You just have to remember, it might not have happened to you, but someone had experienced that pain, and someone would've experienced that pain if you didn't stop it."

"I guess that's what you tell yourself so you sleep better at night."

"It took practice," Wuming admitted. He snapped the googles over his eyes. "Anyway, that was why I thought of something more family friendly. I didn't want to push you into that. It actually involved hurting someone and that might only cause you to fall on the very cliff that we're avoiding. So… here we go."

Feng Xuan looked at the timer clock on the room. She jumped on her heels and started the breathing exercise that she had learned from Master back in the mountains. It would help adrenaline to come quicker and make her a better fighter. 

"If this turns out to be fun," Wuming said, "let's bring everyone else. I'd love to see who will win between Qing Chen and Qing Lok. They might be able to solve this stupid brotherly feud they were having recently."

Feng Xuan smiled for the first time that day. For now, she was just going to forget about the thoughts that had been running on her mind for the past few days and enjoy a day in the hot sun. "That sounds great."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/little-monster_52574085691012711">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/little-monster_52574085691012711</a> for visiting.


Feng Xuan put on her goggles. "Ready."

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