When Qing Chen got home that night, he smelled the cooking of Feng Xuan. Scout, the black labrador, came greeting him and asked to be pet. Qing Chen complied for a minute before withdrawing his hand from the dog who smelled clean, like it had just been given a bath.

"Hey," Feng Xuan smiled at him as she expertly cut up vegetables on her wooden board. "Had a great day?"

He mimicked her huge beam. "Yes," he took off his coat. "Probably one of the best days The Kingly and Enigma had in a while. We're moving forward with the plan." He told her of everything about the presentation as his wife continued cooking. "Sounds great, doesn't it?"

She nodded. "Sounds really big and exciting."

"Speaking of exciting," Qing Chen reached for a piece of carrot and nibbled on it, "I heard you were out today."

Feng Xuan chuckled. "You really should take your eyes away from me even for just a day."

"The last time I was not careful, you wound up kidnapped." He looked at the fading scar on her temple—the one that she got when she was in that car accident that made her memories come back to her.

"Well, point taken, but I'm more capable now."

"I know," he said. "I'll try not to have you followed."

"You didn't say that you're going to take my tails off."

"No, I don't think I can do that." His eyebrows furrowed. "Do they bother you?"

She shook her head and gave her a look that said, why on earth do you think they would bother me? Feng Xuan always hated when Qing Chen turned his anger to his subordinates no matter how rare that happened. "I'm fine. It's just that, I hope that they don't tell you everything. So in a way I have something to tell you when you come home at night."

"Ah," he said in enlightenment. "Would it be just as good if I pretend that I just heard about it when you say it?"

"Hm," she thought about it. "But then your answer will not be authentic."

"Okay, I'll tell them not to tell me anything if it wasn't something that would cause alarm."

"Thank you," she said. "That's very assuring."

"So, how was your day with Wuming? Have you reached some sort of insight about what he does in life?"

"Oh, we just played paintball. He said it COULD help. He's trying to help me ease this so-called monster—his words not mine—from pushing me to kill someone."

Qing Chen smiled. See, he didn't have to get into the specifics. His wife was just spilling everything like an overflowing glass of water. Finally she was being honest with him, and herself. That was all he wanted for her. "You know," he said, trying to be cautious, "why don't you just try it?"

"Try what?"

"Be on his line of business." That was the subtlest way he could say it. "I'm sure he'd be more than willing to make you tag along on a contract."

Feng Xuan grimaced. "I'm trying to escape it, Chen." She looked pained. "I'm trying not to be that kind of person."

But there was no escaping who you are, he wanted to say. But he didn't want to scare her. He took a step closer and pressed a kiss on the side of her head. "I'll support you in every way I can in the things that you think will help you."

It seemed like she didn't want to face who she was. Maybe she was really a born killer. It wasn't uncommon. It was definitely not unheard of. Wuming was one of those people. Only a handful of them could live that kind of life.

Maybe his wife was one of them?

"Thanks, Chen," Feng Xuan smiled. "I'll try to hold out as long as I can."

He smiled back at her, mustering on it all the comfort he could give. "I'm sure you'll do your best."


For a few days it had been quiet in Feng Xuan's life. After that long afternoon in the paintball park, Feng Xuan had been able to focus once again in her work. She had fallen back in her usual routines.

But around a week after shooting people with balloons filled with paint, the desire inside of her started again. Should she really start seeing a psychologist about it? A psychiatrist perhaps? But who was going to say that expert would not point her to the police or lock her up in an institution as she had the tendencies to murder someone?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/m.m._52612055886265808">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/m.m._52612055886265808</a> for visiting.

She breathed out as she finished her report for the night. It included the projected sales of YANG until the end of the year if they keep up with the pace that they were selling. It was filled with graphs and lines in different colors showing the projected progression of their business.

She was going on her third cup of coffee for the day when she noticed that there was a note that was tucked under her cup. She looked around her empty office and wondered who was it that brought her drink. She took the note and saw the unfamiliar writing.

"I haven't heard from you in a while. You know where to find me. ;)

- M. M."

With the initials, she could only guess that it was Ma Min. Besides, she was the only one with enough nerve to send her messages like that. Feng Xuan let the coffee sit as she attached the files on the email to be sent to everyone concerned in the company—one being her grandfather who had been really surprised at the return of his investment since YANG opened.

Finally, Feng Xuan took a sip of the coffee. If Ma Min had wanted to kill her, that girl would've already done so before.

Feng Xuan's face twisted in disgust and let the liquid back to the mug. 

That was the worst coffee she ever had.

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