The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 427 - Priceless Ticket

When Feng Xuan was only thirteen years old when she made her first kill. It was the day that her father took her to training classes with The Marshall than dropping her on gymnastics class.

She was excited to get back to the trainings. She believed that she had become a better fighter what with her ballet and gymnastics lessons. She had become more limber than ever! She couldn't wait but be put on a stage and punch some faces and kick some chests.

But the reality was much more practical. The training centre was empty. Even then, she had been lead into the bas.e.m.e.nt. She thought that her father must've planned something else for her—and she was not wrong. It was not a plan that she had been a fan of until now.

"I really don't think that this is the time," Feng Lizhao said as he pressed the buttons on the locked doors with the grills. It beeped twice before it opened. "But… The Marshall was insistent that we do this."


"This is for you to earn your ticket in his program."

"Okay," she said. "How much?"

Her father's face turned grim. "Priceless."

"Oh," she said. She had grown up in a household that could afford everything. This was the first time that heard her father used that word. She never thought that it existed in his vocabulary. "What am I supposed to do?"

"He'll explain everything," he said and opened a door.

Feng Xuan looked inside first before letting herself in. There was a ring inside and inside that ring was a man. He looked scrawny and scraggly. His hair was long and was peppered with white strands.

"Why is there a homeless man?" she quietly asked her father.

"That's not a homeless man, child," her father sighed, thinking that her daughter really should see more of the world as she didn't know how homeless people looked.

Feng Xuan looked at the man again and saw that he was actually clean and there were tattoos on his back and chest, swirling designs and some characters written in foreign letters. His eyes turned to Feng Xuan and she was startled by how black they were. She felt like she was being scratched from the inside.

"What the hell?" she whispered to herself. Why did that man looked like he was mad at her? This was the first time that she had seen him. Wait, was he one of her father's men?

"There you are, my little prodigy!"

Her mood instantly lifted when she saw The Marshall smiling at her. "Hello, Master," she greeted politely. "I heard that you might take me back in your program?"

"Well, your father asked about it. I'm more than willing to give you a slot of course. Your mother got in the way of your training and I have to measure how far you've lagged behind."

Feng Xuan pouted at that. She didn't want to think that she had somehow lost all her magic in fighting. She was good at it. The Marshall being frank about this knocked her confidence down. Maybe she should not return.

But the thought of doing gardening and cooking for people in the future made her want to barf. She would endure this rigorous training once more if that would mean that she was going to escape that fate.

"Alright," she said, slipping her bag to the floor. She started stretching her arms. "Where do you want me?"

"On the ring," The Marshall said, nodding that way. "You're going to fight that person inside."

Her eyebrows shot up to her forehead. It was nothing new that The Marshall was making her spar with someone older than her. But there was a crazed look behind the man's eyes. "He looks like he wants to kill me then eat me," she said, pulling her leg from behind until it touched the back of her head.

"Oh he will do that," said The Marshall matter-of-factly. "So you have to fight like you're going to die. Because you will if you don't."

"WHAT?!" she turned to her father. "You brought me here to die?"

"Child, you aren't going to die, of course." Her father looked like he was giong to mourn. "We're going to kill him before he gets the chance to do that."

"You mean when I'm in the brink of death?"

The Marshall cut in their conversation. "That man just escaped prison. He had been there for twenty years. He was arrested for breaking into people's homes and killing after robbing them. He got the life sentence!" He patted Feng Xuan's shoulder. "You're going to be fine," he told her. "I know you'll do well. Remember: your instincts will take over in the moment of survival."

Feng Xuan was uncertain. "Wait, am I supposed to kill that man?"

"Yes," her instructor replied cheerfully. "You're going to get your first kill today. Isn't that exciting?"Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/priceless-ticket_52731868025517556">#&apos;s-rose-married-the-ceo_15939261805465305/priceless-ticket_52731868025517556</a> for visiting.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. How could this be exciting? "You approve of this?!"

Her father only cowered under her gaze. "You're going to be fine," was what he only told her.

Then she turned her blame to her instructor, "This is the price for your program? A man's life?"

The Marshall was only looking straight ahead on the ring. "I own an assassin's school. Everyone could get in there. But not everyone has the guts to kill a man. Once you do that, then I'll know that you will not chicken out when you're on the job." 

He turned her and bent down a little to match her height. The gesture made Feng Xuan's blood boil. He had just reminded her that she was only a little girl. "Now, are you going to get inside that ring? Or are you going to go home?"

You damn bet Feng Xuan got in that ring, her blood on fire. The results were already fixed. She emerged from that ring with the ticket to the training school.

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